House GOP won't pass bin Laden resolution

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
House Republicans say they have no plans to follow the Senate in passing a resolution honoring the military mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

The decision by GOP leaders follows new rules they enacted in January scrapping the tradition of congratulatory measures, which they complained clogged up the House floor.

No House resolution honoring military's bin Laden mission -

The Senate on Tuesday passed a resolution, 97-0, commending “the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and the United States intelligence community for the tremendous commitment, perseverance, professionalism and sacrifice they displayed in bringing Osama bin Laden to justice.” The measure commended President Obama and reaffirmed the Senate’s commitment “to disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda.” It also recognized former President George W. Bush’s efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
I never understood why the Congress passes so many useless non-binding resolutions.

It would be nice to pass one for this case, but its not like anyone ever really hears of or cares about these resolutions.
House Republicans say they have no plans to follow the Senate in passing a resolution honoring the military mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

The decision by GOP leaders follows new rules they enacted in January scrapping the tradition of congratulatory measures, which they complained clogged up the House floor.

No House resolution honoring military's bin Laden mission -

The Senate on Tuesday passed a resolution, 97-0, commending “the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and the United States intelligence community for the tremendous commitment, perseverance, professionalism and sacrifice they displayed in bringing Osama bin Laden to justice.” The measure commended President Obama and reaffirmed the Senate’s commitment “to disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda.” It also recognized former President George W. Bush’s efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

So much for the left not wanting to do anything to inflame the radical muslims. Both sides need to be consistent on this and let it go away. Any side using this to score political points is just bad politics.
The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...
Absolutely petty bullshit.

But what can you expect from a crowd that passed a special resolution to keep a hospital from pulling the plug on a dead girl.

The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...

He was a money maker..for the security and war mongering industries.

Now the big bad boogey man is dead.
resolutions like this are retarded. A complete waste of taxpayer money. if they want to vote on stupid shit like this, let me take furlough days
The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...

He was a money maker..for the security and war mongering industries.

Now the big bad boogey man is dead.

The same ONE that you specifically chastised Booosh about not getting, Huh Swallow?

resolutions like this are retarded. A complete waste of taxpayer money. if they want to vote on stupid shit like this, let me take furlough days

I agree with you. They can spend the first two hours of the day with resolutions naming buildings and having Happy Greenland Day. Enough. Then adjourn at 11 am. Get on with business.

Put them in one proclamation and be done
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The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...

He was a money maker..for the security and war mongering industries.

Now the big bad boogey man is dead.
Got 4 more waiting in the wings:
1) Ayman al-Zawahri
2) Abu Yahya al-Libi
3) Saif al-Adel
4) Adnan G. El Shukrijumah

Oh you didn't think the War on Terror was over did ya'? Oh no! Get ready for TSA gropers at Big League Stadiums and Shopping Malls near you!

Hahaha! Suckers! :lol:
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The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...

Lovin' the way some lefties are using OBL's death for political point scoring. Sick individuals. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I doubt you're smart enough to get that.
The GOP would be happy if this had never happened and Bin Laden was still out there. I am not sure who Bin Laden's death scares the most, Al-Qaeda or the GOP.

Very sad...

He was a money maker..for the security and war mongering industries.

Now the big bad boogey man is dead.
Got 4 more waiting in the wings:
1) Ayman al-Zawahri
2) Abu Yahya al-Libi
3) Saif al-Adel
4) Adnan G. El Shukrijumah

Oh you didn't think the War on Terror was over did ya'? Oh no! Get ready for TSA gropers at Big League Stadiums and Shopping Malls near you!

Hahaha! Suckers! :lol:

The WOT is by no means over...
They passed a rule. They are going to follow the rule. One can argue the sense of the rule, but it is a rule.

Now, back in the days when Democrats ran congress, they passed a rule called "paygo" which many thought stupid and counterproductive. And thirty days later they broke the rule and made it a dead letter. when some goof Republican senator tried to filibuster the bill that broke Paygo, which he voted against IIRC, he was given the Alinsky treatment for a a week till he finally gave up on it.

I like the rule. I think this example shows why absolute prohibitions in rules are stupid, but this is the rule, and you can debate the merits of the rule, but it shouldn't justify ignoring it.
I cant blame them...

HR's are so fucking lame..... They said they were done with them.

GO read some HR's - they're a total waste of time.

They honor flowers, people, carpet and whatever you will.

If they honored this HR they would be going against their objection to the whole HR bullshit nonsense they've taken a stand against.

Its not that they dont appreciate what the Seals did (and the Seals understand this) its that HR's 99.999999% of the time are useless bullshit...
House Republicans say they have no plans to follow the Senate in passing a resolution honoring the military mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

The decision by GOP leaders follows new rules they enacted in January scrapping the tradition of congratulatory measures, which they complained clogged up the House floor.

No House resolution honoring military's bin Laden mission -

The Senate on Tuesday passed a resolution, 97-0, commending “the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and the United States intelligence community for the tremendous commitment, perseverance, professionalism and sacrifice they displayed in bringing Osama bin Laden to justice.” The measure commended President Obama and reaffirmed the Senate’s commitment “to disrupting, dismantling and defeating al Qaeda.” It also recognized former President George W. Bush’s efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Are you complaining because the GOP is actually keeping a promise they made? Or are you actually saying attaboy to them?
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THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Thats the Library of Congress database..

Look at all the goofy fucking HRs and SRs. Its such a waste of time for them to sit around for literally hours and hours....

Our Congress sits around 95% of the time voting on nonsense. The real issues result from 5% of their introduced legislation. I think Republicans are getting tired of the other 95% of their time being wasted.

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