Houston-YOU HAVE A Problem-Congresswoman Jackson says the Constitution is 400 yrs old

Of course this is the same woman that said..
During a 2005 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Lee asked whether the Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Read more about what a terrible "BOSSY" person she is!
Sheila Jackson Lee ?the mean-girl of Congress

This lie was debunked back in 1997 when it was first fabricated, and the revised 2005 lie is just as much a lie. Your own link exposes the 2005 version as a lie!

from YOUR link:

"Jackson Lee has always been quick to assign racism as a motive of her political opponents and others. In 1997, for example, The Hill reported that the newly-elected congresswoman asked NASA officials whether the Mars Pathfinder photographed the American flag astronaut Neil Armstrong had planted on the surface of Mars. When it was pointed out that the flag in question was on the moon, not Mars, Jackson Lee cited bigotry. “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee,” her then chief of staff wrote in a letter to the editor."

And when it was pointed out that SHE NEVER SAID IT, racist bigotry was cited! So Lee was right and the GOP racists were caught lying.
She still thinks NASA sent astronauts to Mars....that is how fucking stupid Democraps are.
Another :asshole: stupid enough to swallow that GOP scripted lie....that is how fucking stupid racist CON$ervoFascist scum are.
Not surprised, Lee doesn't know the difference between the moon and mars.......
Not surprised, Lee doesn't know the difference between the moon and mars.......
No surprise the Right is too stupid to know they have been lied to again by their Right-wing sources. The Right is just too stupid to ever learn!
“We should be looking at bullet-proof glass for schools ... We are sophisticated enough to build schools with that kind of technology.”

Sheila Jackson Lee

“And let’s think about moving into 2013, how we make this economy better by looking carefully at how we reform entitlements that are not handouts but they are earned.”

Sheila Jackson Lee
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I bet Lee is still looking for that tree that grows money in Washington DC after someone told her about it.
Sheila Jackson Lee is even dumber than Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters combined.
About 225 years and of a age that is long gone! Its good we won't be going back!

Moving away from the constitution is precisely one of the main reasons the country is in such tatters.

And Benjamin Franklin warned of it, to Mrs. Powell, in the summer of 1787:

“Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin turned to her and said what are perhaps the most chilling words uttered by any Framer. He said, “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”
Sheila Jackson Lee is even dumber than Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters combined.

“Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, ‘Thank God, I’m still alive.’ But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again.”

Barbara Boxer
"I created much of the intellectual foundation for [Occupy Wall Street].”

Elizabeth Warren
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