How are Democrats pro-abortion but anti-school voucher?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.
They're definitely not pro choice, when it comes to the legal behavior that bar and restaurant patrons may or may not engage in.


Want a trans fat burger? NO!!
Want salt on your fries? NO!!
Want a toy with your happy meal? NO!!
Want a non-diet soda? NO!
Want a school voucher? NO!
Want a legally purchased cigarette? NO!
Wanna kill your unborn child? OH YES!!!!!
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

1. where-as cons/repubs are ANTI-choice when it comes to abortion AND, after the child is born, they don't want to help it in any way..

they don't even mind if it starves to death

2. democrats believe that tax dollars should go to PUBLIC SECULAR schools open to ALL CHILDREN
they do NOT believe that tax dollars should be used for conservatives to send their kids to right wing indoctrination centers where they learn to hate everyone who isn't one of them

democrats do believe that you have a right to CHOOSE to send your kids to conservative/christian indoctrination centers...on your own dime....
They're definitely not pro choice, when it comes to the legal behavior that bar and restaurant patrons may or may not engage in.

very few democrats think that tobacco should be illegal

MOST democrats believe pot should be decriminalized

where-as MOST republicans think that pot smokers should be taken out back and shot

democrats are MORE PRO_CHOICE than republicans are

even though cons/republicans are LESS PRO-CHOICE than libs/dem...
I note that you CHOOSE to bash dems/libs but NOT cons/repubs.....
Didn't say that they wanted cigarettes to be illegal...They just don't want anybody to smoke them just about anywhere and everywhere.

As for them wanting pot decriminalized, where is that plank in the DNC platform and/or any democrat who runs on that issue up front?

Face it, bub, democrats are as big as anti-choice nanny statist do-gooders as republicans are.

Oh, and I'm not a republican.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

Why do conservatives want the taxpayer to fund school vouchers if conservatives want lower taxes?
If someone wants to send their child to a private school, they are free to do so. Why should the rest of us be obliged to pay for it though?
How are Democrats pro-abortion but anti-school voucher?

The simple answer: because they're hypocrites.

BTW, I follow the Obama educational model: send your kids to private schools. Even he knows public schools are not as good as their private counterparts.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

1. where-as cons/repubs are ANTI-choice when it comes to abortion AND, after the child is born, they don't want to help it in any way..

they don't even mind if it starves to death

2. democrats believe that tax dollars should go to PUBLIC SECULAR schools open to ALL CHILDREN
they do NOT believe that tax dollars should be used for conservatives to send their kids to right wing indoctrination centers where they learn to hate everyone who isn't one of them

democrats do believe that you have a right to CHOOSE to send your kids to conservative/christian indoctrination centers...on your own dime....


Dude, you do know a school voucher would involve giving those parents "their own dime" back to them to do just that, pay it on their own time.

Because, you see, public schools are largely funded by the tax money paid by the citizens, "their own dime" and the majority of that tax money comes from the wealthier people.

So.....I'm advocating that those people who pay into the system, rich or poor, who don't want the public school, have thier "own dime" given back to them so they can go to private school.

"On their own dime".

Most ironic statement ever made on this board regarding school vouchers.
You have it exactly backwards.

Why should people who send their kids to private schools or even have no children at all be obliged to pay for gubmint schools?

The purpose of pubic schools is (or at least ought to be) to provide a minimum standard of education for all regardless of their parent's circumstances.

Public funding should never go to the indoctrination of religion, molestation, and other nonsense that takes place in religious schools
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

because you loons want us to pay for your kids' religious indoctrination. and want to impose your religious beliefs on women.

thank heaven for the first amendment.
so odd...well educated kids are not a pro? you pay for other things you dont use....but the only one you are bitching about is education....

abortion is legal its as simple as that.....and listen to yall.....what did bush and the gop do when in power to limit abortion? banned late term which was why wont the gop do anything about abortion...well its a big business in the us...

as for school voucher....if you want to put the child in a private school...go for it...but dont expect to siphon off public school monies...simple as that....

seems to be we got a lot of larger problems at this point
You have it exactly backwards.

Why should people who send their kids to private schools or even have no children at all be obliged to pay for gubmint schools?

The purpose of pubic schools is (or at least ought to be) to provide a minimum standard of education for all regardless of their parent's circumstances.
And boy, do they take that "minimum" part seriously!

Public funding should never go to the indoctrination of religion, molestation, and other nonsense that takes place in religious schools
Shouldn't go to the quasi-religious nonsense (i.e. environmental wacko-ism) and indoctrination that goes on in gubmint schools either, but it does.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

Why do conservatives want the taxpayer to fund school vouchers if conservatives want lower taxes?

We want lower taxes because we aren't happy with the product we are being given in return (public schools).

So if we in the middle class wanna send our kids to a private school, but can't afford it, then what better idea than to ask for a refund of our tax dollars (school voucher) so we can send them to a private school.

Why should my kid go to 1 school, but I have to pay for 2?
You have it exactly backwards.

Why should people who send their kids to private schools or even have no children at all be obliged to pay for gubmint schools?

The purpose of pubic schools is (or at least ought to be) to provide a minimum standard of education for all regardless of their parent's circumstances.

Public funding should never go to the indoctrination of religion, molestation, and other nonsense that takes place in religious schools
I notice that you didn't answer my question, deflectasaurus rex.
In light of the huge education debate the past few weeks, I can't help but wonder:

Democrats are staunchly pro-abortion. "Freedom of choice" they say.

But they despise the thought of school vouchers (Because it would take money away from unions).

So I conclude....

Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing a child, not educating one.

Why do conservatives want the taxpayer to fund school vouchers if conservatives want lower taxes?

We want lower taxes because we aren't happy with the product we are being given in return (public schools).

So if we in the middle class wanna send our kids to a private school, but can't afford it, then what better idea than to ask for a refund of our tax dollars (school voucher) so we can send them to a private school.

Why should my kid go to 1 school, but I have to pay for 2?

so you are down with vouchers for Wahhabist schools, I assume?
You have it exactly backwards.

Why should people who send their kids to private schools or even have no children at all be obliged to pay for gubmint schools?

The purpose of pubic schools is (or at least ought to be) to provide a minimum standard of education for all regardless of their parent's circumstances.

Public funding should never go to the indoctrination of religion, molestation, and other nonsense that takes place in religious schools
I notice that you didn't answer my question, deflectasaurus rex.

Of course i did: The purpose of pubic schools is (or at least ought to be) to provide a minimum standard of education for all regardless of their parent's circumstances.

A well educated population benefits everyone. A poorly educated population plagues us all

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