How do aliens look like?


Nov 14, 2012
Does not really fit to the "Paranormal" forum, but well...

Given that there is intelligent life comparable to us in space, how does it look like?

Why, that is my question, should it look like this:

Wouldn´t it be probable that aliens look just like we do?
Naw, them fellers look like this-


Kidding aside, some say gravity, climate, and all the other environmental factors woulld effect how they look. They also say the the gray's (whats in your pic) are actually nothing but workers or drones of the real aliens.
Kidding aside, some say gravity, climate, and all the other environmental factors woulld effect how they look. They also say the the gray's (whats in your pic) are actually nothing but workers or drones of the real aliens.
Not stupid. But I would use an AI instead of such workers for some reasons.
in the interest of the now so very shaky-shaken-poisoned planet earth that is on the brink of a gathering environmental catastrophe collapse in decades to come, a poisoned tiny planet earth that is soon to enter a state beyond salvaged-saved-healthy that present day humanity of over 7 billions in 2013 still does inhabit

this is a letter of protest and of complaint, a letter of categorical refusal and of worldwide rejection, a letter that has to go out and must be read, in the interest of humanity’s short term and humanity’s long term chance for global survival, for a plentiful prosperity and for a positive propensity

this letter to be read by all those to whom this letter is addressed and who know that it is them who are meant, who need to listen real quick and fast, deep and hard and who need to stop pumping the bully boys in washington with all that devastating space weaponry chunk from outer space and from beyond as a trade off in a power thrilling bully boy power game in which the cosmic bully boy visitors have and get a power thrilling leg up and a fast fix base on tiny planet earth while in reality those cosmic bullies should be helping mass humanity and not bond with incurable humanity’s power bully boys across tiny-rejected-odd washington.

the point is clear and crisp, cosmic bully boys, please do not mess up humanity, please do try to control your aggressive bully playfulness and start helping humanity instead as so many others across this solar system do and try and have been doing for a very long long long long while

it has to be clearly said and stated across the whole galaxy and far beyond the present dimensioned, it has to be emphasized on behalf of hungry, thirsty, turmoiled and overpopulating humanity on this tiny planet earth that the time for silly-greedy-bully, cosmic gun games and for aggressive-divisive-criminal, cosmic power plays should and must stop immediately, no matter how badly those, humanity bothering, boldly travelling, bully boy extra terrestrials are stuck and lost in their cruel primitive, pointless aggressive that makes them extend help and assistance to human bully boys who congregate and assemble here on earth in various assemblies across washington in their preponderate ways which promote and propagate views and propositions which are nothing but humanity alarming-unsettling-threatening preposterous which are in no way anywhere else on planet earth amongst any other of the very many states-tribes-nations an acceptable fashion-reason-rational.

in no way is it acceptable, as all those concerned, well do know themselves, for anyone from anywhere to view humanity so most dismissively, short shrift cheaply within that aggressive cosmic power game that feeds and encourages outlandish-irresponsible-irreconcilable bully boy games here on earth amonst equal types of nosense that they so proudly brandish-unleash-fop against harmless-loving-friendly, one humanity family, as an irrelevant plaything on this tiny, innocent, defenceless, harmless planet earth.

do help if you can but otherwise buzz off with your aggressive, bully boy technologies, where you came from and stay there indefinitively – bye bye, you do not need to write nor indeed, ever return but instead do really try to right your aggressive-driven view-ways, as you learn to love instead, igor zupnik 10feb2013
Why does everyone assume that Alien life (if it exists) is of superior intelligence? Maybe aliens on another planet are at the Cro-Magnon point of their evolution and are still living in caves.
Does not really fit to the "Paranormal" forum, but well...

Given that there is intelligent life comparable to us in space, how does it look like?

Why, that is my question, should it look like this:

Wouldn´t it be probable that aliens look just like we do?

Who says there is intelligent life in space?

Who says ther is intelligent life on earth?

I can speak for all life in the universe but Beta Triangulans look like earth cats.
We are much smarter though we don't lick our butts.
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When I look at the images dubbed to be 'alien'... I must miss what seems obvious to most. What I see is genetic frailty. Maybe that isn't even the right expression but it's not necessarily superior in the ways that the most accepted scientific articles have boasted.

The pics from historic devastations, like the concentration camps and the effects metal poisoning... and such remind me of the physical appearances that potentially suggest a supernatural spirit... spiritual hierarchy but those things are not understood adequately and it seems that any infatuation toward the yet explained is completely unwise.
Does not really fit to the "Paranormal" forum, but well...

Given that there is intelligent life comparable to us in space, how does it look like?

Why, that is my question, should it look like this:

Wouldn´t it be probable that aliens look just like we do?

Who says there is intelligent life in space?

Who says ther is intelligent life on earth?

I can speak for all life in the universe but Beta Triangulans look like earth cats.
We are much smarter though we don't lick our butts.

Um.... say what?! :eusa_silenced:

Why does everyone assume that Alien life (if it exists) is of superior intelligence? Maybe aliens on another planet are at the Cro-Magnon point of their evolution and are still living in caves.

I suppose it is because people assume that if we ever meet aliens from another world it is because they found us, not because we found them, and Cro-Magnon man isn't capable of interplanetary travel.
Naw, them fellers look like this-


Kidding aside, some say gravity, climate, and all the other environmental factors woulld effect how they look. They also say the the gray's (whats in your pic) are actually nothing but workers or drones of the real aliens.


this is hilarious!!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

but seriously ... I have no idea how aliens look like..... but I have no doubt they are out there. :)
Taking into account the vast enormity of the universe and the endless possibilities of planets with life I would have to say that alien life forms could range the gamut of life we have here on this planet. Not all alien life forms would be intelligent and I daresay some of them are more intelligent than humans.

The probability of us ever meeting these alien lifeforms is almost nil as the laws of the universe seem to constrict travel to only our solar system. However the universe of our minds can leap the boundaries imposed upon us by our physical world.
Why does everyone assume that Alien life (if it exists) is of superior intelligence? Maybe aliens on another planet are at the Cro-Magnon point of their evolution and are still living in caves.

Probably most if there are, alien races are less advanced than us, but the ones we will meet will be far advanced.

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