Honestly, how many Trump acolytes here have actually read the Report?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I know it may a useless task to ask for "honesty" in an anonymous forum such as this, mostly filled with right wing posters........but, let's give it a shot.

How many have actually read the Mueller report especially Volume two?

After all......IF you still insist on the "No Collusion.....No Obstruction" mantra, there are only TWO reasons for you to do so:

1. You have NOT really read it and rely on the biased interpretation offered you by Trump, Barr and Hannity.

2. You did read the report but you have reading comprehension issues and your biases "trump" (pardon the expression) any admission that the report is actually DAMNING of Trump and his staff's actions.

Unfortunately, the once fair and honest Grand Ol' Party is moribund.....now replaced by what many (including me) have labeled a Trump Cult........Those remaining honest republicans agree that Trump's actions could easily be impeachable and had any democrat president be facing the same exact scrutiny, he or she WOULD be impeached.

Given the spineless republican-led Senate....and given the lack of courage by the democrat-led House, concerned more with reelection than ethics and morality, impeachment will NOT happen.

So, to return to the original question.......WHO among the Trump acolytes have actually really read Mueller's report?
Probably a thousands times more people than the number of Democrat Congressmen that read the Obamacare bill before voting for it.
Mueller noted several complicating factors with respect to determining whether illegal obstruction occurred. For starters, he wrote, “the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference.” Or, as Trump has repeatedly reminded, the report found “NO COLLUSION” by anyone in the Trump campaign with Russians trying to sway the 2016 election in his favor. But that doesn’t preclude the possibility of obstruction, Mueller said. According to the report, “the evidence does point to a range of other possible personal motives animating the President’s conduct. These include concerns that continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election and potential uncertainty about whether certain events-such as advance notice of WikiLeaks’s release of hacked information or the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior campaign officials and Russians could be seen as criminal activity by the President, his campaign, or his family.”

Nor does the fact that many of the president’s acts occurred in public view — “including discouragement of cooperation with the government and suggestions of possible future pardons” — necessarily clear him, the report states.

Mueller report: While it may be more difficult to establish that public-facing acts were motivated by a corrupt intent, the President’s power to influence actions, persons, and events is enhanced by his unique ability to attract attention through use of mass communications. And no principle of law excludes public acts from the scope of obstruction statutes. If the likely effect of the acts is to intimidate witnesses or alter their testimony, the justice system’s integrity is equally threatened.

Mueller noted that it was only the refusal of Trump’s underlings to go along with his efforts to tamper that kept Trump from being able to successfully impede the investigation.
i've read it 6 times and heard it as an audiobook 12 times. that doesnt mean others have read it! i did my part, you do yours!
Mueller report: The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests. [Former FBI Director James] Comey did not end the investigation of [Retired Lt. Gen. Michael] Flynn, which ultimately resulted in Flynn’s prosecution and conviction for lying to the FBI. [White House counsel Don] McGahn did not tell the Acting Attorney General that the Special Counsel must be removed, but was instead prepared to resign over the President’s order. [Former campaign manager Corey] Lewandowski and [Trump campaign official Rick] Dearborn did not deliver the President’s message to Sessions that he should confine the Russia investigation to future election meddling only. And McGahn refused to recede from his recollections about events surrounding the President’s direction to have the Special Counsel removed, despite the President’s multiple demands that he do so. Consistent with that pattern, the evidence we obtained would not support potential obstruction charges against the President’s aides and associates beyond those already filed.
I never read "Earth in the Balance" either.

I still know it's bullshit because the underlying concept is bullshit.

Regardless, I don't care if Putin himself hacked the entire electoral vote collection system and made Trump president.

If hitlery was elected, the republic would have died.

You sniveling pathetic bed wetters still refuse to even acknowledge that hitlery fucked over the entire democrook party's voting base by stealing the primary from Bernie. You pieces of shit love getting fucked by your masters though.

Bunch of pathetic servile pieces of shit you are.

Anybody who is trying to say that anything the President said might have influenced the Mueller investigation is full of crap. That investigation was totally biased against him and they were going to stop at nothing to find anything they could to smear him if not indict him. If they had found anything to indict him with, you can bet your ass they would have clearly said so: "These actions by President Trump are indictable offenses, but we can't indict him cuz he's the President". But no, they didn't say that, nowhere in the Mueller Report does it say that a specific action by Trump broke the law but we can't do anything about it. In fact, that is the opposite of what he told Attorney General William Barr and several other DOJ officials at a meeting which took place on March 5th.

Barr was asked about why Mueller had failed to come to a conclusion on the question of obstruction of justice during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 1st. He said, “We were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction and we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this. Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC opinion he would have found obstruction.”


Instead, Mueller said in essence that they couldn't find any evidence that proves Trump's innocence of obstruction. Well dudes and dudettes, that ain't the way it's supposed to work in this country. Trump is not required, nor was Mueller to prove innocence because in this country and under our justice system we are all presumed innocent until proven otherwise, AND THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION UTTERLY FAILED TO PROVE GUILT. OF ANYTHING. They didn't say he was guilty but we don't recommend an indictment cuz we can't win the case in court like they did with Hillary. They didn't say we can prove Trump said or did this and that is clearly obstruction and he should be indicted for it.

Bottom line, there was no collusion and there was no obstruction. Trump may have wanted to interfere with or obstruct the investigation, BUT HE DIDN'T DO IT. He may have asked about it, talked about it, ranted about it, but where's the proof that he actually ordered anybody to fire Mueller? Is there an email or memo or something somewhere, a document that will stand up in court as evidence? NO. And BTW there was no crime to obstruct, so what the fuck are the Dems bitching about?
I know it may a useless task to ask for "honesty" in an anonymous forum such as this, mostly filled with right wing posters........but, let's give it a shot.

How many have actually read the Mueller report especially Volume two?

After all......IF you still insist on the "No Collusion.....No Obstruction" mantra, there are only TWO reasons for you to do so:

1. You have NOT really read it and rely on the biased interpretation offered you by Trump, Barr and Hannity.

2. You did read the report but you have reading comprehension issues and your biases "trump" (pardon the expression) any admission that the report is actually DAMNING of Trump and his staff's actions.

Unfortunately, the once fair and honest Grand Ol' Party is moribund.....now replaced by what many (including me) have labeled a Trump Cult........Those remaining honest republicans agree that Trump's actions could easily be impeachable and had any democrat president be facing the same exact scrutiny, he or she WOULD be impeached.

Given the spineless republican-led Senate....and given the lack of courage by the democrat-led House, concerned more with reelection than ethics and morality, impeachment will NOT happen.

So, to return to the original question.......WHO among the Trump acolytes have actually really read Mueller's report?

I read and listened to what Mueller's BOSS said about it.

The report was submitted to Bill Barr, and as our AG its his responsibility to let us know what the results are.
Probably a thousands times more people than the number of Democrat Congressmen that read the Obamacare bill before voting for it.

Somewhere in the trump CULT membership book, there is written something regarding , ".....when Trump is attacked and you have nothing to counter...YOU MUST bring up Obama....or risk being kicked off the membership rolls....."
Mueller noted that it was only the refusal of Trump’s underlings to go along with his efforts to tamper that kept Trump from being able to successfully impede the investigation.

Now picture the UPROAR if the above were to have been done by Obama......
I know it may a useless task to ask for "honesty" in an anonymous forum such as this, mostly filled with right wing posters........but, let's give it a shot.

How many have actually read the Mueller report especially Volume two?

After all......IF you still insist on the "No Collusion.....No Obstruction" mantra, there are only TWO reasons for you to do so:

1. You have NOT really read it and rely on the biased interpretation offered you by Trump, Barr and Hannity.

2. You did read the report but you have reading comprehension issues and your biases "trump" (pardon the expression) any admission that the report is actually DAMNING of Trump and his staff's actions.

Unfortunately, the once fair and honest Grand Ol' Party is moribund.....now replaced by what many (including me) have labeled a Trump Cult........Those remaining honest republicans agree that Trump's actions could easily be impeachable and had any democrat president be facing the same exact scrutiny, he or she WOULD be impeached.

Given the spineless republican-led Senate....and given the lack of courage by the democrat-led House, concerned more with reelection than ethics and morality, impeachment will NOT happen.

So, to return to the original question.......WHO among the Trump acolytes have actually really read Mueller's report?

I doubt ANY of you Communists have read the Mueller Dossier.

I have, and I quote from it each time you fucking lying piles of shit start lying again - I keep a copy open in my browser, because you Communist fucks are lying scum, it makes for quick refutation of you gutter scum.
Probably a thousands times more people than the number of Democrat Congressmen that read the Obamacare bill before voting for it.

Somewhere in the trump CULT membership book, there is written something regarding , ".....when Trump is attacked and you have nothing to counter...YOU MUST bring up Obama....or risk being kicked off the membership rolls....."

Here's the thing though, You're a shameless fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


You lying pile of shit.
Mueller noted that it was only the refusal of Trump’s underlings to go along with his efforts to tamper that kept Trump from being able to successfully impede the investigation.

Now picture the UPROAR if the above were to have been done by Obama......

Imagine the UPROAR if Americans lied the way you vile fucks do?

Let's try it: Obama molested little boys in the Oval Office and Michelle supplied him with victims.

That is actually MORE TRUE than your lie about collusion.

Obama is a child molester and you support him.
Probably a thousands times more people than the number of Democrat Congressmen that read the Obamacare bill before voting for it.

Somewhere in the trump CULT membership book, there is written something regarding , ".....when Trump is attacked and you have nothing to counter...YOU MUST bring up Obama....or risk being kicked off the membership rolls....."

You hate it when we rub your noses in your blatant hypocrisy and double standards. :itsok:
The report was submitted to Bill Barr, and as our AG its his responsibility to let us know what the results are.

Did Barr check with Sean Hannity to write up that BIASED little summary????......LOL
I have, and I quote from it each time you fucking lying piles of shit start lying again - I keep a copy open in my browser, because you Communist fucks are lying scum, it makes for quick refutation of you gutter scum.

So, those daily laxatives aren't working for you, UnHinged???........LOL
I have, and I quote from it each time you fucking lying piles of shit start lying again - I keep a copy open in my browser, because you Communist fucks are lying scum, it makes for quick refutation of you gutter scum.

So, those daily laxatives aren't working for you, UnHinged???........LOL

Why do you worship a child molester, scumbag? Why do you support a man who molested little boys in the oval office?
he investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period.

Just ONE kick your your gonads....

Michael Flynn quits over secret contacts with Russia - A resignation in ...

Judge orders release of transcripts of Flynn Russian contacts

[URL='https://www.apnews.com/d47a5be3e46442d0a1243c7dc52278f3']The Mueller report's account of Michael Flynn's lies - AP News


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