How CPS uses experts & shaken baby syndrome to destroy lives


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.
They know it is the vaccines and yet would rather blame anything or anyone else.
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.

Evidently all assholes don't understand it. You seem to have it all wrong.
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.

Evidently all assholes don't understand it. You seem to have it all wrong.

You should educate yourself and quit being such an ignorant ass.

VAERS reports
Saved Request: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), D24F910

Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome
F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

Child abuse is a terrible crime and the failure to recognize it is unforgivable. An erroneous diagnosis of inflicted head trauma is just as tragic and the resulting destruction of a family is one of the gravest injustices of modern times. Many have recently questioned the existence of the so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and the concept that the last caretaker must have been guilty. Careful reviews often uncover relevant findings that were missed or ignored. Recent pediatric vaccinations have been suspected as precipitating factors. A recent combination of seven antigens is the focus of this investigation.

The problem
I have recently reviewed several pediatric records in order to determine whether infants diagnosed with “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS) had underlying medical conditions that could explain the findings attributed to inflicted trauma.

The similarity between four cases intrigued me and prompted this investigation. Although geographically distant, the four infants (two boys and two girls) had much in common. They all had complicated past histories and medical conditions that could have very well explained their pathological findings. They had not been abused as far as I could tell and they had received the same three vaccines within three weeks of their apparent life-threatening event (ALTE).

The three vaccines in question were

  • A 5 in 1 vaccine combination
  • A HIB conjugate vaccine
  • A 7-valent pediatric pneumococcal vaccine
The 5 in 1 vaccine combination was licensed in the United States in December 2002. It contains the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines in addition to the hepatitis B and the inactivated-polio-virus vaccines. Infants receiving the recommended dose of vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, after the neonatal dose of hepatitis B vaccine, would be receiving four doses of hepatitis B vaccine. The pentavalent vaccine is thimerosal-free but contains more aluminum per dose than any other vaccine. The patient information pamphlet published in 2004 states that “Brain or nervous system disease, collapse or periods of unconsciousness or lack of awareness and seizures have occurred with other pertussis-containing vaccines. Other serious events including death have occurred after vaccinations; however, these risks are extremely small…

Both the DTaP and Hepatitis B components of the vaccine had been previously licensed and used in the United States. The IPV component had been used in several European countries since 1996 but had not been approved or licensed by the FDA.

The HIB (Haemophilus influenzae B) vaccines available in the United States since 1990 are produced by several manufacturers. They are conjugate vaccines prepared by adding a diphtheria-, meningococcal-, or tetanus-related component to the HIB polysaccharide vaccine to improve immunogenicity. For the purpose of this report, they will not be further identified because they differ ever so slightly and are, in fact, interchangeable. The HIB vaccine primary series is administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in early 2000 and the primary series is also usually administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The thimerosal-free mega-combination contains 1200 mcg of aluminum salts as an adjuvant (850 mcg in the 5 in 1 vaccine, 225 mcg in the HIB vaccine and 125mcg in the pneumococcal vaccine). It is presently recommended for the primary series because it provides seven antigens in only three injections.

According to the FDA, “Chapter 21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations [610.15(a)] limits the amount of aluminum in biological products, including vaccines, to 0.85 mg/dose.” []...........more at link Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome by F. Edward Yazbak
Actually, it is shaken babies whose lives are often destroyed or ended due to massive brain hemorrhage. They stop breathing. Some that are saved are blind or brain damaged for life. The lucky ones, with extensive rehabilitation, are able to regrow synapses around the injured parts of the brain and lead normal or fairly normal lives.

In nine years as a CPS caseworker, one of the images seared in my brain is a three month old infant laying in a standard size intensive care hospital bed with tubes everywhere, skin grey, black eyes, his soft spot bulging outward, due to shaking. Ultrasounds showed it was not the first time he had been shaken. He survived, was adopted by a foster family and at age 3 he was running around happy and mostly normal except for some left side weakness. Any real cognitive damage would be discovered later.

I never saw a parent arrested although I had several shaken baby cases. It couldn't be proven who did it, because in the time frame when the injury occurred, more than one person had access to the child. They did not get the chance to kill the baby again, though.

If you shake the baby just hard enough, it stops them crying. If you shake them a little too hard, they die.

Anyone who knows a stressed young parent with a fussy baby, offer to help by taking over so the parent can have a break. It is the incessant crying that sends frustrated parents over the edge, usually.
P.S. Another caseworker did have a case where the parents were proven innocent because further testing proved the child had an underlying condition which had caused the brain hemorrhaging. It is a fairly rare condition but it is bullshit to say parents do not get their "rights" to contest those kind of allegations. I spent a lot of time in court.
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.

Evidently all assholes don't understand it. You seem to have it all wrong.

You should educate yourself and quit being such an ignorant ass.

VAERS reports
Saved Request: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), D24F910

Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome
F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

Child abuse is a terrible crime and the failure to recognize it is unforgivable. An erroneous diagnosis of inflicted head trauma is just as tragic and the resulting destruction of a family is one of the gravest injustices of modern times. Many have recently questioned the existence of the so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and the concept that the last caretaker must have been guilty. Careful reviews often uncover relevant findings that were missed or ignored. Recent pediatric vaccinations have been suspected as precipitating factors. A recent combination of seven antigens is the focus of this investigation.

The problem
I have recently reviewed several pediatric records in order to determine whether infants diagnosed with “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS) had underlying medical conditions that could explain the findings attributed to inflicted trauma.

The similarity between four cases intrigued me and prompted this investigation. Although geographically distant, the four infants (two boys and two girls) had much in common. They all had complicated past histories and medical conditions that could have very well explained their pathological findings. They had not been abused as far as I could tell and they had received the same three vaccines within three weeks of their apparent life-threatening event (ALTE).

The three vaccines in question were

  • A 5 in 1 vaccine combination
  • A HIB conjugate vaccine
  • A 7-valent pediatric pneumococcal vaccine
The 5 in 1 vaccine combination was licensed in the United States in December 2002. It contains the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines in addition to the hepatitis B and the inactivated-polio-virus vaccines. Infants receiving the recommended dose of vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, after the neonatal dose of hepatitis B vaccine, would be receiving four doses of hepatitis B vaccine. The pentavalent vaccine is thimerosal-free but contains more aluminum per dose than any other vaccine. The patient information pamphlet published in 2004 states that “Brain or nervous system disease, collapse or periods of unconsciousness or lack of awareness and seizures have occurred with other pertussis-containing vaccines. Other serious events including death have occurred after vaccinations; however, these risks are extremely small…

Both the DTaP and Hepatitis B components of the vaccine had been previously licensed and used in the United States. The IPV component had been used in several European countries since 1996 but had not been approved or licensed by the FDA.

The HIB (Haemophilus influenzae B) vaccines available in the United States since 1990 are produced by several manufacturers. They are conjugate vaccines prepared by adding a diphtheria-, meningococcal-, or tetanus-related component to the HIB polysaccharide vaccine to improve immunogenicity. For the purpose of this report, they will not be further identified because they differ ever so slightly and are, in fact, interchangeable. The HIB vaccine primary series is administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in early 2000 and the primary series is also usually administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The thimerosal-free mega-combination contains 1200 mcg of aluminum salts as an adjuvant (850 mcg in the 5 in 1 vaccine, 225 mcg in the HIB vaccine and 125mcg in the pneumococcal vaccine). It is presently recommended for the primary series because it provides seven antigens in only three injections.

According to the FDA, “Chapter 21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations [610.15(a)] limits the amount of aluminum in biological products, including vaccines, to 0.85 mg/dose.” []...........more at link Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome by F. Edward Yazbak

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is an American anti-vaccine organization which has been widely criticized as a leading source of misinformation and fearmongering about vaccines.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[9] it promotes false and misleading information including the fraudulent claim that vaccines cause autism,[10][11][12] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives".
You are an ASS HOLE and a dumb one at that ..... lol
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.

Evidently all assholes don't understand it. You seem to have it all wrong.

You should educate yourself and quit being such an ignorant ass.

VAERS reports
Saved Request: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), D24F910

Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome
F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

Child abuse is a terrible crime and the failure to recognize it is unforgivable. An erroneous diagnosis of inflicted head trauma is just as tragic and the resulting destruction of a family is one of the gravest injustices of modern times. Many have recently questioned the existence of the so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and the concept that the last caretaker must have been guilty. Careful reviews often uncover relevant findings that were missed or ignored. Recent pediatric vaccinations have been suspected as precipitating factors. A recent combination of seven antigens is the focus of this investigation.

The problem
I have recently reviewed several pediatric records in order to determine whether infants diagnosed with “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS) had underlying medical conditions that could explain the findings attributed to inflicted trauma.

The similarity between four cases intrigued me and prompted this investigation. Although geographically distant, the four infants (two boys and two girls) had much in common. They all had complicated past histories and medical conditions that could have very well explained their pathological findings. They had not been abused as far as I could tell and they had received the same three vaccines within three weeks of their apparent life-threatening event (ALTE).

The three vaccines in question were

  • A 5 in 1 vaccine combination
  • A HIB conjugate vaccine
  • A 7-valent pediatric pneumococcal vaccine
The 5 in 1 vaccine combination was licensed in the United States in December 2002. It contains the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines in addition to the hepatitis B and the inactivated-polio-virus vaccines. Infants receiving the recommended dose of vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, after the neonatal dose of hepatitis B vaccine, would be receiving four doses of hepatitis B vaccine. The pentavalent vaccine is thimerosal-free but contains more aluminum per dose than any other vaccine. The patient information pamphlet published in 2004 states that “Brain or nervous system disease, collapse or periods of unconsciousness or lack of awareness and seizures have occurred with other pertussis-containing vaccines. Other serious events including death have occurred after vaccinations; however, these risks are extremely small…

Both the DTaP and Hepatitis B components of the vaccine had been previously licensed and used in the United States. The IPV component had been used in several European countries since 1996 but had not been approved or licensed by the FDA.

The HIB (Haemophilus influenzae B) vaccines available in the United States since 1990 are produced by several manufacturers. They are conjugate vaccines prepared by adding a diphtheria-, meningococcal-, or tetanus-related component to the HIB polysaccharide vaccine to improve immunogenicity. For the purpose of this report, they will not be further identified because they differ ever so slightly and are, in fact, interchangeable. The HIB vaccine primary series is administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in early 2000 and the primary series is also usually administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The thimerosal-free mega-combination contains 1200 mcg of aluminum salts as an adjuvant (850 mcg in the 5 in 1 vaccine, 225 mcg in the HIB vaccine and 125mcg in the pneumococcal vaccine). It is presently recommended for the primary series because it provides seven antigens in only three injections.

According to the FDA, “Chapter 21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations [610.15(a)] limits the amount of aluminum in biological products, including vaccines, to 0.85 mg/dose.” []...........more at link Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome by F. Edward Yazbak

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is an American anti-vaccine organization which has been widely criticized as a leading source of misinformation and fearmongering about vaccines.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[9] it promotes false and misleading information including the fraudulent claim that vaccines cause autism,[10][11][12] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives".
The VAER's reporting system at the CDC has the reports in it. The consumers are tired of being lied to by not only doctors on behalf of big pharma but also disgusted that the government has allowed this shit using them and their children as guinea pigs to go on for so long. Just because you are too ignorant, a paid pharma shill or too lazy to do the research for yourself doesn't make your claim that NVIC is merely fear mongering valid.
P.S. Another caseworker did have a case where the parents were proven innocent because further testing proved the child had an underlying condition which had caused the brain hemorrhaging. It is a fairly rare condition but it is bullshit to say parents do not get their "rights" to contest those kind of allegations. I spent a lot of time in court.
Perhaps you should be a defendant in court more often with false claims laid against you with having very few resources to help you defend yourself. You may become a little more empathetic with people attempting to defend themselves from false claims.
Where did you get your medical degree?
It doesn't take a medical degree to read the reports, studies, doctors findings and the accounts of what is happening to children through vaccines. An asshole wouldn't understand this though now would they.

Evidently all assholes don't understand it. You seem to have it all wrong.

You should educate yourself and quit being such an ignorant ass.

VAERS reports
Saved Request: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), D24F910

Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome
F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

Child abuse is a terrible crime and the failure to recognize it is unforgivable. An erroneous diagnosis of inflicted head trauma is just as tragic and the resulting destruction of a family is one of the gravest injustices of modern times. Many have recently questioned the existence of the so-called “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and the concept that the last caretaker must have been guilty. Careful reviews often uncover relevant findings that were missed or ignored. Recent pediatric vaccinations have been suspected as precipitating factors. A recent combination of seven antigens is the focus of this investigation.

The problem
I have recently reviewed several pediatric records in order to determine whether infants diagnosed with “Shaken Baby Syndrome” (SBS) had underlying medical conditions that could explain the findings attributed to inflicted trauma.

The similarity between four cases intrigued me and prompted this investigation. Although geographically distant, the four infants (two boys and two girls) had much in common. They all had complicated past histories and medical conditions that could have very well explained their pathological findings. They had not been abused as far as I could tell and they had received the same three vaccines within three weeks of their apparent life-threatening event (ALTE).

The three vaccines in question were

  • A 5 in 1 vaccine combination
  • A HIB conjugate vaccine
  • A 7-valent pediatric pneumococcal vaccine
The 5 in 1 vaccine combination was licensed in the United States in December 2002. It contains the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccines in addition to the hepatitis B and the inactivated-polio-virus vaccines. Infants receiving the recommended dose of vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months of age, after the neonatal dose of hepatitis B vaccine, would be receiving four doses of hepatitis B vaccine. The pentavalent vaccine is thimerosal-free but contains more aluminum per dose than any other vaccine. The patient information pamphlet published in 2004 states that “Brain or nervous system disease, collapse or periods of unconsciousness or lack of awareness and seizures have occurred with other pertussis-containing vaccines. Other serious events including death have occurred after vaccinations; however, these risks are extremely small…

Both the DTaP and Hepatitis B components of the vaccine had been previously licensed and used in the United States. The IPV component had been used in several European countries since 1996 but had not been approved or licensed by the FDA.

The HIB (Haemophilus influenzae B) vaccines available in the United States since 1990 are produced by several manufacturers. They are conjugate vaccines prepared by adding a diphtheria-, meningococcal-, or tetanus-related component to the HIB polysaccharide vaccine to improve immunogenicity. For the purpose of this report, they will not be further identified because they differ ever so slightly and are, in fact, interchangeable. The HIB vaccine primary series is administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in early 2000 and the primary series is also usually administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age.

The thimerosal-free mega-combination contains 1200 mcg of aluminum salts as an adjuvant (850 mcg in the 5 in 1 vaccine, 225 mcg in the HIB vaccine and 125mcg in the pneumococcal vaccine). It is presently recommended for the primary series because it provides seven antigens in only three injections.

According to the FDA, “Chapter 21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations [610.15(a)] limits the amount of aluminum in biological products, including vaccines, to 0.85 mg/dose.” []...........more at link Multiple Vaccinations and the Shaken Baby Syndrome by F. Edward Yazbak

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is an American anti-vaccine organization which has been widely criticized as a leading source of misinformation and fearmongering about vaccines.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[9] it promotes false and misleading information including the fraudulent claim that vaccines cause autism,[10][11][12] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives".
The VAER's reporting system at the CDC has the reports in it. The consumers are tired of being lied to by not only doctors on behalf of big pharma but also disgusted that the government has allowed this shit using them and their children as guinea pigs to go on for so long. Just because you are too ignorant, a paid pharma shill or too lazy to do the research for yourself doesn't make your claim that NVIC is merely fear mongering valid.

Why didn't you tell me you were a conspiracy theory nut up front? I can't see your tinfoil hat over the internet, you know.
P.S. Another caseworker did have a case where the parents were proven innocent because further testing proved the child had an underlying condition which had caused the brain hemorrhaging. It is a fairly rare condition but it is bullshit to say parents do not get their "rights" to contest those kind of allegations. I spent a lot of time in court.
Perhaps you should be a defendant in court more often with false claims laid against you with having very few resources to help you defend yourself. You may become a little more empathetic with people attempting to defend themselves from false claims.
When an infant is in ICU because it stopped breathing and the brain imaging shows brain hemorrhage consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome, should CPS send it home with the parents until additional testing is done?
There are frequently bruises or fractured ribs as well.
P.S. Another caseworker did have a case where the parents were proven innocent because further testing proved the child had an underlying condition which had caused the brain hemorrhaging. It is a fairly rare condition but it is bullshit to say parents do not get their "rights" to contest those kind of allegations. I spent a lot of time in court.
Perhaps you should be a defendant in court more often with false claims laid against you with having very few resources to help you defend yourself. You may become a little more empathetic with people attempting to defend themselves from false claims.
When an infant is in ICU because it stopped breathing and the brain imaging shows brain hemorrhage consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome, should CPS send it home with the parents until additional testing is done?
There are frequently bruises or fractured ribs as well.
Every case I a m sure is an individual one. Children get bruises too so that wouldn't necessarily be a qualifier. My daughter broke her nose, bruised ribs, arm, etc. and blackened both eyes in one fall. She was playing spinning herself around to the music I had on. Am I an abuser for her falling or for letting her play in the house on a cold winter day. I don't think so. Today with vaccines known to cause encephalitis, brain swelling, thrombocytopenic purpura, etc... if she had a recent MMR vaccine that they are giving out today what could have happened? Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Safety Vaccines | Vaccine Safety | CDC

I had CPS visit me after a trip to the hospital years ago for one of my children. I threw the bitch out of my house. Fact is I should have never let her in the door. More young people should know their basic rights when it comes to matters as such. Thankfully a very dear lady that new me well was a senior member on the health and welfare board. My mom was giving me fits about tossing that twat out of the children and mine home. When I described in detail what transpired to my dear friend she told me I was right in tossing her out of my house (it happened that I lived in a house that my friend had rented some years previously). Common sense used to more generally prevail. I hear too many horror stories of abuse these days on the way CPS is handling some cases and where CPS is being the abuser not the parents. On that same note I recall high school teachers abusing students and it being widely known yet no one did a thing about it. One of those teachers was recruiting young girls to be in his porn flicks.
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
CPS has a hard job. They have to assume reports of abuse are true, so they might come on a little strong at first, but they aren't the enemy.
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality. Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
I'm not sure whether to call it it sociopathy or psychopathy.
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.
And now.....if it isn't enough to support men who sexually abuse women....let's support those who physically abuse babies. Yay!

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