Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

... I ain't a wing-nut of any type.. ...


Far as I can tell --- you're just laughing at yourself, because I'm pretty sure, our political views are pretty close..

You have a weird way of showing it

Actually not...I've taken a VERY "un-winger" approach to my anger about this ill-conceived project.. Read my posts..

1) I've stated I DONT CARE and it doesn't affect my decision at ALL -- whether it's Red State or Blue State people getting kidnapped, bound and gagged, degraded, dehumanized, and hunted for sport.. Logic and reasoning and outcome of my thinking would be the same..

Does it REALLY MATTER to you which side of a very real political war is hunted for sport? It shouldn't...

2) I've stated I DONT CARE who the heroes are or "who wins. It's still a very cheap cynical exploitation and ESCALATION of political tensions and is likely to trigger the very few completely deranged that are susceptible to suggestions like this on EITHER side..

And I'm completely shocked by the rabid wingers taunting me about this who just can't MAKE A MORAL and ETHICAL judgement on this without 1st knowing who the victims and villians and heroes are.. That's why I'm shocked you asked me about "which Red States"...

Does it REALLY MATTER to you "who wins"? Can you not make a judgement on this without finding "which side" is affected the most?

See the post below, because I was tipped off to a much better source that has access to the script and the processes that sold and produced this film.. They ALL SUPPORT the evaluations of the movie plot that were in the links I provided...

In FACT -- According to the Hollywood Reporter which I'm quoting below, the original CONCEPT name for this film was "Red State vs Blue State"...

Most everyone knows Hollywood is morally bankrupt and politically radicalized, but the danger level for decisions like this go WAY UP when you don't have an ounce of ideological balance in the decision making ranks.. It's like 'Hey -- we've done a bunch of horror movies about hunting people for sport -- but what if the hunted were all Trump supporters???" And lots of chuckling and backslapping ensues and the deal goes thru...

It's just wrong to inflame this cluster fuck more than the 2 parties have already lit it up.. It's not my war -- but it's STILL my country Gator dude...

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Best background on this ill-conceived, cynical attempt to inflame the political wars is from The Hollywood Reporter. They had access to the SCRIPT, the process, the negotiations, the decisions and discussions.. And surprise, surprise --- I read this all pretty much correctly...

Ads Pulled for Gory Universal Thriller 'The Hunt' in Wake of Mass Shootings (Exclusive)

In the wake of a trio of deadly massacres, the studio is evaluating its strategy for the R-rated Blumhouse satire in which elites stalk "deplorables."
"Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?" one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Pictures thriller set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: "At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."

In the aftermath of mass shootings within days of one another that shocked and traumatized the nation, Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire. The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals.

The Hunt stars Betty Gilpin from GLOW and Hilary Swank, representing opposite sides of the political divide. It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey. The script from Damon Lindelof and Nick Cuse reviewed by The Hollywood Reporter revolves around third-rail political themes. (Original title: Red State Vs. Blue State.)

Given the fraught political climate — particularly in the wake of the attack in El Paso, which was motivated by anti-immigrant bigotry — studio sources say Universal is evaluating its plans in what one called "a fluid situation." A high-level insider says top executives want to stand by Blum, one of the studio's most prolific and successful producers, as well as filmmaker Craig Zobel, and see the project as a satire addressing an issue of great social importance. But this person says plans could change "if people think we're being exploitative rather than opinionated."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

From a business perspective, The Hunt presents a gamble for Universal in these divided times. The satire Assassination Nation, which also pitted the woke versus the unwoke in uber-violent fashion, represented the top sale at Sundance 2018 at $10 million. But the film fizzled upon its release later that year, earning just $2 million with no international rollout. Says one person involved with that film, "We thought people would get the joke."

The Hunt made some executives at Universal skittish back in May 2018, when film chief Donna Langley acquired the script and fast-tracked it at a modest $18 million budget. It is unclear whether there were any other bidders on the property, the sale of which was brokered by CAA, but insiders at several studios told THR at the time that they did not pursue it because of the explosive premise. One executive sayshe didn't even read the script, noting, "The idea seemed crazy."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it's his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. "War is war," says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.

[[[Flacaltenn]]] That's real funny "horror satire" right there.

"Employees in different departments were questioning the wisdom of making such a movie in these times," says one filmmaker with ties to Universal. "In light of the horrific [recent shootings], is this not the most craven, irresponsible, dangerous exploitation?"

[[[Flacaltenn]]] Think I've used similar words in this thread to describe this turdish "derangement fantasy".. THAT filmmaker is excused from the head examinations that need to take place..

That point is countered by a Universal executive, who says the movie "is meant to show what a stupid, crazy world we live in," adding, "It might even be more powerful now."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] He's number one on list of Execs who need to be committed to psych eval as a danger to our fragile society...

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What stinky orifice did you pull that analysis out of.. It's all Red State people being kidnapped and hunted for sport.. Don't think you spent 20 seconds watching the trailer or reading the 3 reviews of it that I posted...

As usual, you just can't follow the script and the facts....

There are 12 people being hunted, what 12 states are they from?

All from Red States. What more you need to know? I quoted the Hollywood biz journal "DeadLine", Business Insider and Yahoo.. That's their story LITERALLY and I'm satisfied with that... Go read the links.. Catch me in a lie...

One of the hunted in the trailer said he was from Orlando. Florida has been blue as much as it is red, going for Obama both times. And Orange county where Orlando is located is very blue, Hillary won it by more than 15%.

I think you have been misinformed by your right wing sites.
Orlando is trending purple from red and heading blue. However one of the deep blue areas was the Pulse club killings. Which was another blue person killing a whole bunch of blue persons. Another area that has blown free money that the retirees have brought.
What stinky orifice did you pull that analysis out of.. It's all Red State people being kidnapped and hunted for sport.. Don't think you spent 20 seconds watching the trailer or reading the 3 reviews of it that I posted...

As usual, you just can't follow the script and the facts....

There are 12 people being hunted, what 12 states are they from?

All from Red States. What more you need to know? I quoted the Hollywood biz journal "DeadLine", Business Insider and Yahoo.. That's their story LITERALLY and I'm satisfied with that... Go read the links.. Catch me in a lie...

One of the hunted in the trailer said he was from Orlando. Florida has been blue as much as it is red, going for Obama both times. And Orange county where Orlando is located is very blue, Hillary won it by more than 15%.

I think you have been misinformed by your right wing sites.
Orlando is trending purple from red and heading blue. However one of the deep blue areas was the Pulse club killings. Which was another blue person killing a whole bunch of blue persons. Another area that has blown free money that the retirees have brought.

The last time Orange County voted red was 1996, they have been blue ever since. They are not trending anything but blue. Hillary took the county by a larger margin than even Obama did.
Best background on this ill-conceived, cynical attempt to inflame the political wars is from The Hollywood Reporter. They had access to the SCRIPT, the process, the negotiations, the decisions and discussions.. And surprise, surprise --- I read this all pretty much correctly...

Ads Pulled for Gory Universal Thriller 'The Hunt' in Wake of Mass Shootings (Exclusive)

In the wake of a trio of deadly massacres, the studio is evaluating its strategy for the R-rated Blumhouse satire in which elites stalk "deplorables."
"Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?" one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Pictures thriller set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: "At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."

In the aftermath of mass shootings within days of one another that shocked and traumatized the nation, Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire. The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals.

The Hunt stars Betty Gilpin from GLOW and Hilary Swank, representing opposite sides of the political divide. It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey. The script from Damon Lindelof and Nick Cuse reviewed by The Hollywood Reporter revolves around third-rail political themes. (Original title: Red State Vs. Blue State.)

Given the fraught political climate — particularly in the wake of the attack in El Paso, which was motivated by anti-immigrant bigotry — studio sources say Universal is evaluating its plans in what one called "a fluid situation." A high-level insider says top executives want to stand by Blum, one of the studio's most prolific and successful producers, as well as filmmaker Craig Zobel, and see the project as a satire addressing an issue of great social importance. But this person says plans could change "if people think we're being exploitative rather than opinionated."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

From a business perspective, The Hunt presents a gamble for Universal in these divided times. The satire Assassination Nation, which also pitted the woke versus the unwoke in uber-violent fashion, represented the top sale at Sundance 2018 at $10 million. But the film fizzled upon its release later that year, earning just $2 million with no international rollout. Says one person involved with that film, "We thought people would get the joke."

The Hunt made some executives at Universal skittish back in May 2018, when film chief Donna Langley acquired the script and fast-tracked it at a modest $18 million budget. It is unclear whether there were any other bidders on the property, the sale of which was brokered by CAA, but insiders at several studios told THR at the time that they did not pursue it because of the explosive premise. One executive sayshe didn't even read the script, noting, "The idea seemed crazy."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it's his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. "War is war," says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.

[[[Flacaltenn]]] That's real funny "horror satire" right there.

"Employees in different departments were questioning the wisdom of making such a movie in these times," says one filmmaker with ties to Universal. "In light of the horrific [recent shootings], is this not the most craven, irresponsible, dangerous exploitation?"

[[[Flacaltenn]]] Think I've used similar words in this thread to describe this turdish "derangement fantasy".. THAT filmmaker is excused from the head examinations that need to take place..

That point is countered by a Universal executive, who says the movie "is meant to show what a stupid, crazy world we live in," adding, "It might even be more powerful now."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] He's number one on list of Execs who need to be committed to psych eval as a danger to our fragile society...

Thanks for the information.

I am not going to lie, I am of the mindset...it is just a movie and not worth freaking out over. They took an old genre and tried to give it new life by making it about today. It is like when Red Dawn was remade and they went from Russian troops to North Korean.

Perhaps you are right, in this day and age people are idiots and cannot separate realty from fantasy.
This movie may very well turn out to be a blockbuster for 2 reasons.

1. Tons of free advertisement
2. It was been made controversial
I'm reserving judgement. I have no problem with the premise and it wouldn't matter if it was liberals or conservatives being hunted. It sounds interesting and COULD be a good exciting movie. However, there have been plenty of movies that could have been good and exciting but they turned out to be duds. So we'll see. This could be much ado about what turns out to be a stupid boring movie.
Sure professor.. Budget = cost of MAKING THE FILM

Ah, so we're back to the point I originally made, so I guess that's progress for a donkey brain like yourself.

does not include the advert campaign, distribution, rights management

Actually it does, dummy.

and the MASSIVE profit sharing that goes out to the CAST and significant crew over the LIFE of the film...

The LIFE of the film meaning what, exactly? Again, you obviously don't seem to know much, so please expound, if you can.

On second thought, forget about it. The more you deflect due to a lack of intelligence, to more we get waaaay off track from my original point:

Which is, of course, that you lied about the premise for this movie. You got your partisan panties in a bunch running with fake news, and you would rather believe press releases from politically biased sources rather than the actual synopsis of the film, where there's no mention of either 'deplorables' nor Orange Virus supporters in it. Your entire gripe is bullshit posturing.

You, a mod, are responsible for spreading fake news in your own forum. Congratulations, dip shit.

Best background on this ill-conceived, cynical attempt to inflame the political wars is from The Hollywood Reporter. They had access to the SCRIPT, the process, the negotiations, the decisions and discussions.. And surprise, surprise --- I read this all pretty much correctly...

Ads Pulled for Gory Universal Thriller 'The Hunt' in Wake of Mass Shootings (Exclusive)

In the wake of a trio of deadly massacres, the studio is evaluating its strategy for the R-rated Blumhouse satire in which elites stalk "deplorables."
"Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?" one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Pictures thriller set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: "At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."

In the aftermath of mass shootings within days of one another that shocked and traumatized the nation, Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire. The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum's Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals.

The Hunt stars Betty Gilpin from GLOW and Hilary Swank, representing opposite sides of the political divide. It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey. The script from Damon Lindelof and Nick Cuse reviewed by The Hollywood Reporter revolves around third-rail political themes. (Original title: Red State Vs. Blue State.)

Given the fraught political climate — particularly in the wake of the attack in El Paso, which was motivated by anti-immigrant bigotry — studio sources say Universal is evaluating its plans in what one called "a fluid situation." A high-level insider says top executives want to stand by Blum, one of the studio's most prolific and successful producers, as well as filmmaker Craig Zobel, and see the project as a satire addressing an issue of great social importance. But this person says plans could change "if people think we're being exploitative rather than opinionated."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

From a business perspective, The Hunt presents a gamble for Universal in these divided times. The satire Assassination Nation, which also pitted the woke versus the unwoke in uber-violent fashion, represented the top sale at Sundance 2018 at $10 million. But the film fizzled upon its release later that year, earning just $2 million with no international rollout. Says one person involved with that film, "We thought people would get the joke."

The Hunt made some executives at Universal skittish back in May 2018, when film chief Donna Langley acquired the script and fast-tracked it at a modest $18 million budget. It is unclear whether there were any other bidders on the property, the sale of which was brokered by CAA, but insiders at several studios told THR at the time that they did not pursue it because of the explosive premise. One executive sayshe didn't even read the script, noting, "The idea seemed crazy."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] YA THINK????

The script for The Hunt features the red-state characters wearing trucker hats and cowboy shirts, with one bragging about owning seven guns because it's his constitutional right. The blue-state characters — some equally adept with firearms — explain that they picked their targets because they expressed anti-choice positions or used the N-word on Twitter. "War is war," says one character after shoving a stiletto heel through the eye of a denim-clad hillbilly.

[[[Flacaltenn]]] That's real funny "horror satire" right there.

"Employees in different departments were questioning the wisdom of making such a movie in these times," says one filmmaker with ties to Universal. "In light of the horrific [recent shootings], is this not the most craven, irresponsible, dangerous exploitation?"

[[[Flacaltenn]]] Think I've used similar words in this thread to describe this turdish "derangement fantasy".. THAT filmmaker is excused from the head examinations that need to take place..

That point is countered by a Universal executive, who says the movie "is meant to show what a stupid, crazy world we live in," adding, "It might even be more powerful now."

[[[Flacaltenn]]] He's number one on list of Execs who need to be committed to psych eval as a danger to our fragile society...

Thanks for the information.

I am not going to lie, I am of the mindset...it is just a movie and not worth freaking out over. They took an old genre and tried to give it new life by making it about today. It is like when Red Dawn was remade and they went from Russian troops to North Korean.

Perhaps you are right, in this day and age people are idiots and cannot separate realty from fantasy.

I get you.. But I'm tired of watching the downward spiral of stuff that is WRONG getting excused because the "other side" does the same.. It ends up predictable with no one being able to SAY this is too far without getting shouted over...

It's like immaculate cleaning of all moral or ethical sins -- if "it's been done before" or "the other side did it first".

And you KNOW it's heading that way faster every day now.. From my political perch, I may defend the right of either Hollywood or MSNBC to plunge their media vehicles into fiery tailspins. But NOT when try to take my country with them.. It's that freaking simple...
Actually it does, dummy.

Actually it DOESN'T --------------------------- dummy.. And you cant or didn't critically read your own link...

TUTORIAL: Budgeting Basics
In 2007, for example, the average cost to produce a major studio movie was around $65 million. But the production costs don't cover distribution and marketing, which was another $35 million or so, on average, in 2007, bringing the total cost to produce and market a major movie right at $100 million.

At least be HONEST about what the links say --- huh??? And if a cheap budget is put into NATIONAL distribution, Those marketing/distribution costs start nearing the same as for major releases..

In addition -- as I told that OTHER costs of advertising, paying royalties and profit-sharing to actors and key crews is ALSO not covered in production cost estimates.
You know, the only reason conservatives are up in arms about this movie is because it used the term "deplorable", which is a word that was used by Hillary to describe around half of Trump's supporters, and then Trump politicized it and used it as a political club to take apart Hillary's campaign.

The only reason it's causing controversy is because rich liberals are hunting deplorables. It gives conservatives something to bitch about.
You know, the only reason conservatives are up in arms about this movie is because it used the term "deplorable", which is a word that was used by Hillary to describe around half of Trump's supporters, and then Trump politicized it and used it as a political club to take apart Hillary's campaign.

The only reason it's causing controversy is because rich liberals are hunting deplorables. It gives conservatives something to bitch about.

Oh HELL no.. It's much more spelled out than just alluding to the term deplorables.. Did you read the Hollywood Reporter article I posted??? They had access to the writers, the FULL SCRIPT and the negotiations.. The original title of the script was Red State vs Blue State.. And in the opening dialogue -- this appears...

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

"Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?" one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Pictures thriller set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: "At least The Hunt's coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables."

Lemme ask you WHY IT MATTERS -- who gets degraded, dehumanized, bound and gagged, kidnapped and hunted for sport?? Are your ethics and morals so muddy that you can't disown until you know who "WINS"?

If you do, you might want to check into rehab with those Universal Execs that came to their senses JUST TODAY and SCRAPPED the release of this inflammatory piece of garbage....
The depraved folks who took this project all the way to completing the film have been slapped back into sanity...

Universal Scraps 'The Hunt' Release Following Gun Violence Uproar

Universal has decided to scrap the release of The Hunt — an R-rated satire in which elites hunt "deplorables" for sport — following a series of mass shootings across the country. The film had been set to hit theaters Sept. 27.

The studio's announcement on Saturday came a day after President Donald Trump took aim at the pic — though he didn't identify it by name — and Hollywood, saying on Twitter, "Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves "Elite," but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!"

"While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film," the studio said in Saturday's statement. "We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film."

"This was a decision that the studio came to with the Hunt filmmaking team, but ultimately it was about making the right decision, right now. It was a tough call for the company, but studio leadership, led by Donna Langley, all agreed that this film could wait," a studio source said. (NBCUniversal's parent company is Comcast.)

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