How could ISLAMIC MONSTER treat their families this way?!?!?!?


Apr 22, 2007
Folks believe it or not this is mainstream Islam! This is what they believe and practice throughout the Islamic world and they even bring it into the west when they migrate here.

Long story short: The victim's family forced her at age 12 to marry a 60 year old man, who viciously beat her daily. When she complained to her family, they beat her and told her you are her husband's property. When she ran away, her brother tried to murder her with a ax!!!

People I have said it once and I'll say it again: Radical Islam isn't the problem, Islam itself is the problem!

Exclusive: How my brother tried to kill me in 'honor attack' -
This Pakistani girl's life of misery and suffering began at the tender age of 12, when instead of going to school she was married to a man old enough to be her grandfather. She says: "My family married me off when I was 12 years old. My husband was 60. Every day he would beat me. I would cry and beg him stop. But he just kept on beating me."

Packing up, shippping out of Afghanistan When Gul told her family what was happening, they responded in a way that shocked her. "My family would hit me when I complained. They told me you belong in your husband's house -- that is your life."

After five years of abuse, Gul Meena met a young Afghan man and finally gathered the courage to leave her husband in Pakistan. In November 2012 she packed up some belongings and they made their way across the border into Afghanistan to the city of Jalalabad.

Gul knew she was committing the ultimate crime according to strict Islamic customs -- running away from her husband with another man -- but she also knew she didn't want to continue living the life she had since her marriage.

"I'd tried to kill myself with poison several times but it didn't work. I hated my life and I had to escape. When I ran away I knew it would be dangerous. I knew my husband and family would be looking for me but I never thought this would happen. I thought my future would be bright," she says.

Days later her older brother tracked them down. Armed with an ax, he hacked to death Gul Meena's friend, and then struck his own sister 15 times -- cutting open her face, head and parts of her body.

Gul Meena shows me these scars -- taking off her headscarf, her finger gently running up and down the raised, freshly healed skin. She touches her head where the blade hit her and then shows me the deep cuts that were made to the back of her neck and her arms. It's clear to me she desperately tried to fight off her brother before she passed out.
Yup Women under Islam are little more than property. Of course people will claim It's not Islam it's local customs, but those customs seem to be in every corner of the Islamic world.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. In this case it's not local custom it's Islam itself.
One must keep in mind that the religion's founder was what we would classify today as a pedophile, thus marrying children to old men is acceptable to them. It's a religion that needs to be driven out of the west.
One must keep in mind that the religion's founder was what we would classify today as a pedophile, thus marrying children to old men is acceptable to them. It's a religion that needs to be driven out of the west.

Yep, but how could parents think this is OK no matter what their religion says. Leaving out the injustice of arranged marriages. Marrying your 12 yr old to a 60 yr old is pure and utter EVIL! Then when she tells you she he is torturing her and beating her, they take it out on her is again PURE EVIL.
And where the hell are Betty Freidan and the rest of the NAGS about this. The demand Women's Liberation but turn a blind eyes to the horrors visited upon female in the Islamic world.

One must keep in mind that the religion's founder was what we would classify today as a pedophile, thus marrying children to old men is acceptable to them. It's a religion that needs to be driven out of the west.

Now I would go one further and say it should be illegal world wide on the grounds of committing crimes against humanity. Short of that,yes it has no place in the west and needs to be driven out. Problem with that here in the USA is people don't know much about Islam,so they just believe what the MSM feeds them that it's an Abrahamic religion and thus just like Judaism and Christianity. If people knew it's founder was a pedophile,thief,murderer,womanizer they might not be so quick to except it. Mohammed isn't any better a person than Charles Manson. Actually I don't recall Manson being accused of pedophilia so Manson might be the better man. That's a sad statement for Islam's cult followers.
One must keep in mind that the religion's founder was what we would classify today as a pedophile, thus marrying children to old men is acceptable to them. It's a religion that needs to be driven out of the west.

Yep, but how could parents think this is OK no matter what their religion says. Leaving out the injustice of arranged marriages. Marrying your 12 yr old to a 60 yr old is pure and utter EVIL! Then when she tells you she he is torturing her and beating her, they take it out on her is again PURE EVIL.
Seriously,Islamic men probably treat their dogs better than their women. Why the west allows them in is beyond me. If it was any other group you'd hear screaming from the left. But when it comes down to human rights and Islam, crickets. Where is the gays rainbow flag and the woman libers? Why aren't they camped out in front of every major mosque or consulate building screaming for equality and freedom for woman and gays in Islamic countries? Guess protesting Chick Fil A is more important than gays being killed in Islamic countries. Burning your bra to support abortion is more important than women being sprayed with acid or hacked to death in an honor killing. Go figure.
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Well when people are brainwashed from birth to worship the false god of a pedophile prophet, one might expect their morals to be a little skewed.
Well when people are brainwashed from birth to worship the false god of a pedophile prophet, one might expect their morals to be a little skewed.

True,but what is the unbrainwashed people's excuse for excepting it with open arms? Why are we allowing Islam to creep into the west? It's time to drop the PC and take a serious look at who and what is setting up shop in our backyards.
It is a serious issue, Longknife. There are Islamic jihadist training camps set up in Alabama, north Ga., North Carolina, NY , elsewhere and although the government is aware of it they allow it. Exactly what do they think they are training for? Fun? No. There is going to be a day of Jihad against America I expect - I do not know when but we can fully expect it. The rhetoric from the mosques inside the USA is not about peace, love and joy. These people are praying for the deaths of Americans and Israelis. America is the big satan, Israel is the little satan. That hasn't changed. I remember a letter I read from a Indian woman who had survived gang rape and life under Islam when they took Bangaladesh. She said she was writing the letter to plead with the american people not to believe the lies the Islamists told them. That allowing Islam to take root in America would be the equivalent of turning a basket full of poisonous snakes loose in your home and then turning out the lights to go to sleep. Her letter was one of great desperation and sincerity as she spoke of villages burned to the ground, children hacked to death with machetes, women raped and kept as sex slaves - in pens - naked - tortured every single day - an unspeakable existance for any human being and she had lived through it all only to warn a sleeping America who failed to heed her cry. Ariana Fallaci cried out for 20 years to Italy to not allow the migration of islam into her nation - they did not warn her and today many italians say Oh Fallaci's book was a masterpiece - The Rage and the pride. Why didn't we listen to her while we could?
Then Fallaci moved to her apartment in New York and again she warned Americans as she had Italy. ......and then 9/11 happened.
To be fair, Bill Clinton warned Bush about Osama and you see the end result.

I know it's not kosher, but I do view religions in the same light to a degree. The way I see it, Islam is stuck in its "Crusade" phase, something Christianity grew out of. It allows a lot of violent crimes to occur and there's nothing any of us can do about because then you're an Islamaphobe or something.

I hate radicals. I hate how they have most normal Muslims locked in fear of speaking out against them. I have friends in Cairo who have to basically march in lockstep with whatever the Brotherhood says or they might be shot.

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