House democrats change rules ot make it easier to raise taxes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
In November Pelosi and Neal initially proposed keeping the three-fifths supermajority rule for income tax increases "on the lowest-earning 80 percent of taxpayers."

So just an increase on the 20% highest earners.....Surely they can afford it, it's not like they pay the illegal alien wage slaves they employ much.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
/----/ Nancy Pants wants her crumbs back.
Student Confronts Pelosi About Her 'Crumbs' Comments: Tax ...
A Georgetown student confronted Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) on Tuesday about her "crumbs" comments made when criticizing the tax reform law Republicans passed at the end of 2017.
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In November Pelosi and Neal initially proposed keeping the three-fifths supermajority rule for income tax increases "on the lowest-earning 80 percent of taxpayers."

So just an increase on the 20% highest earners.....Surely they can afford it, it's not like they pay the illegal alien wage slaves they employ much.

Keep telling yourself that.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
we should be raising taxes by raising the minimum wage.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
we should be raising taxes by raising the minimum wage.
/-------/ we should be lowering taxes and eliminating the minimum wage.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
we should be raising taxes by raising the minimum wage.
/-------/ we should be lowering taxes and eliminating the minimum wage.
stop whining about the cost of social services, right wingers.
They can change what they like, the Senate isn't going to agree on any tax raises the House might stupidly pass.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
we should be raising taxes by raising the minimum wage.
/-------/ we should be lowering taxes and eliminating the minimum wage.
stop whining about the cost of social services, right wingers.
/----/ stop wasting tax payer money on worthless programs just to secure your power base, left wingers.
They can change what they like, the Senate isn't going to agree on any tax raises the House might stupidly pass.
/----/ Dems know their's is a 2 year lame duck session but they need to throw red meat to their donor base to keep the money pouring in.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
I hope you aren't addressing me, because Democrats control our media, and they think the don't need to work with anyone. Bi-partizanship to them is "GIVE US EVERYTHING WE WANT".
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
I hope you aren't addressing me, because Democrats control our media, and they think the don't need to work with anyone. Bi-partizanship to them is "GIVE US EVERYTHING WE WANT".

Of course you are right about the Democrats idea of bipartisanship. I posted the same thing the other day in another thread. at most they said "give us this and we'll give you that, but you give us ours first" and then if Republicans are dumb enough to trust them they never get what they wanted out of the deal.

Democrats are scum. But Republicans truly are not all that much better
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
I hope you aren't addressing me, because Democrats control our media, and they think the don't need to work with anyone. Bi-partizanship to them is "GIVE US EVERYTHING WE WANT".
Our media, I own no interest in media for profit.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
we should be raising taxes by raising the minimum wage.
/-------/ we should be lowering taxes and eliminating the minimum wage.
stop whining about the cost of social services, right wingers.
/----/ stop wasting tax payer money on worthless programs just to secure your power base, left wingers.
let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; to much "security for your power base", right wingers.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .

Have you seen the exploding deficit? This country desperately needs to raise taxes.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
I hope you aren't addressing me, because Democrats control our media, and they think the don't need to work with anyone. Bi-partizanship to them is "GIVE US EVERYTHING WE WANT".

Of course you are right about the Democrats idea of bipartisanship. I posted the same thing the other day in another thread. at most they said "give us this and we'll give you that, but you give us ours first" and then if Republicans are dumb enough to trust them they never get what they wanted out of the deal.

Democrats are scum. But Republicans truly are not all that much better
Saying Democrats and Republicans are the same is like saying the Hulk and Thor are the same. Both are assholes, but the Hulk is bayshit crazy.
Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has yet to take the speaker's gavel of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Democrats are already laboring to make it easier to dismantle the achievements of the Trump presidency.
House Democrats Change Rules to Make It Easier to Raise Taxes

If you thought Democrats were lying cheating, scumbags before well this should help you think it even more and help you to put them even further down the chit list of morons who just have to lie, cheat, and steal to get anywhere in life.

What's so funny is all the assholes who vote this bs in, they'll pay for it all in spades when it's to late to turn back you'll be kicking your pathetic selves in the ass for the next twenty years .
If they raise taxes they'll be finished.

They aren't going to raise taxes in the next 2 years. This is no different than when the Senate repeatedly voted to repeal the ACA repeatedly knowing full well that the House never would and that even if they did Obama would veto it.

I , for one, am sick of this type of nonsense regardless of who is doing it. Here is an idea you jackholes, work together and actually do things that Americans want and that help Americans.
I hope you aren't addressing me, because Democrats control our media, and they think the don't need to work with anyone. Bi-partizanship to them is "GIVE US EVERYTHING WE WANT".

Of course you are right about the Democrats idea of bipartisanship. I posted the same thing the other day in another thread. at most they said "give us this and we'll give you that, but you give us ours first" and then if Republicans are dumb enough to trust them they never get what they wanted out of the deal.

Democrats are scum. But Republicans truly are not all that much better
Saying Democrats and Republicans are the same is like saying the Hulk and Thor are the same. Both are assholes, but the Hulk is bayshit crazy.

Republicans are shit bags but yes Democrats are 10 X worse. I bet there isn't 20 members of Congress total who either of us would trust with our children, for example. Yet, here they are running our country.

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