Homeless Isaac Victim: Romney Told Me To 'Go Home And Call 211'

If you do reply I will read it in the morning. Thanks for answering my question, both of them.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.​

More: Mitt Romney To Flood Victim: 'Go Home And Call 211'

SO--what's this got to do with anything? Holy crap you mental midgets are getting DESPERATE.

Yes, I can see you have so much more 'rep' than me. How can I be down like that?

You going to talk to me about everything but abortion?

I support Governor Romney's position on abortion, go Google it.

Do you worry that he has held different positions in the past?

Do I believe he is going to support policy contradictory to his stated position on abortion? No.

Does it bother you that Obama has changed his positions on issues of: gay marriage, presidential signing statements, executive privilege--or did you just assume he was lying?
Whether it happened or not, I think Romney's visit is pretty tacky.

Tactful perhaps. Romney caused Obama to cancel his campaign schedule and visit hurricane ravaged areas, and by all means at least appears more sincere than Obama's forced visit.
The same Justice Department that was responsible for, and actively covered up, a operation that allowed assault weapons to flow across the border also refused to prosecute these men:


Duh, you'll have to ask Bush about that. It happened on his watch...

The NBP case was started by the Bush administration.

Holder dropped it.

Legal proceedings
..... in January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush administration left office, the civil rights division of the Department of Justice filed a civil suit under the voting rights act against four defendants, namely, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson, NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, and the NBPP itself. The lawsuit accused them of using uniforms, racial insults and a weapon to intimidate voters and those who were there to assist them.

Four career attorneys, Spencer Fisher, Christian Adams, Robert Popper and Christopher Coates signed the memo that supported the case against the four defendants.[10][12] The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later.

In April 2009 Bartie Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.​

More: Mitt Romney To Flood Victim: 'Go Home And Call 211'

Love her how house was flooded and that idiot Romney told her to go home. Go home where, Mitt?
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney launched the final leg of his quest for the White House by visiting storm-battered Louisiana on Friday. He drove through a town that was flooded by Hurricane Isaac in part because it's still outside the vast flooding protection system built with federal funds after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Romney and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) spent close to an hour meeting with first responders and local officials. Romney shook hands with National Guardsmen outside the U.S. Post Office and talked with a local resident, Jodie Chiarello, 42, who lost her home in Isaac's flooding.

"He just told me to, um, there's assistance out there," Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. "He said, go home and call 211." That's a public service number offered in many states.​

More: Mitt Romney To Flood Victim: 'Go Home And Call 211'

Love her how house was flooded and that idiot Romney told her to go home. Go home where, Mitt?

The story was made up. Not only was it an attempt to make Romney look uncaring, which he is not, but it was also an attempt to make him look stupid by using the wrong phone number. 211 is the police code for armed robbery.

Notice how these fake stories don't have to even be on video. They only have to be repeated over and over.

Unless they have him on video saying this, chances are pretty good it never happened.

Now we do have Obama on video saying he had been to 57 states, telling Joe The Plumber that he wants to spread the wealth around, telling us during the Dem debates that he wants to raise taxes on the rich even if it decreases revenue, that his policies necessarily will sky-rocket energy prices, saying we didn't build that, we have all of this on video as proof. Don't set stock in lies from Obama's media saying that Romney is a heartless asshole unless you can see it for yourself.
Of course it was probably made up...and people still just run with it

how pathetic

Love her how house was flooded and that idiot Romney told her to go home. Go home where, Mitt?

The story was made up. Not only was it an attempt to make Romney look uncaring, which he is not, but it was also an attempt to make him look stupid by using the wrong phone number. 211 is the police code for armed robbery.

Notice how these fake stories don't have to even be on video. They only have to be repeated over and over.

Unless they have him on video saying this, chances are pretty good it never happened.

Now we do have Obama on video saying he had been to 57 states, telling Joe The Plumber that he wants to spread the wealth around, telling us during the Dem debates that he wants to raise taxes on the rich even if it decreases revenue, that his policies necessarily will sky-rocket energy prices, saying we didn't build that, we have all of this on video as proof. Don't set stock in lies from Obama's media saying that Romney is a heartless asshole unless you can see it for yourself.

Associated Press just makes up stories? You're an idiot.
I wonder if Obama brought out HIS check book not our FEMA dollars during the visits of Joplin, and other Tornados last year.. Oh and the visit of Joplin had to come after his Vacation in Miami after the failed attempt of our LAST shuttle launch.. NOPE!!!! I dont recall that he did .. DID Obama give his OWN brother that lives in KENYA a better way of life even though he lives on 75 cents a week.. NOPE. He says we are all our brothers keepers but he wont even help his OWN flesh and blood. But he wants US to share our wealth with everyone.. hmmmm
I wonder if Obama brought out HIS check book not our FEMA dollars during the visits of Joplin, and other Tornados last year.. Oh and the visit of Joplin had to come after his Vacation in Miami after the failed attempt of our LAST shuttle launch.. NOPE!!!! I dont recall that he did .. DID Obama give his OWN brother that lives in KENYA a better way of life even though he lives on 75 cents a week.. NOPE. He says we are all our brothers keepers but he wont even help his OWN flesh and blood. But he wants US to share our wealth with everyone.. hmmmm

You're fucking insane. I expect the president to use his executive power to mitigate the suffering due to natural disaster. Romney's VP pick tried to block disaster recovery funding.
Love her how house was flooded and that idiot Romney told her to go home. Go home where, Mitt?

The story was made up. Not only was it an attempt to make Romney look uncaring, which he is not, but it was also an attempt to make him look stupid by using the wrong phone number. 211 is the police code for armed robbery.

Notice how these fake stories don't have to even be on video. They only have to be repeated over and over.

Unless they have him on video saying this, chances are pretty good it never happened.

Now we do have Obama on video saying he had been to 57 states, telling Joe The Plumber that he wants to spread the wealth around, telling us during the Dem debates that he wants to raise taxes on the rich even if it decreases revenue, that his policies necessarily will sky-rocket energy prices, saying we didn't build that, we have all of this on video as proof. Don't set stock in lies from Obama's media saying that Romney is a heartless asshole unless you can see it for yourself.

Associated Press just makes up stories? You're an idiot.

Associated Press repeats stories printed in newspapers and magazines all over the world. They don't check to see if they're 100% accurate. Accuracy isn't really much of a consideration these days. They don't take the time to vet much of anything anymore so where left with yellow journalism instead of accurate inciteful reporting.

It seems that regardless what Romney does or where he goes the Mainstreamers have a nasty story printed that can't be verified, was blown out of proportion, or was spun in a negative manner by the press. Same thing goes for that nonsense story about RNC delegates throwing peanuts at a CNN photographer. It's an urban-legend. Nothing more. It fits perfectly into the left's bull shit mantra that Republicans are all white pasty-face misogynist racists.

Anyone who saw the convention on CSPAN knows now that there are blacks, Hispanics, and yes even women in the GOP. Fact is, there are more Hispanic governors in the GOP than in the Democratic Party. Yet like the despicable louts they are Democrats automatically say they're just token. Tell that to the voters in their states.
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