Hope Hicks, Don McGahn aide subpoenaed by House panel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hope Hicks, Don McGahn aide subpoenaed by House panel

May 21, 2019 ~ By Mark Moore
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, subpoenaed former White House communications director Hope Hicks and an aide to former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before the panel. The subpoenas direct Hicks to turn over documents by June 4 and testify on June 19.
Another subpoena requires Annie Donaldson, McGahn’s former chief of staff, to hand over the documents by June 4 and appear June 24.
The House Judiciary Committee voted to authorize the subpoenas for Hicks and Donaldson in April the same time it sought subpoenas for Attorney General William Barr to release to Congress a full, unredacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report.
The committee also voted to issue a subpoena to McGahn, who refused to testify before the panel on Tuesday after the White House said he had “immunity” as a former member of the administration and an adviser to the president.
“As I said earlier today, the Judiciary Committee’s investigation into obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuse of power by President Trump and his Administration will continue,” Nadler said in a statement.

Aside from the obvious point that the WH will tell her not to go, imagine the optics of Jerry “Flounder” Nadler interrogating the exquisite Hope Hicks while he’s slobbering and pontificating. There will never be another woman who would vote for a Rat party hack again were he to get his wish.
According to the subpoena, Hicks was ordered to produce documents about Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey and information about the president’s efforts to order McGahn to fire Mueller.
In a way, I’m glad DSA Democrat Leftists led by Jerry Nadler are setting the bar for political persecution. When the Republicans retake the house they can start their own investigations of democrat presidential contenders and their families, friends, political workers and business associates. Also house members like Feinstein etc., need some in depth investigations.

October 08, 2018 ~ FNC
Hope Hicks, the former White House communications director, has been named chief communications officer and executive vice president of the streamlined FOX cable broadcasting company, officials said in a news release Monday.
All Trumps' employees co-operated in 4 investigations and 1000s' of "interviews". I would lay down the law. No Mas. Its' over.
STOP wasting tax payers' $$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
these people are true jackassess
All Democrats are capable of is resisting and investigating. They have no viable platform. They have no common sense. They are obstructing the executive branch of government because they need to divert attention away from their own crimes. Comey, Brennen, Clapper, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Lynch, Holder, Mueller and Obama. Lock em' up.
Oh another hearing by the House Dems.

Color me surprised. LOL

Hope they take all of 2019 to have hundreds of hearings. They will pave the way for a Trump win in 2020.

Nadler is a moron of epic proportions.

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