Home schooling: the best and worst examples I've seen personally.

The only saving grace for the two young girls in my worst case is the family is wealthy. But as we all know that is not a "fix all" solution. I think a "wellness check" for all Home schooled kids would be a fine policy.
Most home schoolers are as adament about lack of evaluation as the NRA is about no common sense regulation.
Home schooling seems to be a very polarizing subject. I believe it can be a positive IF the home schooled kids are integrated into a public school by high school age for sports or some other extra-curricular activity. Here are the best and worst examples of home schooling that I know of personally. Feel free to share your personal experiences with home schooling.

Best: A family of 5 kids all home schooled by both parents but mostly the Mother. Very traditional Christian family Father a minister/basketball coach Mother was stay-at-home until kids were high school age. Four of the five have either graduated college or attending now. The youngest is high school age very bright and on track for college scholarships. All five kids have very outgoing personalities and doing very well.

Worst: A wealthy family of 4 kids all home schooled by the stay-at-home Mom. Extremely sports oriented, most of the time and effort was spent on the oldest two kids for baseball and soccer. The baseball player quit while trying out for high school baseball and was basically disowned by the Dad. He was seriously depressed and on strong meds for years but is now doing better. The Soccer player has a scholarship to Ole Miss but is terrified of going because she is not prepared emotionally or academically. The youngest two kids are a mess, no interest in anything, no friends, very very anti-social and OCD to the max.

The other examples I know of fall somewhere in between, but mostly lean toward positive results and religious reasons for home schooling.
Religion is not education.
Not among the people I know who do it. They know their kids are going to get a shit education in public school.

Their oldest is 17 and has enough college credits to get accepted as a junior at the State Uni.

And don't forget the only view you are allowed to have in public school is the one the fucking government tells you to have.
I've never seen it done for any reason other than religion.

I mean, I'm sure they are out there but lightning strikes the same person twice every now and then too.
The kids of the parents I know who homeschool are far ahead of any public school kids of the same ages.

I was merely trying to dispel the myth that all home school parents are some type of religious wacko
All of them that I know of are, except for the nazi guy,
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here. Are the home school experiences positive or negative in your opinion?
I think the point is that all parents aren't wired in a way to make them effective home school teachers. There are always going to be the outliers and exceptions in pretty much all of the human condition. All the kids I know who have been or are being home schooled are doing great and all seem to be exceptional young people, well mannered, socially competent, well rounded. Not a 'creepy' one in the bunch.

But I'm sure creepy parents who homeschool their kids are likely to turn out creepy kids. And incompetent, abusive, neglectful parents are not likely to make good homeschool instructors. Likewise creepy and incompetent, abusive, neglectful parents who send their kids to public school also seem to turn out a lot more creepy or problem kids.
I doubt you have any data to support that.
There is no data because there is no record of who or how many are home schooled. Do you think all the people home schooling, many who adhere to multiple conspiracy theories are all qualified and willing to spend the hours each day to provide a quality education?
Home schooling seems to be a very polarizing subject. I believe it can be a positive IF the home schooled kids are integrated into a public school by high school age for sports or some other extra-curricular activity. Here are the best and worst examples of home schooling that I know of personally. Feel free to share your personal experiences with home schooling.

Best: A family of 5 kids all home schooled by both parents but mostly the Mother. Very traditional Christian family Father a minister/basketball coach Mother was stay-at-home until kids were high school age. Four of the five have either graduated college or attending now. The youngest is high school age very bright and on track for college scholarships. All five kids have very outgoing personalities and doing very well.

Worst: A wealthy family of 4 kids all home schooled by the stay-at-home Mom. Extremely sports oriented, most of the time and effort was spent on the oldest two kids for baseball and soccer. The baseball player quit while trying out for high school baseball and was basically disowned by the Dad. He was seriously depressed and on strong meds for years but is now doing better. The Soccer player has a scholarship to Ole Miss but is terrified of going because she is not prepared emotionally or academically. The youngest two kids are a mess, no interest in anything, no friends, very very anti-social and OCD to the max.

The other examples I know of fall somewhere in between, but mostly lean toward positive results and religious reasons for home schooling.

Education is as good as the teacher. If the home school teacher isn't a good teacher, then it'll fail, if they're an excellent teacher, it'll probably be better than normal school.
Incompetent home schooling parents are no worse than incompetent diversity hired public school teachers that are told pass minority students regardless of what they learned.
Call me a liar.
Or a communist
I don’t care

Just retired in June 2022, and I was NEVER told to give a failing student a passing grade. Never in 37 years.
Regardless of Sex, religion or race

I worked with the struggling students to help them learn and avoid failing.
But no doubt, one or two students per year just couldn’t grasp the concept of learning.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Troll another thread.

Any data to show how many home schooled kids just get religious education?

"Homeschooled students perform better academically than their public counterparts. A National Home Education Research Institute study found that homeschooled students scored an average of 15 to 30 percentile points higher on standardized tests than public school students."

"Homeschooled students are also more likely to graduate from college. A study by the Home School Legal Defense Association found that 66.7% of homeschooled students graduate from college, compared to 57.8% of public school students."

Chances are home schooled kids are generally smarter because their parents are smarter.

A) You need to be rich to make this work
B) You probably have to feel you're educated enough to make this work.

70% of home schooled kids are white. 6% are black
58% of people are white. 12% are black.

So, the number of home schooled black kids is half their demographic. White people have a higher rate.

Poverty stats vary, but here's one:

8.6% of white people are in poverty, 17.1% of black people are in poverty. So, black people are more likely to be in poverty, less likely to have the resources to do home schooling.

States with the most home schooling. North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia (those over 4% of kids)

Florida is 46th for education spending, North Carolina is 45th, Georgia is 34th, Virginia is 25th. Obviously this doesn't take into account how much it costs to live in a place, a city like NY will spend more simply because teachers will need to be paid more than rural West Virginia.
But before you attack me for saying there's nothing about religion here:

"In the past, religion was often the key factor leading families to choose home-schooling. Today, parents are more likely to cite safety concerns to explain their decision"

"The Washington Post-Schar School poll found that concern about school shootings and concern about bullying are the fourth- and fifth-most common reasons why families choose home-schooling today."

"The ability to provide in-home religious instruction ranked eighth on the survey’s list of common reasons to home-school. Around one-third of parents currently home-schooling said they chose it for this faith-based reason. As recently as 2012, nearly two-thirds of home-schooling parents said the same, according to The Washington Post."

So, at least 33% of parents have their kids at home for religious reasons. It might be more than that, I'd assume some might be unwilling to divulge such information.
Any data to show how many home schooled kids just get religious education?

"Homeschooled students perform better academically than their public counterparts. A National Home Education Research Institute study found that homeschooled students scored an average of 15 to 30 percentile points higher on standardized tests than public school students."

"Homeschooled students are also more likely to graduate from college. A study by the Home School Legal Defense Association found that 66.7% of homeschooled students graduate from college, compared to 57.8% of public school students."

Chances are home schooled kids are generally smarter because their parents are smarter.

A) You need to be rich to make this work
B) You probably have to feel you're educated enough to make this work.

70% of home schooled kids are white. 6% are black
58% of people are white. 12% are black.

So, the number of home schooled black kids is half their demographic. White people have a higher rate.

Poverty stats vary, but here's one:

8.6% of white people are in poverty, 17.1% of black people are in poverty. So, black people are more likely to be in poverty, less likely to have the resources to do home schooling.

States with the most home schooling. North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia (those over 4% of kids)

Florida is 46th for education spending, North Carolina is 45th, Georgia is 34th, Virginia is 25th. Obviously this doesn't take into account how much it costs to live in a place, a city like NY will spend more simply because teachers will need to be paid more than rural West Virginia.
But before you attack me for saying there's nothing about religion here:

"In the past, religion was often the key factor leading families to choose home-schooling. Today, parents are more likely to cite safety concerns to explain their decision"

"The Washington Post-Schar School poll found that concern about school shootings and concern about bullying are the fourth- and fifth-most common reasons why families choose home-schooling today."

"The ability to provide in-home religious instruction ranked eighth on the survey’s list of common reasons to home-school. Around one-third of parents currently home-schooling said they chose it for this faith-based reason. As recently as 2012, nearly two-thirds of home-schooling parents said the same, according to The Washington Post."

So, at least 33% of parents have their kids at home for religious reasons. It might be more than that, I'd assume some might be unwilling to divulge such information.
Everything you just posted is a lie. No doubt that some home schoolers who go to the trouble of studying for standardized tests, and who have parents that actually know the information being taught, and are focused enough to actually do classwork every day will have excellent results. Most home school children, like most public schooled children don't go to college. Home schooled children who don't need standardized tests to go to college don't even bother to take them. The numbers you listed only take in account the top of the top. All the others are just ignored.
Everything you just posted is a lie. No doubt that some home schoolers who go to the trouble of studying for standardized tests, and who have parents that actually know the information being taught, and are focused enough to actually do classwork every day will have excellent results. Most home school children, like most public schooled children don't go to college. Home schooled children who don't need standardized tests to go to college don't even bother to take them. The numbers you listed only take in account the top of the top. All the others are just ignored.

Nice of you to actually go out there and prove it's all a lie.

But you didn't. You just said "it's a lie".

So, your post is pointless.
Thank Goodness we spend on Education.
You believe it ( the spending $$$$ ) is bad? or NOT?

Does China and India Educate and Measure ALL of their citizens, like the US does?

This is important^^^^^^^.

Care to discuss?
The better question, I believe, is whether we should be attempting to force ALL students into an education that only a small percentage will find useful. Quite frankly, a lot of people could stop going to school after learning to read, write and do basic arithmetic and function just as well as they do now. Are we in fact wasting the money we're spending attempting to force students into more education than they really need? As it is, we've successfully convinced a lot of kids that they need not only to finish high school but go through 4 years of college as well and accrue hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loans that they will spend years paying off, and for what?

Yes, higher education is incredibly valuable for those inclined to utilize it, but for a lot, it's wasted effort. I, for example, got a Computer Science degree and have benefitted greatly from it, but I was also the bookish nerd in high school before it was fashionable to be a nerd, and I love to work with technology. My entire work world is on a computer screen, and I love it that way. And consider that I pay an electrician, plumber, or HVAC technician a lot of money to do work on my house.

I say we should stop stigmatizing trade school educations as being inferior to a liberal arts education and give kids a real choice for their high school years, go the traditional academic, college prep route or take the trade school route, and not present the choices as superior or inferior. There is pride and dignity in working a skilled blue-collar trade, and good workers can make a very good living doing it. Let's spend some of the money we now waste on "graduating" kids who can barely read and write instead on giving them a fighting chance to make a decent living.
Ok I see that. What about socialization skills and learning how to function in partner/team situations?
Modern homeschooling parents can and do join co-ops that provide those very benefits. They get together with other homeschoolers to do things like go on field trips, play sports, and learn in cooperative situations.

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