Hollywood And Hitler

The American jewish liberals in the 1930's were solidly in the USSR communist camp.

So this story is a fail. .. :cool:

lots of people were commies back then

anyone that wanted to be one took orders from their leaders, and jews did have a lot of power back then.
The leadership of the Communist Party in the USSR was largely made up from bolshevik jews.

So by and large the American jews supported the communist experiment that was taking place in 1920-30's Russia. .. :cool:
Of the two parties in the 1930's, the Republicans tended to be more tolerant of the Nazis. The Democrats were more supportive of the communist.

However, times were very different in 30's than they are today. We were in the great depression and people were more willing to look at other political philosophies. The Nazis were making tremendous economic progress while the US was mired down in a depression. The USSR for the first in it's history was experience real economic expansion.

When people are hunger, losing their jobs, and homes they become quite willing to listen to anybody's political.
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Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.
Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.
All those lefties sided with Socialist Hitler.
consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.
All those lefties sided with Socialist Hitler.
No, the liberals sided with the communist. The Republicans sided with Hitler.
During the 30's you could not side with Hitler and the communist. Hitler hated the communist.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.
All those lefties sided with Socialist Hitler.
No, the liberals sided with the communist. The Republicans sided with Hitler.
During the 30's you could not side with Hitler and the communist. Hitler hated the communist.
Yes, I was being facetious.
All those lefties sided with Socialist Hitler.
No, the liberals sided with the communist. The Republicans sided with Hitler.
During the 30's you could not side with Hitler and the communist. Hitler hated the communist.
Yes, I was being facetious.

There was huge political changes that took place between the 1930's and end of the war. In the early thirties, with no one know knowing whether we would ever come out the depression, people were looking seriously at the USSR and Germany. The USSR for first time in history was making real economic progress. After Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany started showing signs of real recover. By the mid 30's it's factories were booming. US industrialist began to think Hitler had the answer and liberals were moving toward communist. Both the right and left were of course wrong.

When war broke out, US industrialist deserted Hitler like mice off a sinking ship. With the end of WWII, the USSR showed it's true colors and liberals started deserting the communist party in droves.
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lets all keep in mind that this was in the 30's, the decade that had hitler as Times man of the year.

It wasn't until full blown war broke out that people started thinking hitler may be an ass

Common mistake here actually.

Time's "Man Of The Year" is not just for those that are good, it is simply awarded to the person (or persons) who they think are most newsworthy. And this could be for good or bad things.

Yes, Hitler got the award. So did Joseph Stalin (twice), Wallis Simpson, Nikita Khrushchev, General Westmoreland, King Faisal (for his participation in the Arab-Israeli War), even the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Myself, I think that most of the changes that are hinted at were more for films to be distributed within Germany. And that was (and still is) a common practice in films even today.

Cut, Censored, Changed: 10 Hollywood Films Tweaked for International Release Gallery - The Hollywood Reporter

This has been routine in the industry for almost as long as the industry has existed. And I am pretty sure that what will appear in this "research" is nothing more then that. And sometimes these are even more explicit then the US version. FOr example, the "International" version of Blade Runner was more violent then that show in in US theatres.
Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

What total nonsense. The greatist American "liberal", as Americans curiously use the term, of them all, FDR, adamently opposed the Nazi regime, and spent a good deal of time and effort to sway the American people to this point of view. It was the right wing, embodied in such personalities as Joe Kennedy and "Lucky" Lindy, that had sympathy for the Nazis.

Nazi "infiltration" of the LA of the '30s? Give me some or what you are drinking.
The Nazi Party had as much influence in Hollywood as the Imperial Japs did before the war. Anyone in Hollywood with even a tint of pro-Nazism would have been shipped off to our German concentration camps after the war started.

FDR was a great champion of the Soviets, even before WW2. He had the laughable propaganda film "Mission to Moscow" made about the glories of the Soviet regime and how the great purges were justified.

Mission to Moscow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Nazi Party had as much influence in Hollywood as the Imperial Japs did before the war. Anyone in Hollywood with even a tint of pro-Nazism would have been shipped off to our German concentration camps after the war started.

FDR was a great champion of the Soviets, even before WW2. He had the laughable propaganda film "Mission to Moscow" made about the glories of the Soviet regime and how the great purges were justified.

Mission to Moscow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was not a "champion of the Soviets", but realized that they would have to be supported in the war against Germany and Japan, otherwise the western world could end up in deep trouble. So FDR, along with Winston Churchill, and other western leaders, held their noses and sent aid. The belief was that Stalin could be delt with sometime down the road, but Hitler could not be, and must be defeated at all costs.

The Soviets were promoted as reasonable people to this end. It was not a hard sell at the time, as capitalism had just trashed the world economy, and many who suffered the consequences thought maybe the Soviets were on to something. This of course was not accurate, but was an understandable feeling given the time.
The Nazi Party had as much influence in Hollywood as the Imperial Japs did before the war. Anyone in Hollywood with even a tint of pro-Nazism would have been shipped off to our German concentration camps after the war started.

FDR was a great champion of the Soviets, even before WW2. He had the laughable propaganda film "Mission to Moscow" made about the glories of the Soviet regime and how the great purges were justified.

Mission to Moscow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was not a "champion of the Soviets", but realized that they would have to be supported in the war against Germany and Japan, otherwise the western world could end up in deep trouble. So FDR, along with Winston Churchill, and other western leaders, held their noses and sent aid. The belief was that Stalin could be delt with sometime down the road, but Hitler could not be, and must be defeated at all costs.

The Soviets were promoted as reasonable people to this end. It was not a hard sell at the time, as capitalism had just trashed the world economy, and many who suffered the consequences thought maybe the Soviets were on to something. This of course was not accurate, but was an understandable feeling given the time.
I think FDR's policies toward the Soviets served us well in WWII. Delaying the Second Front, forced Stalin to sacrifice millions of Russians to wear down the Nazis while saving thousands if not millions of American lives.
Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.

consider to JFK's whore mongering daddy Joe was a jew hater and pro nazi. sent to England as ambassador in 38 he started blowing Hitler's dick till Churchill told FDR to get rid of it or else. oops so much for his run for prez
maybe he went to hollywood to learn how to make a movie???


The warped Nazi propaganda film of Titanic

What if Hitler Made a Titanic Movie? (He Did) | Old Salt Blog ? a virtual port of call for all those who love the sea

There is actually a pretty good documentary on this that I caught on History Chanel last week.

And a lot of this movie was about the Nazi obsession to reclaim the title of the center of the film world. Most do not realize that at one time, Germany and not Hollywood was the center of the world's cinema. With directors like F. W. Murnau (Nosferatu, The Last Laugh), Paul Wegener (Der Golem), and Robert Wiene (Fear, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari), and Fritz Lang (M, Metropolis, Dr. Mabuse the Gambler) Germany really was the "Flim Capitol of the World" in the beginning of the 20th century.

However, the fall of the Weimar Republic and rise of the National Socialists caused most of the leading talent to flee Germany, most of them moving to the United States and the growing collection of studios around Hollywood.

So in their eyes, it was not as much becoming the New Hollywood, as much as reclaiming the title that they once held for over a decade before it was stolen from them.
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Any claim that Hollywood was supportive of Hitler in the 30's is ridiculous. The 3 major studios, Warner Brothers, Paramount, and MGM were founded or managed by Jews who had no love for Hitler. There were problems with producing anti-Nazi films in the 30's. The Production Code, which regulated film content, prohibited "unfair" depictions of any nation, its leaders, or its citizens. Secondly, the public had no interest in films of this type. With the depression raging, Americans wanted escapist entertainment, comedies, musicals, gangster movies, and romances.

However, there were a number of anti-Nazi and anti-Facist films primarily from Warner Bros. such as Black Legion [1936], Confessions of a Nazi Spy [1939], They Won't Forget [1937], and The Life of Emile Zola [1937].

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Nobody should be surprised by this.


When Hollywood Held Hands With Hitler


Evidence shows that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party exercised considerable influence over Hollywood, including what films went unmade and what scenes were cut.

By Alexander C. Kafka

Cambridge, Mass.

A debate is raging over Hollywood's alleged collusion with the Nazis. At stake: the moral culpability of Jewish studio heads during cinema's golden age.

The catalyst is a forthcoming book from Harvard University Press, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact With Hitler, by the 35-year-old historian Ben Urwand. The book is still several months from publication, but emotions are running high after an early review in the online magazine Tablet, followed by an exchange of rhetorical fire in The New York Times between Urwand and Thomas Doherty, a professor of American studies at Brandeis University who this spring published his own account of the era, Hollywood and Hitler: 1933-1939 (Columbia University Press). The clash comes during a period of heightened scholarly attention to Nazi infiltration and counterinfiltration in Depression-era Los Angeles, complicating the story of Hollywood's stance toward fascism.

Urwand's Hollywood-Hitler focus began in 2004, when, while pursuing his doctorate at the University of California at Berkeley, he saw an interview with Budd Schulberg in which the screenwriter mentioned that in the 1930s, the head of MGM would show movies to a German consular official in LA and they'd agree on cuts. Urwand knew that anti-Nazi pictures didn't start appearing until 1939, and he suspected that indifference or passivity couldn't fully explain that. He smelled a dissertation topic. "It was the spark," he says, and he spent the next nine years traveling to dozens of archives, piecing the story together.

I snipped it there. More at the link.

It's gonna be hilarious to see libtards scurrying like the rats they are to keep this from coming out.

Anybody that follows history or knows much about the Nazi era knows how much backing Hitler got from American liberals.

But they'll lie and deny. Like they always do.

And the stupid and the gullible will buy it.

Like they always do

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.

consideing Bush sr's father Prescott Bush helped put Hitler into power,yeah its no surprise at all.
Coca Cola, Chase, IBM, Kodak, and Standard Oil for starters sided with the Nazis before and at times during the war. With the big corporations, patriotism often took a back seat to profits.

The Standard Oil group of companies, in which the Rockefeller family owned a one-quarter (and controlling) interest, was of critical importance in helping Nazi Germany prepare for World War II.

CHAPTER FOUR: Standard Oil Fuels World War II

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