Homeschooling: Your Views, Please

Skull your comments are really the only one-sided ones here. I can't let you redesign my posts at will. I said many are not qualified and that needs to be corrected within the system.
I don't recall people saying homeschoolers were brilliant.

In time I may wade into this debate with a few facts in hand.
There's this local private school that only accepts top talent.. They love to advertise that their graduates have such high test results. I suppose if you only have top talent it's pretty hard to screw that up.
It's like two football gets to pick top talent of his choice while the other one has to take everyone INCLUDING those who don't even want to play football.

Anyone want to guess who has the best Win/Loss record?
The latest studies are showing Homeschooled children are actually being better-prepared for College. It is a viable alternative to Government-run Schooling. More & more Americans will begin to consider it.
It's been well known for years that home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts.

People who oppose home schooling are just control freaks as it really is none of their Effing business

Is that one of your homeschooled, scientific, studies giving you that highly intelligent and brilliant conclusion? Let me ask you this, if you rwns know everything about everything, why are your politicians always so stupid?
FYI home schooled kids take SATs, ACTs and GREs just like everyone else AND they perform better than public school kids

And it really is none of your fucking business if a parent wants to home school now is it?

Sorry, but you are wrong. I'm sure that in the states that do continue to supply and grade tests, there are several well educated students, but in the ones that don't, I suspect the results are quite different
Texas Homeschooling Laws - Home School Legally in TX A2Z Homeschooling
And how does that prove home schooled kids don't outperform their public school counter parts?

Good point. But Homeschooling's isn't for everyone. And neither is Public-Schooling. Many people are just so sick of Public School Teachers bitchin about how they're supposedly treated so badly, and them pushing their far Left/Communist political agenda on the kids. All that hysterical screeching about how the Global Warming Boogeyman is gonna get everyone. Parents are sick of that fear mongering B.S. It's just so old and tired at this point.

Parents have become desperate for alternatives. Homeschooling is one alternative. But there are others. Homeschooling isn't perfect. But neither is Public-Schooling. Let the parents decide. That's what our country is all about. It's about Freedom & Liberty.
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IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock
You see what you want to see as you follow your flock :rolleyes:

What vehemence, really?
I guess you don't see Sarah calling home schoolers all kinds of derogatory names.

And my opinion is the only one i can form when even shown that home schooled kids on average outperform public school kids on all the accepted testing measures I am still told that I am making it all up.

What it really boils down to is that it is no one's business how a person chooses to raise their own children now is it?
It's been well known for years that home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts.

People who oppose home schooling are just control freaks as it really is none of their Effing business

Is that one of your homeschooled, scientific, studies giving you that highly intelligent and brilliant conclusion? Let me ask you this, if you rwns know everything about everything, why are your politicians always so stupid?
FYI home schooled kids take SATs, ACTs and GREs just like everyone else AND they perform better than public school kids

And it really is none of your fucking business if a parent wants to home school now is it?

Sorry, but you are wrong. I'm sure that in the states that do continue to supply and grade tests, there are several well educated students, but in the ones that don't, I suspect the results are quite different
Texas Homeschooling Laws - Home School Legally in TX A2Z Homeschooling
And how does that prove home schooled kids don't outperform their public school counter parts?

Good point. But Homeschooling's isn't for everyone. And neither is Public-Schooling. Many people are just so sick of Public School Teachers bitchin about how they're supposedly treated so badly, and them pushing their far Left/Communist political agenda on the kids. All that hysterical screeching about how the Global Warming Boogeyman is gonna get everyone. It's just so old and tired at this point.

Parents have become desperate for alternatives. Homeschooling is one alternative. But there are others. Homeschooling isn't perfect. But neither is Public-Schooling. Let the parents decide. That's what our country is all about. It's about Freedom & Liberty.
Exactly right.

I have no problem with people home schooling and as I have said I would home school if I had kids. I do not understand the people here who think it's any of their business.
Skull your comments are really the only one-sided ones here. I can't let you redesign my posts at will. I said many are not qualified and that needs to be corrected within the system.
How many?

And since I have shown you that on average home schooled kids perform better on all the accepted standardized tests that those people you think aren't qualified are still doing a pretty good job
One of the few arguments against homeschooling is that homeschooled children don't receive enough socialization. That in itself is fallacy and can be quickly remedied by thoughtful parents. Much of the 'socialization' being brought into the discussion includes all of the idiotic and harmful things publicly-schooled children and teenagers do and go through.
Homeschooling isn't perfect. It doesn't solve all the problems. But neither does Public-Schooling. There's good & both in both. There's successes & failures in both. But we don't shut down all Public Schools because many have failed the kids. So we shouldn't ban all Homeschooling because some fail the kids. The Parents will decide. That's what Freedom & Liberty is all about.

I agree. though I'd like to see schools in general change tact and move towards less traditional education for the sake of education and working towards skills based and also becoming decent adults based.

I hear ya on that. But people have to understand that Homeschooling isn't any more perfect than Public-Schooling is. There will always be successes and failures in both. But we don't shut down all Public Schools because some fail the kids miserably. Therefore, we can't ban all Homeschooling because some fail the kids.

It's just like anything in life, there's good & bad in all facets of society. But you don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater to address the problems. Bottom line is, Homeschooling isn't for everyone. And neither is Public-Schooling. The Parents will have to decide. That's what America is all about.
IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock
You see what you want to see as you follow your flock :rolleyes:

What vehemence, really?
I guess you don't see Sarah calling home schoolers all kinds of derogatory names.

And my opinion is the only one i can form when even shown that home schooled kids on average outperform public school kids on all the accepted testing measures I am still told that I am making it all up.

What it really boils down to is that it is no one's business how a person chooses to raise their own children now is it?
I see Sarah pushing back at equally derogatory statements directed at those who have reservations.

Your opinion is just that, an opinion. I have posted proof that no honest objective study has been done.

Duh, but the op asked.
One of the few arguments against homeschooling is that homeschooled children don't receive enough socialization. That in itself is fallacy and can be quickly remedied by thoughtful parents. Much of the 'socialization' being brought into the discussion includes all of the idiotic and harmful things publicly-schooled children and teenagers do and go through.
Yeah god forbid a kid doesn't join the Twitter buly club and obsess about getting a new I phone every 6 months.
IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock
You see what you want to see as you follow your flock :rolleyes:

What vehemence, really?
I guess you don't see Sarah calling home schoolers all kinds of derogatory names.

And my opinion is the only one i can form when even shown that home schooled kids on average outperform public school kids on all the accepted testing measures I am still told that I am making it all up.

What it really boils down to is that it is no one's business how a person chooses to raise their own children now is it?
I see Sarah pushing back at equally derogatory statements directed at those who have reservations.

Your opinion is just that, an opinion. I have posted proof that no honest objective study has been done.

Duh, but the op asked.
And I have posted an article that cites a study that addresses some of those socioeconomic issues.
Is it true that academic standards in the public school system have been watered down?

I've perused a few articles, but I'm searching for something more concrete.
Is that one of your homeschooled, scientific, studies giving you that highly intelligent and brilliant conclusion? Let me ask you this, if you rwns know everything about everything, why are your politicians always so stupid?
FYI home schooled kids take SATs, ACTs and GREs just like everyone else AND they perform better than public school kids

And it really is none of your fucking business if a parent wants to home school now is it?

Sorry, but you are wrong. I'm sure that in the states that do continue to supply and grade tests, there are several well educated students, but in the ones that don't, I suspect the results are quite different
Texas Homeschooling Laws - Home School Legally in TX A2Z Homeschooling
And how does that prove home schooled kids don't outperform their public school counter parts?

Good point. But Homeschooling's isn't for everyone. And neither is Public-Schooling. Many people are just so sick of Public School Teachers bitchin about how they're supposedly treated so badly, and them pushing their far Left/Communist political agenda on the kids. All that hysterical screeching about how the Global Warming Boogeyman is gonna get everyone. It's just so old and tired at this point.

Parents have become desperate for alternatives. Homeschooling is one alternative. But there are others. Homeschooling isn't perfect. But neither is Public-Schooling. Let the parents decide. That's what our country is all about. It's about Freedom & Liberty.
Exactly right.

I have no problem with people home schooling and as I have said I would home school if I had kids. I do not understand the people here who think it's any of their business.

Some have a vested interest in preserving the status quo. Some are desperately clinging to the Government-run Schooling monopoly. They will vigorously fight any change. They truly believe Big Brother should be the only option. All other options must be eliminated. Many Communists/Progressives are fighting very hard to ban Homeschooling in America. It's very disappointing. America is about Freedom & Liberty. It would be an Un-American act to ban Homeschooling.
I was surprised to have come upon an article about homeschooling at one of my favorite websites, Investopedia.

There's no doubt that research speaks very kindly of homeschooling. Not only is it cheap compared to other education options, but the results are generally better. Most parents who homeschool spend less than $600 per year compared to the $10,000 average spent per pupil by public school systems. However, parents who homeschool are still paying a portion of that $10,000 expense. Surprisingly, spending such a low amount on a child's education produces impressive results. One study found that the average homeschooled student outperformed the average public school student by roughly 30 percentile points.

The largest drawback mentioned by opponents of homeschooling is that kids are lacking in socialization once they enter college, but studies have found that in all markers of social and psychological health homeschoolers are no less socialized than other children. Just like public schools, the quality of the homeschooling experience depends on the drive and motivation of the teacher. It takes a disciplined, motivated and intelligent person to homeschool his or her child.

Homeschool Or Public School

Please consider it as you will.

The socialization issue can be overcome, with forethought and planning.
I was surprised to have come upon an article about homeschooling at one of my favorite websites, Investopedia.

There's no doubt that research speaks very kindly of homeschooling. Not only is it cheap compared to other education options, but the results are generally better. Most parents who homeschool spend less than $600 per year compared to the $10,000 average spent per pupil by public school systems. However, parents who homeschool are still paying a portion of that $10,000 expense. Surprisingly, spending such a low amount on a child's education produces impressive results. One study found that the average homeschooled student outperformed the average public school student by roughly 30 percentile points.

The largest drawback mentioned by opponents of homeschooling is that kids are lacking in socialization once they enter college, but studies have found that in all markers of social and psychological health homeschoolers are no less socialized than other children. Just like public schools, the quality of the homeschooling experience depends on the drive and motivation of the teacher. It takes a disciplined, motivated and intelligent person to homeschool his or her child.

Homeschool Or Public School

Please consider it as you will.

The socialization issue can be overcome, with forethought and planning.

The 'Socialization' argument against Homeschooling is outdated. There is no evidence supporting the idea that Public-Schooled children are 'better-adjusted' than Homeschooled children. In fact, one could probably argue the opposite. Public-Schooled kids are a real mess these days. You don't have to look very hard to confirm that.
One of the few arguments against homeschooling is that homeschooled children don't receive enough socialization. That in itself is fallacy and can be quickly remedied by thoughtful parents. Much of the 'socialization' being brought into the discussion includes all of the idiotic and harmful things publicly-schooled children and teenagers do and go through.
Yeah god forbid a kid doesn't join the Twitter buly club and obsess about getting a new I phone every 6 months.
IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock
You see what you want to see as you follow your flock :rolleyes:

What vehemence, really?
I guess you don't see Sarah calling home schoolers all kinds of derogatory names.

And my opinion is the only one i can form when even shown that home schooled kids on average outperform public school kids on all the accepted testing measures I am still told that I am making it all up.

What it really boils down to is that it is no one's business how a person chooses to raise their own children now is it?
I see Sarah pushing back at equally derogatory statements directed at those who have reservations.

Your opinion is just that, an opinion. I have posted proof that no honest objective study has been done.

Duh, but the op asked.
And I have posted an article that cites a study that addresses some of those socioeconomic issues.
No, you haven't . In fact my post 855 prior to yours shows you haven't.
Peer pressure is a sad thing.

They do stupid things for the sake of popularity.

When I was in college, most of the social butterflies could not compare with my grades and drive. What good is being popular when you are neither learned, intelligent, nor wise? That sounds harsh, I suppose, but more than some teens in the system sacrifice their academic edge for the sake of social skills. It is likely that problem could be remedied if teachers put a premium on not watering down academic materials. However, that, I think, is left up to government bureaucrats.
Skull your comments are really the only one-sided ones here. I can't let you redesign my posts at will. I said many are not qualified and that needs to be corrected within the system.
How many?

And since I have shown you that on average home schooled kids perform better on all the accepted standardized tests that those people you think aren't qualified are still doing a pretty good job
Yeah, you finally came up with a Mooney Times article from 2009. I guess I just want more for homeschool kids who are being denied a good education.
One of the few arguments against homeschooling is that homeschooled children don't receive enough socialization. That in itself is fallacy and can be quickly remedied by thoughtful parents. Much of the 'socialization' being brought into the discussion includes all of the idiotic and harmful things publicly-schooled children and teenagers do and go through.
Yeah god forbid a kid doesn't join the Twitter buly club and obsess about getting a new I phone every 6 months.
IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock
You see what you want to see as you follow your flock :rolleyes:

What vehemence, really?
I guess you don't see Sarah calling home schoolers all kinds of derogatory names.

And my opinion is the only one i can form when even shown that home schooled kids on average outperform public school kids on all the accepted testing measures I am still told that I am making it all up.

What it really boils down to is that it is no one's business how a person chooses to raise their own children now is it?
I see Sarah pushing back at equally derogatory statements directed at those who have reservations.

Your opinion is just that, an opinion. I have posted proof that no honest objective study has been done.

Duh, but the op asked.
And I have posted an article that cites a study that addresses some of those socioeconomic issues.
No, you haven't . In fact my post 855 prior to yours shows you haven't.
The article addresses the issue.
IMO the vehemence shown to those who wish to home school comes from a place other than concern for the child.

What we are really seeing here is a resentment of those who do not wish to follow the flock

This does seem to be the case here. Some here really REALLY do not wish to see or know that Homeschooling is a satisfactory and good alternative for millions of kids. Nobody here has even suggested that ALL kids can be or should be homeschooled, but those of us who have done the research and dealt with it up close and personal know that it is an excellent choice for many kids. And study after study has shown that most kids who are homeschooled thrive in that situation. Why is that so displeasing to some posting on this thread?

Maybe they think that somehow the public school system is threatened if homeschooling is condoned or seen as a good thing? Maybe they feel guilty because they are sending their own kids to public schools and they want that to the be best choice because they don't' WANT to homeschool their kids.

Why does it have to be an all or nothing thing? Why is it so difficult to appreciate that many kids thrive in the homeschooling system while others do well in the public schools? Why is it so offensive to think that many public schools are not good places or doing as good a job of educating kids as the kids deserve? If we recognize that many public schools are lacking, does that automatically mean that all public schools suck?

Isn't there room for reasonable and mature adults to appreciate that everybody doesn't have to march to the same drum in order to be in a good place? I swear political correctness will be the ruin of this country.
Skull your comments are really the only one-sided ones here. I can't let you redesign my posts at will. I said many are not qualified and that needs to be corrected within the system.
How many?

And since I have shown you that on average home schooled kids perform better on all the accepted standardized tests that those people you think aren't qualified are still doing a pretty good job
Yeah, you finally came up with a Mooney Times article from 2009. I guess I just want more for homeschool kids who are being denied a good education.
And how many of those kids who are outperforming public school kids are being denied a good education?

You have no numbers, no proof nada.

You say I do nothing but post opinion yet you ignore the facts in the article because you don't like the paper that printed it?

Would you be more comfortable with Wikipedia?

And so what if the study was from 2009? Can you refute it with another study or not?

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