Home A/C repair ;)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
For the past couple weeks or so I've been without a/c in the apartment. On bake days with the oven on for extended amounts of time it's been absolutely miserable. Kept meaning to mention it to maintenance, and a year of twice weekly cookies and cupcakes should have me high on the 'fix it' list, but I never got around to it. I don't like bothering people and adapt quickly to change. But this week temps are in the mid to upper 90s all week and I gotta have a/c. Or at least, I really really want it. :) So figuring it must be a plastic cover issue since for a few years I've had to really wrench and wiggle the switch down jutting up against the cover as it does, I figured today I'd try and wrench the plastic cover and see if unobstructed the switch moved ok. No sooner than I grabbed a hold of the cover to wrench it off I heard the tell-tale 'pop' indicating a change in the air flow (like from vent to a/c or heat.) Though to myself, "That better not be the a/c coming on. I didn't even get it off yet!" But yes, apparently it was the cover impeding the switch and wiggling it around a bit allowed it to come on.

Wonder what a a/c technician makes? I seem to have a talent for this sort of thing. :)

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