How Again is Gun Control Beneficial?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.
You haven't been paying attention. Criminals with guns are not the problem, it is the law abiding with guns that are a threat. According to the left if we let all those peaceful law abiding people own guns, carry guns and have access to guns then wild west shoot outs will start happening, every parking lot and garage will become the OK corral.

Of course they have been saying this since 1967 and it has NEVER happened. But hey don't change a good story just because it is an out and out lie.

Gun ownership and access is PROVEN to be ( except in the deluded mind of gun grabbers) a winning recipe to lower crime rates across the board.

Now remember, according to the gun grabbers increased access to guns is a crime wave occurring event. Ignore the FACTS, you know those pesky ones where in every city and every State where gun access has been increased has seen crime stats DROP. Any minute now those law abiding citizens will burst out onto the streets and start shooting up their neighborhoods.
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

I can't even assure you that you and my family won't be the target attacked by a helicopter gunship.

Better get yourself a LAWS rocket, too, just in case.
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I have a veritable arsenal at my house , but the only loaded weapon is my .40 S&W which stays locked in case under my bed when not on my person.
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I believe that rational is inversed, George.
I don't think the lunatics outnumber the sane ones.
IOW, for every criminal thug, there a lot of law-abiding citizens that won;t put up with their kind.
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I believe that rational is inversed, George.
I don't think the lunatics outnumber the sane ones.
IOW, for every criminal thug, there a lot of law-abiding citizens that won;t put up with their kind.

Gun grabbers have been using that argument since 1967. Every time a new local gets ready to pass more lenient gun control laws the gungrabbers all lament that murder, mayhem and shoot outs will skyrocket if anyone is foolish enough to allow more citizen control. And yet in 40 years it has NEVER happened. NOT a single doomsday prediction in 43 years has come true. In fact just the opposite has occurred, where gun laws are relaxed crime goes DOWN.

The gun grabbers lament that if open carry is passed there will be shootouts in the street, an ok corral in every parking lot and shootouts at all the bars and clubs. Has not happened yet. In 40 years it simply has not happened.
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I believe that rational is inversed, George.
I don't think the lunatics outnumber the sane ones.
IOW, for every criminal thug, there a lot of law-abiding citizens that won;t put up with their kind.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Let me elaborate on just one of the questions, chosen more or less at random: How wild was the "wild" West?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The standard story there, seared into the American consciousness and folklore by motion pictures and other tall tales, is one of constant chaos and peril. But historians have been rejecting that old view for some time. In fact, implausible as this may sound, what is most impressive about the old West was how peaceful and cooperative it was. Although you’d never know it, scholars have repeatedly shown that the old West was actually safer than most American cities today.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]In the absence of formal government, voluntary institutions emerged that defined and enforced property rights and adjudicated disputes. Far from a land of lawlessness and violence, a myth spun from tales designed to sell dime novels, the old West actually constitutes a fascinating case study of the ability of market institutions, even in apparently impossible conditions, to facilitate peaceful interaction and to carry out functions we normally associate with government.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]The story is all the more impressive when we recall the inauspicious circumstances in which these events occurred. The settlers were men of vastly different backgrounds. They had no intention of putting down permanent roots; they intended to make their fortune and return back home. They were complete strangers with no pre-existing community camaraderie on which to build. And yet, according to Andrew Morriss of Case Western Reserve University School of Law, "This amazing polyglot of men seeking rapid wealth, and with virtually no intention of building a lasting society, created a set of customary legal institutions which not only flourished in California but successfully adapted to conditions across the West."[/FONT]
33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed To Ask by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
oh, and they all had guns
People tend to go on shooting sprees at places where people aren't supposed to have guns.

How common are shooting sprees at gun ranges, NRA conventions, gun shows, police stations and other places where everyone else is also armed?
I was flipping through my Sirius stations today and happened upon "The Ed Show". Ed was screaming, yes, "screaming" at a very mild mannered man who had called in to his show. Ed called him "insane" because he supported the recent supreme court decision regarding gun control.

On an aside I wondered how someone as enlightened as Ed would go into hysterics and make personal attacks against his caller. I thought the tolerant left didn't regress to such antics. :wtf:

Anyway, I'd like someone from the "enlightened" side of the political aisle to explain something to me.

I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white guy with a wife, kids, home, mortgage and dog. We live in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. How will my giving my gun change the near-constant shootings that occur in the inner cities? I know a cop and he told me what is insane is to rely on the police to protect myself and my family. I believed him. If I give up my gun, can Ed, Obama, Pelosi or some other person assure me that my home won't be the target of a gun-wielding home invader?

I'm willing to be persuaded. Please, enlighten me. Thank you.

And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I believe that rational is inversed, George.
I don't think the lunatics outnumber the sane ones.
IOW, for every criminal thug, there a lot of law-abiding citizens that won;t put up with their kind.

Oh, I agree with this. The thing is, even if the ratio is 100 to 1, one nut case with a gun can oftentimes do an awful lot of damage.

Hey - I'm not in favor of gun control, guys. (Let's keep that one a little secret from my liberal buddies, OK? :eusa_shhh:)
And you would probably use your gun (if you ever even had to) in a proper manner. You would probably not carry your gun around in your car and then shoot it at another person during a road rage incident. You would probably not decide to go down and boost your local 7-11 some evening because you were high on crack.

But us enlightened lefties realize that, for every person like yourself, there are a lot of others who don't treat guns that way and who act, shall we say, irresponsibly with them.

Now - having said that, on a personal level, I agree with you 100%. I have a 12-gauge shotgun propped up in the corner of the bedroom with a box of shells next to it. It isn't loaded, but I figure if I wake up some night and a bad guy is standing at the foot of the bed, all I have to do is say: "Ally, ally oxen free," give him the time out sign, and he will wait while I get up, retrieve the shotgun, load it and then point it at him.

I jest. The gun really isn't loaded - but it's flipping THERE and so are the shells. And it's going to flipping STAY there!

Thank you very much.
I believe that rational is inversed, George.
I don't think the lunatics outnumber the sane ones.
IOW, for every criminal thug, there a lot of law-abiding citizens that won;t put up with their kind.

Oh, I agree with this. The thing is, even if the ratio is 100 to 1, one nut case with a gun can oftentimes do an awful lot of damage.

Hey - I'm not in favor of gun control, guys. (Let's keep that one a little secret from my liberal buddies, OK? :eusa_shhh:)
If they support 'gun control' (read:disarming the victims), they're not liberals.
It's been my observation over the years that those who most vigorously oppose gun ownership by law-abiding citizens know nothing about guns, are afraid of guns, or are not inclined to defend themselves under any circumstances -- or all three.

The bottom line in this argument is it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have one.
I have found that gun control allows me to put more lead on target at a quicker rate.
Speak of the devil. Here is a story of a guy that was the prime suspect in the home invasion murder of a man. Apparently the suspected murderer invaded another home. This time, however, he was shot dead.

This is reality. If the home owner had not shot and killed this piece of excrement then the home owner and/or their family would be DEAD.

Murder Suspect Killed In Another Home Invasion - County By County News Story - WFTV Orlando

Murder Suspect Killed In Another Home Invasion

Posted: 8:49 pm EDT July 3, 2010Updated: 9:09 pm EDT July 3, 2010
CLERMONT, Fla. -- Clermont police investigators say they believe the man who murdered a repairman during a home invasion late last year was murdered himself while trying to rob another home.

Police say David Butler was the man who broke into a home on Bloxam Avenue two days before Christmas, shooting a woman who lived there and killing a 52-year-old repairman.

Eyewitness News reported in March when Butler was found dead at an Ocoee home, after investigators say he tried to break into the house.

The homeowner shot and killed Butler during the robbery.

Copyright 2010 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
I think high fees should be imposed on people that don't own guns to defray the enormous cost of law enforcement.

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