How come Democrat’s won’t recognize poor black towns as they struggle with immigrants?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
democrats are so racist they say There is no crisis, but every poor town in America has been flooded with low wage workers in democrat towns with rent sky rocketing! Taking jobs, the schools students can’t speak English, health care line is expanded. But democrats don’t care..

Why won’t you recognize Poor American towns and neighborhoods??

Sad how racist you have gotten
where I work, there must be over 25% ''foreigners''
I go up to many to learn what their job is, and they can barely understand me
......I had to ''teach'' one how to use a certain machine---it seemed like he couldn't understand ONE word I said
.....I'd like to know how much they are paying these people
Latinos are now the majority minority. Blacks have been left at the curb in favor of the Democrats' new girlfriend. They are useful to Democrats in playing the race card, nothing more.

I mean, consider Northam. He can dance like Michael Jackson so long as he has some shoe polish handy, but wouldn't shake the hand of a black political opponent. :auiqs.jpg:
Latinos are now the majority minority. Blacks have been left at the curb in favor of the Democrats' new girlfriend. They are useful to Democrats in playing the race card, nothing more.

I mean, consider Northam. He can dance like Michael Jackson so long as he has some shoe polish handy, but wouldn't shake the hand of a black political opponent. :auiqs.jpg:
In the army all of us had black faces on night maneuvers..
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are white folks, what a shame...
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are the white folks, what a shame...
Wow more racism.. maybe if we didn’t have foreigners lowering the wages these jobs would be funding American families.. but you like Americans to struggle don’t you
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are the white folks, what a shame...
Wow more racism.. maybe if we didn’t have foreigners lowering the wages these jobs would be funding American families.. but you like Americans to struggle don’t you
Struggling is part of existence, there are no free rides Bub...If the whites want a damn job they know exactly where to get one yet most can't hold a job because of their demons...I am white, I am an American and I am self employed. I have no shortage of work because I work and have for over forty years, my name is my calling card and it gets called a lot to do what many can't or won't...Heavy manual labor trades.
If I am white and you are white and I say you are lazy that is not racism-Dilbert...
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are the white folks, what a shame...
Wow more racism.. maybe if we didn’t have foreigners lowering the wages these jobs would be funding American families.. but you like Americans to struggle don’t you
Struggling is part of existence, there are no free rides Bub...If the whites want a damn job they know exactly where to get one yet most can't hold a job because of their demons...I am white, I am an American and I am self employed. I have no shortage of work because I work and have for over forty years, my name is my calling card and it gets called a lot to do what many can't or won't...Heavy manual labor trades.
If I am white and you are white and I say you are lazy that is not racism-Dilbert...
Yes many Americans struggled for these wages and this land... these wages belong to American citizens.. not illegals. So again if you hate us poor so much declear war on America so we can wipe the floor with your dead carcass. But please continue your hate filled rants .. why trump keeps winning
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are the white folks, what a shame...
Wow more racism.. maybe if we didn’t have foreigners lowering the wages these jobs would be funding American families.. but you like Americans to struggle don’t you
Struggling is part of existence, there are no free rides Bub...If the whites want a damn job they know exactly where to get one yet most can't hold a job because of their demons...I am white, I am an American and I am self employed. I have no shortage of work because I work and have for over forty years, my name is my calling card and it gets called a lot to do what many can't or won't...Heavy manual labor trades.
If I am white and you are white and I say you are lazy that is not racism-Dilbert...
Yes many Americans struggled for these wages and this land... these wages belong to American citizens.. not illegals. So again if you hate us poor so much declear war on America so we can wipe the floor with your dead carcass. But please continue your hate filled rants .. why trump keeps winning
I live around four miles to a little town called Noel. It has a Tyson's chicken kill plant and employs mostly foreigners from different places in the world and they all get along and the town is struggling but it was struggling before the influx of foriegn workers. The local whites while most are farmers or shopkeepers many are lazy drug and booze using idiots..The people that are bums are the white folks, what a shame...
Wow more racism.. maybe if we didn’t have foreigners lowering the wages these jobs would be funding American families.. but you like Americans to struggle don’t you
Struggling is part of existence, there are no free rides Bub...If the whites want a damn job they know exactly where to get one yet most can't hold a job because of their demons...I am white, I am an American and I am self employed. I have no shortage of work because I work and have for over forty years, my name is my calling card and it gets called a lot to do what many can't or won't...Heavy manual labor trades.
If I am white and you are white and I say you are lazy that is not racism-Dilbert...
Yes many Americans struggled for these wages and this land... these wages belong to American citizens.. not illegals. So again if you hate us poor so much declear war on America so we can wipe the floor with your dead carcass. But please continue your hate filled rants .. why trump keeps winning
I voted for Trump so nothing else to try and put me down, if you don't like white folks not working better get off yer ass and tell them so they can tell you where to go..
democrats are so racist they say There is no crisis, but every poor town in America has been flooded with low wage workers in democrat towns with rent sky rocketing! Taking jobs, the schools students can’t speak English, health care line is expanded. But democrats don’t care..

Why won’t you recognize Poor American towns and neighborhoods??

Sad how racist you have gotten
When I first moved to Manassas Va, back in 2012, the neighborhood was a good mix of US citizens. about 60% white, 35% black, the rest was immigrant. After 2017 Manassas looked more like Nogales Mexico, where you couldn't find a black person, and every kid getting off the school bus was Latino. US businesses were closing while Spanish Speaking stores popped up all over the place, beer bottles and cartons left in the gutter, yards full of broken down cars, and multi families in single family homes. Yet, Ralphie the Racist Northam, still wants Virginia as a sanctuary state, while driving off, the rest of the wealthy US citizens....They dont give a shit about blacks, because in 2016 more blacks voted for President Trump, and will again in 2020.
We should declear a national emergency on what democrats have done to the black education experience.. democrats have destroyed it
democrats are so racist they say There is no crisis, but every poor town in America has been flooded with low wage workers in democrat towns with rent sky rocketing! Taking jobs, the schools students can’t speak English, health care line is expanded. But democrats don’t care..

Why won’t you recognize Poor American towns and neighborhoods??

Sad how racist you have gotten
Obama spent 8 years in charge and never addressed the poverty, unemployment, drugs, and incarcerations in the inner cities black community. F#$%ing loser.
democrats are so racist they say There is no crisis, but every poor town in America has been flooded with low wage workers in democrat towns with rent sky rocketing! Taking jobs, the schools students can’t speak English, health care line is expanded. But democrats don’t care..

Why won’t you recognize Poor American towns and neighborhoods??

Sad how racist you have gotten
Obama spent 8 years in charge and never addressed the poverty, unemployment, drugs, and incarcerations in the inner cities black community. F#$%ing loser.
Neither the jobs illegal were taking from them. Business fired blacks and hired illegals. Even Trump has addressed that issue.
democrats are so racist they say There is no crisis, but every poor town in America has been flooded with low wage workers in democrat towns with rent sky rocketing! Taking jobs, the schools students can’t speak English, health care line is expanded. But democrats don’t care..

Why won’t you recognize Poor American towns and neighborhoods??

Sad how racist you have gotten
Obama spent 8 years in charge and never addressed the poverty, unemployment, drugs, and incarcerations in the inner cities black community. F#$%ing loser.
He blamed all their struggles of this racist nameless group out there .. victimhood mentality

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