How about the rebuilding of Gaza?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
OK, we have two different 'views' here. One is that it is all Israel's fault, which Ma'an of course presents with the usual threats that war will come because of it:

"If there is no reconstruction of what Israel destroyed, we warn you that there will be an explosion," warned the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing.

Palestinian officials say Israel has effectively blocked reconstruction by limiting supplies entering Gaza, but diplomatic sources say the UN-brokered mechanism has taken longer than expected to get up and running.

The process has also been slowed by infighting between Hamas and Fatah, its West Bank-based rival which dominates the Palestinian Authority and has been tasked with managing reconstruction.

Link: Analysts Gaza reconstruction delays could lead to escalation Maan News Agency

However, it appears as though it is those who pledged the aid that are slow in giving it:

In the wake of a 50-day war between Israel and Hamas over the summer, international donors promised $2.7 billion to help rebuild Gaza at a conference in Cairo in October. But according to Mustafa, “not even one penny” has been received from major donors such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.

This article also quotes Ma'an where it says this:

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has established an official committee to take over control of Gaza’s crossings in a bid to accelerate the reconstruction of the war-battered territory, the Palestinian Ma’an news agency reported Monday.

Link: PA forms committee to take over Gaza crossings The Times of Israel

So, there we go more conflicting stories.
Some countries in that region are overwhelmed with the humanitarian costs of putting up refugees out of neighboring states. I suspect that some of it is being held to be used as part of their contribution to a final Israeli-Gaza deal being negotiated.
OK, we have two different 'views' here. One is that it is all Israel's fault, which Ma'an of course presents with the usual threats that war will come because of it:

"If there is no reconstruction of what Israel destroyed, we warn you that there will be an explosion," warned the al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's military wing.

Palestinian officials say Israel has effectively blocked reconstruction by limiting supplies entering Gaza, but diplomatic sources say the UN-brokered mechanism has taken longer than expected to get up and running.

The process has also been slowed by infighting between Hamas and Fatah, its West Bank-based rival which dominates the Palestinian Authority and has been tasked with managing reconstruction.

Link: Analysts Gaza reconstruction delays could lead to escalation Maan News Agency

However, it appears as though it is those who pledged the aid that are slow in giving it:

In the wake of a 50-day war between Israel and Hamas over the summer, international donors promised $2.7 billion to help rebuild Gaza at a conference in Cairo in October. But according to Mustafa, “not even one penny” has been received from major donors such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey.

This article also quotes Ma'an where it says this:

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has established an official committee to take over control of Gaza’s crossings in a bid to accelerate the reconstruction of the war-battered territory, the Palestinian Ma’an news agency reported Monday.

Link: PA forms committee to take over Gaza crossings The Times of Israel

So, there we go more conflicting stories.
Take all the construction materials away from the tunnel builders and send it to construction sites like it was intended.

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