How Conservatism Killed The GOP

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
How The Conservatism Killed The GOP

1. If the GOP of today were the GOP of our fathers and grandfathers, all of us would be better off. The GOP of old had great liberals in it's ranks. Most all the great past achievements the GOP crows about today were liberal ideas made policy and law.

2) Over the past 3 or 4 decades the conservatives in the GOP have chased out most every liberal in it's midst. They no longer have a voice representing the people. They have a voice representing the conservative fringe.

3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

The GOP is not longer great or grand.

How The Conservatism Killed The GOP

1. If the GOP of today were the GOP of our fathers and grandfathers, all of us would be better off. The GOP of old had great liberals in it's ranks. Most all the great past achievements the GOP crows about today were liberal ideas made policy and law.

2) Over the past 3 or 4 decades the conservatives in the GOP have chased out most every liberal in it's midst. They no longer have a voice representing the people. They have a voice representing the conservative fringe.

3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

The GOP is not longer great or grand.


It was actually progressivism that killed the GOP, but whatever.
3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

Now here I think you are wrong. The Tea Party us actually the liberal part of the country trying to be heard. Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left. There are a few so called social conservatives trying to hijack it but so far the Tea Party has taken no stance on abortion, gays or any other of the social right pet issues.
How The Conservatism Killed The GOP

1. If the GOP of today were the GOP of our fathers and grandfathers, all of us would be better off. The GOP of old had great liberals in it's ranks. Most all the great past achievements the GOP crows about today were liberal ideas made policy and law.

2) Over the past 3 or 4 decades the conservatives in the GOP have chased out most every liberal in it's midst. They no longer have a voice representing the people. They have a voice representing the conservative fringe.

3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

The GOP is not longer great or grand.


It was actually progressivism that killed the GOP, but whatever.

Actually, a populist conservatism is now destroying the GOP.

Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and other great GOP leaders were liberals or progressives. All would be unwelcome in today's GOP
3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

Now here I think you are wrong. The Tea Party us actually the liberal part of the country trying to be heard. Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left. There are a few so called social conservatives trying to hijack it but so far the Tea Party has taken no stance on abortion, gays or any other of the social right pet issues.

The tea party is libertarian in nature. "That government is best which governs least" -thomas paine.
How The Conservatism Killed The GOP

1. If the GOP of today were the GOP of our fathers and grandfathers, all of us would be better off. The GOP of old had great liberals in it's ranks. Most all the great past achievements the GOP crows about today were liberal ideas made policy and law.

2) Over the past 3 or 4 decades the conservatives in the GOP have chased out most every liberal in it's midst. They no longer have a voice representing the people. They have a voice representing the conservative fringe.

3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

The GOP is not longer great or grand.


It was actually progressivism that killed the GOP, but whatever.

Actually, a populist conservatism is now destroying the GOP.

Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and other great GOP leaders were liberals or progressives. All would be unwelcome in today's GOP

Ummmmmm Populist conservatism is progressivism silly man.

Bush was a progressive....look at his spending, medicare part d, patriot act. Reagan was not a progressive but a social and economic conservative.

compare and contrast the 2 if you are confused.
3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

Now here I think you are wrong. The Tea Party us actually the liberal part of the country trying to be heard. Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left. There are a few so called social conservatives trying to hijack it but so far the Tea Party has taken no stance on abortion, gays or any other of the social right pet issues.

There is very little that is liberal about the Ta Party leaders or the movement -- classic or neo.

The Tea Party movement and it's rallies had signs with expressions of their fanaticism and conservatism. I saw no liberal ideas on any signs. The very idea of brooking no compromise is anathema to all forms of liberalism.
3) Today the conservative Tea Party movement is looking to finish the job started in seriousness under the reign of Ronald Reagan, the great communicator who rarely kept a campaign promise.

Now here I think you are wrong. The Tea Party us actually the liberal part of the country trying to be heard. Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left. There are a few so called social conservatives trying to hijack it but so far the Tea Party has taken no stance on abortion, gays or any other of the social right pet issues.

There is very little that is liberal about the Ta Party leaders or the movement -- classic or neo.

The Tea Party movement and it's rallies had signs with expressions of their fanaticism and conservatism. I saw no liberal ideas on any signs. The very idea of brooking no compromise is anathema to all forms of liberalism.

I think you need to look up some of the words your using. Fascism is what Obama is bringing us:

"Fascists support a "third position" in economic policy, which they believe superior to both the rampant individualism of laissez-faire capitalism and the severe control of state socialism"

Isn't that what the progressives want?
Fuck all of that shit!

How about we just elect a competent fucking leader next time around?

Not a liberal , not a conservative , not a career politician .... a competent fucking leader!!!
They have never been liberal in any sense

Totally agree with that. The word liberal was co-opted by the Democrats and thus changed the meaning from someone who is pro-liberty to someone who is pro-government. Reagan used the word because the left and the media was co-opting it. He did successfully turn the word into dirt though.
Now here I think you are wrong. The Tea Party us actually the liberal part of the country trying to be heard. Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left. There are a few so called social conservatives trying to hijack it but so far the Tea Party has taken no stance on abortion, gays or any other of the social right pet issues.

There is very little that is liberal about the Ta Party leaders or the movement -- classic or neo.

The Tea Party movement and it's rallies had signs with expressions of their fanaticism and conservatism. I saw no liberal ideas on any signs. The very idea of brooking no compromise is anathema to all forms of liberalism.

I think you need to look up some of the words your using. Fascism is what Obama is bringing us:

"Fascists support a "third position" in economic policy, which they believe superior to both the rampant individualism of laissez-faire capitalism and the severe control of state socialism"

Isn't that what the progressives want?
you've killed this thread line...



good bye
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They have never been liberal in any sense

Totally agree with that. The word liberal was co-opted by the Democrats and thus changed the meaning from someone who is pro-liberty to someone who is pro-government. Reagan used the word because the left and the media was co-opting it. He did successfully turn the word into dirt though.

Democrats did not hijack the term 'liberal' There have historically been liberals in both major parties. It was the GOP who started equating liberalism with the Democratic party. This was done in their pursuit of ideological purity (conservatism) in the GOP ranks.

You really need to go back to school.
There is very little that is liberal about the Ta Party leaders or the movement -- classic or neo.

The Tea Party movement and it's rallies had signs with expressions of their fanaticism and conservatism. I saw no liberal ideas on any signs. The very idea of brooking no compromise is anathema to all forms of liberalism.

I think you need to look up some of the words your using. Fascism is what Obama is bringing us:

"Fascists support a "third position" in economic policy, which they believe superior to both the rampant individualism of laissez-faire capitalism and the severe control of state socialism"

Isn't that what the progressives want?



good bye

I misread the word fanaticism as fascism in your post. Sorry about that.
Democrats did not hijack the term 'liberal' There have historically been liberals in both major parties. It was the GOP who started equating liberalism with the Democratic party. This was done in their pursuit of ideological purity (conservatism) in the GOP ranks.

The entire time I was growing up all the way until now Liberal=Democrat in the media. Born in '73 so if it was all Reagan's fault he did one hell of a job.
Liberalism in the Classic sense of course, something completely absent from the political left.

fuck the political left. They have never been liberal in any sense and it was Ronald Reagan who did most to infect the minds of simpletons with the idea that the left were the liberals.

he didn't need to tell anyone anything, or drag anyone anywhere, you must have slept through the 60's 70's or have never picked up and read any books and looked at just what became of liberalism in the early 60's.

Johnson went to war on society armed with opinion newly massaged and crafted by the utopian liberal/progressive social/academic mish mash, they have never been called to account to answer for their failures, so they did the next best thing, they pulled the democratic party after 68 to the left and they have kept on going.......

government is always the answer they'll tell you, when you raise particulars, their answer always seems to wind up- the system is broken, oh and its broken because we never really did it the way they wanted the rest of us too, we never spent enough or were moving far left enough to realize their impossible Utopian ideals, so they sit back with the arm patches and pipe and spin tales of our ingratitude, how simple we are, just dumb to understand..........sound familiar?
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Troll thread of the day.
Virtually every fact in the OP is wrong. Every opinion based on it is wrong and/or moronic.

Wait til the Left media spins the same crap though.

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