House Republicans Caving On Debt Ceiling

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
House Republicans Caving On Debt Ceiling? | Crooks and Liars

'm still a little skeptical, but whether it's three months, or three years, a House Republican cave on the debt ceiling bodes well for our economy and dealings with Congress, wingnuts or no wingnuts.
According to The Hill, House Republicans are going to propose a three-month raise to the debt ceiling with some contingencies attached:

House Republican leaders on Friday announced a plan to condition a three-month increase in the debt limit on the Senate committing to pass a budget by the April 15 statutory deadline.
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.
House Republicans Caving On Debt Ceiling? | Crooks and Liars

'm still a little skeptical, but whether it's three months, or three years, a House Republican cave on the debt ceiling bodes well for our economy and dealings with Congress, wingnuts or no wingnuts.
According to The Hill, House Republicans are going to propose a three-month raise to the debt ceiling with some contingencies attached:

House Republican leaders on Friday announced a plan to condition a three-month increase in the debt limit on the Senate committing to pass a budget by the April 15 statutory deadline.

House Republicans Caving On Debt Ceiling? Well get a tunnel boring machine losers! Why slowdown with finding a cave!
the debt ceiling limit should only be raised if another 80 billion in pork can be added to the sandy relief bill. lol
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.

Because as soon as they do they get demonized over the proposed cuts perhaps you recall the Democrat made video with a Paul Ryan look alike pushing the old woman in the wheelchair off the cliff in response to his budget proposal and the cuts in it. Why should they put their heads on the political chopping block when the Democrat controlled Senate has not submitted a budget in four year's and still counting?
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.

Because as soon as they do they get demonized over the proposed cuts perhaps you recall the Democrat made video with a Paul Ryan look alike pushing the old woman in the wheelchair off the cliff in response to his budget proposal and the cuts in it. Why should they put their heads on the political chopping block when the Democrat controlled Senate has not submitted a budget in four year's and still counting?

the House Republicans are the ones insisting on cuts (only) - why shouldn't they put them in writing ?

the Senate has passed continuing resolutions maintaining an already existing budget - ergo a budget.

the House is responsible by Law for the origination of revenue legislation.
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.

Because as soon as they do they get demonized over the proposed cuts perhaps you recall the Democrat made video with a Paul Ryan look alike pushing the old woman in the wheelchair off the cliff in response to his budget proposal and the cuts in it. Why should they put their heads on the political chopping block when the Democrat controlled Senate has not submitted a budget in four year's and still counting?

the House Republicans are the ones insisting on cuts (only) - why shouldn't they put them in writing ?

the Senate has passed continuing resolutions maintaining an already existing budget - ergo a budget.

the House is responsible by Law for the origination of revenue legislation.

A continuing resolution is not a budget as part of the budget process both the House and Senate are to submit a budget passing a continuing resolution is not doing that it is a way of avoiding having to make real budget decisions and thus avoid any real responsibility and risk any political backlash simply put it's a cheap cover your ass trick.
I think Congress is actually going to come together and work out a deal. Both sides are going to have to come out of their comfort zone. Some people aren't going to be happy however this turns out but they will enjoy the fruits of the labor nonetheless.

House Republican leaders plan to raise debt ceiling -
House Republican leaders abruptly announced they would vote next week to temporarily extend the nation's debt limit, sharply reducing the threat that the government might default on its obligations, but leaving the party still divided as it casts about for the best way to pressure President Obama for more budget cuts.
If the House approves a debt ceiling extension, the next budget deadline would occur March 1, when $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts are scheduled to begin taking effect. Republicans believe they have leverage over Obama in a fight over those cuts, known as a sequester, because he opposes the idea of slashing deeply across Pentagon and domestic accounts.

A second deadline would come on March 27, when the law funding government agencies expires. If Congress fails to pass a new appropriations law by then, government departments will have to shut down.
the debt ceiling limit should only be raised if another 80 billion in pork can be added to the sandy relief bill. lol

Yup... I'm still waiting on my One Million dollar grant to study the long term ecological effects of dog poop left lazily upon my neighbors lawn.
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.
What? There is no requirement to add revenues for spending cuts. The spending cuts themselves ARE a source of revenue.
Why are the House Republicans always asking for everyone else to show cuts in spending when they are the one's who want to do the cutting - what prevents them from putting in writing their own proposals ?

what revenues are the House Republicans going to raise to soften their reductions in spending ?

* (Hint) no one is going to accept a temporary increase to the debt ceiling - only a long term or permanent solution with revenues.

Because as soon as they do they get demonized over the proposed cuts perhaps you recall the Democrat made video with a Paul Ryan look alike pushing the old woman in the wheelchair off the cliff in response to his budget proposal and the cuts in it. Why should they put their heads on the political chopping block when the Democrat controlled Senate has not submitted a budget in four year's and still counting?

the House Republicans are the ones insisting on cuts (only) - why shouldn't they put them in writing ?

the Senate has passed continuing resolutions maintaining an already existing budget - ergo a budget.

the House is responsible by Law for the origination of revenue legislation.
You really don't have a clue, do you? First, you get the Democrats to say we will cut X from government program Y. Then they say, "sounds good," and they put THAT in writing and then get the Democrats to vote for it and the President to sign it.

Then they can go on to other things, like tax reform and government consolidation to eliminate more spending...things like that.

Perhaps they'll even get around to repealing those laws that are unfunded expenditures on the States, thereby freeing up more State taxes for state needs.

Why, doing that, and getting government out of the way may just lead to some fucking prosperity for a change.
House Republicans Caving On Debt Ceiling? | Crooks and Liars
Pity the headline doesn’t read:

“House Republicans Embrace Responsible Governance”
When they finally manage to hold the Democrats to the fire for their criminal behavior, perhaps it will.

As it stands, none of them have embraced responsible governance. That would require them to look after something other than their own power and income.
The spending cuts themselves ARE a source of revenue.

You owe me a keyboard.
Well, they are.

If you are spending 100 dollars every month....and you cut that to 50 dollars, you now have increase of 50 dollars of available funds that were not there before. I realize it is not revenue in the sense that you are getting money that you did not have prior to earning it (or in the governments case, confiscating it)....but if we take in 4 trillion dollars and spend 5.5 trillion dollars, we have to borrow 1.5 trillion dollars.

If we cut 2 trillion dollars from our spending, and keep the 4 trillion in revenue, we just went into the black for 500 billion dollars. That is 500 billion dollars we did not have before the cuts.

That is 500 billion dollars we can apply to the debt, which means we are only 31.5 years away from paying it off!


BTW...that would be 2 trillion dollars A YEAR...not spread out over 10 years.
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I think Congress is actually going to come together and work out a deal. Both sides are going to have to come out of their comfort zone. Some people aren't going to be happy however this turns out but they will enjoy the fruits of the labor nonetheless.

House Republican leaders plan to raise debt ceiling -
House Republican leaders abruptly announced they would vote next week to temporarily extend the nation's debt limit, sharply reducing the threat that the government might default on its obligations, but leaving the party still divided as it casts about for the best way to pressure President Obama for more budget cuts.
If the House approves a debt ceiling extension, the next budget deadline would occur March 1, when $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts are scheduled to begin taking effect. Republicans believe they have leverage over Obama in a fight over those cuts, known as a sequester, because he opposes the idea of slashing deeply across Pentagon and domestic accounts.

A second deadline would come on March 27, when the law funding government agencies expires. If Congress fails to pass a new appropriations law by then, government departments will have to shut down.

Modern society commonly refers to all these fruits as vegetables:
•Green beans
•Capsicum peppers
•Bell peppers

Geeeeeee! We are working with bitter or weak sweet fruits!
We're screwed no matter what they do. It's like people who ask for a credit increase on their Visa so they can use it to pay their Mastercard and get an increase on Mastercard to pay the Visa. It'll save you from ruin for a little while, but there is still trouble ahead. And, in this case, it will be the middle class people who take the hit again. More and more companies are going out of business or laying off people. Fewer jobs, more taxes, unsustainable programs and an insurmountable debt. And they keep finding new ways to spend and send aid overseas.

All congress members, past and present, are 100% responsible for this mess, yet they continue to get their raises and lifetime cushy benefits while the rest of us suffer for their stupidity.


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