CDZ Hollywood producer shows how Obama stole 2008 election.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Most of those who followed that election knew this so it comes as no supprise. To many it will appear shocking as well as it should be....but when a nation's mainstream media has degenerated into nothing more than fake news aka propaganda many have become calloused to the truth.

“Democrats don’t consider voter fraud to be bad. They don’t consider breaking laws to be bad, because they have moral relativity. You’re stupid. They know better than you do about what’s best for the country. So if they cheat, steal and lie, they’re doing it for the better of the country.”

As leftists have always operated that way that too comes as no suprise to the more astute. Those who have read a little history understand all too well this propensity for leftists to believe it is alright to committ any crime, any horror to further their agenda even to slaughter millions in the name of progress as Stalin and Mao demonstrated so clearly.

ARCHITECT OF MASS VOTER FRAUD: Hollywood Producer Tells Stunning Story Of How Obama Stole Election In 2008 *
The Dems have been stealing elections for a long time. California desperately needs the help of Jeff Sessions to clean up it's voter rolls. The hard working people of the state are being cheated out of their votes and it's disgusting.
What kind of monster would want to rule knowing he cheated to win? Knowing that if he didn't cheat he would not have won. It will never happen but I would sure like to see Obama perp walked in hand cuffs. He is a treasonous bastard.
Obama's best move would have been releasing fake news saying Sarah Palin was going to help as a V.P candidate.

Until then I swear he was gonna lose even with the economic disaster.
Hollywood producer shows how Obama stole 2008 election.
If this were 2009, I might care. If it were 2012, I might care. I could possibly be persuaded to care even if it were 2016. But it's not. It's 2017, Obama has served two terms in office and it's over. Nothing about his presidency is going to change because of what a Hollywood producer "shows."

Maybe one day I'll have need to reference the information in the production or that the production exists. Right now I don't, but it's nice to know the piece is there for when I need it.
Most of those who followed that election knew this so it comes as no supprise. To many it will appear shocking as well as it should be....but when a nation's mainstream media has degenerated into nothing more than fake news aka propaganda many have become calloused to the truth.

“Democrats don’t consider voter fraud to be bad. They don’t consider breaking laws to be bad, because they have moral relativity. You’re stupid. They know better than you do about what’s best for the country. So if they cheat, steal and lie, they’re doing it for the better of the country.”

As leftists have always operated that way that too comes as no suprise to the more astute. Those who have read a little history understand all too well this propensity for leftists to believe it is alright to committ any crime, any horror to further their agenda even to slaughter millions in the name of progress as Stalin and Mao demonstrated so clearly.

ARCHITECT OF MASS VOTER FRAUD: Hollywood Producer Tells Stunning Story Of How Obama Stole Election In 2008 *
Has anyone else clicked the link? I had a bad experience when I did.
The Dems have been stealing elections for a long time. California desperately needs the help of Jeff Sessions to clean up it's voter rolls. The hard working people of the state are being cheated out of their votes and it's disgusting.
What kind of monster would want to rule knowing he cheated to win? Knowing that if he didn't cheat he would not have won. It will never happen but I would sure like to see Obama perp walked in hand cuffs. He is a treasonous bastard.
Once they steal the election who do they fence it through?

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