Hollywood Actress arrested for DUI; Pleads for Obama to "fire" the cop!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Amanda Bynes Charged with DUI, Pleads with Obama to Fire Cop Who Arrested Her - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

So a liberal Hollywood actress is driving, sideswipes a cop car, is pulled over, refuses to take a breathe test, is arrested for DUI, then pleads to President Obama to have the cop fired (Yes, the same cop she hit with her car, and refused to take the breathe test which all 50 states require as a condition of having a driver's license).

Yep, our Savior, Barack Obama. THIS is how so many on the left view Him. Glad to see she's upholding the left wings long tradition of disrespecting police officers.......and some hold pure hatred for them.

Sorry ma'am, The President can't get your ass out of jail. And he also can't fire the fine officer who got your dangerous drunk ass away from the driver seat of your car.

BUT....dont speak too soon. With this administration, I'm sure Eric Holder has assigned an intern to look into it just in case they have the power to fire that cop!
wasn't there another little pop tart who did that a week or two ago? cause the pappparazzzzi was a botherin her?

Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

More info. It was 3am. A TMZ reporter said she was so drunk he tried to get valet to not give her the keys.

She was trying to PASS the cop car, yes, PASS him at 3am and drunk (dumb), then hit the cop car, got arrested, refused the BA test, then pleads to Obama to fire the cop.

Now.....Obama is not to blame for any of this. This is about how the stupid morons on the left have fallen into the false hope of idol worship when it comes to liberal politicians. They think he will pay their mortgage, pay their gas bills, use his "Obama money" from "his stash" to help them, and apparantly......fire cops who dare hold them accountable to laws of this land.
Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

More info. It was 3am. A TMZ reporter said she was so drunk he tried to get valet to not give her the keys.

She was trying to PASS the cop car, yes, PASS him at 3am and drunk (dumb), then hit the cop car, got arrested, refused the BA test, then pleads to Obama to fire the cop.

Now.....Obama is not to blame for any of this. This is about how the stupid morons on the left have fallen into the false hope of idol worship when it comes to liberal politicians. They think he will pay their mortgage, pay their gas bills, use his "Obama money" from "his stash" to help them, and apparantly......fire cops who dare hold them accountable to laws of this land.

While he may not be personally responsible for this incident, he most certainly has done everything he can to promote this type of "hope" among his worshipers.
It says she was a Nickelodeon actress in 96, and in some movie in 2010, but "hasn't acted since".

I disagree. She has acted.......like a dumbass hahaha!

Liberals really think Obama has that much power. That he can fire any city cop in America on a whim.
Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

More info. It was 3am. A TMZ reporter said she was so drunk he tried to get valet to not give her the keys.

She was trying to PASS the cop car, yes, PASS him at 3am and drunk (dumb), then hit the cop car, got arrested, refused the BA test, then pleads to Obama to fire the cop.

Now.....Obama is not to blame for any of this. This is about how the stupid morons on the left have fallen into the false hope of idol worship when it comes to liberal politicians. They think he will pay their mortgage, pay their gas bills, use his "Obama money" from "his stash" to help them, and apparantly......fire cops who dare hold them accountable to laws of this land.

While he may not be personally responsible for this incident, he most certainly has done everything he can to promote this type of "hope" among his worshipers.

Yes, he has. But to be 100% fair, ALL politicians do that. The promise more and more and more, make people believe the govt will be there to do all these things that WE SHOULD BE DOING OURSELVES.

NO politician runs on the platform of "You people are gonna have to take care of yourselves, work out your own problems, stop calling us. Vote for me!"

That doesn't win. In our pampered society full of fat ass victims who wanna blame everyone else and have someone else do everything they should be........politics will follow by promising those same fat bastards exactly that.

So yeah, Obama contributes to this mindset, but 99% of politicians do the same.

This thread was more of an insight to the defective liberal mind.
Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

More info. It was 3am. A TMZ reporter said she was so drunk he tried to get valet to not give her the keys.

She was trying to PASS the cop car, yes, PASS him at 3am and drunk (dumb), then hit the cop car, got arrested, refused the BA test, then pleads to Obama to fire the cop.

Now.....Obama is not to blame for any of this. This is about how the stupid morons on the left have fallen into the false hope of idol worship when it comes to liberal politicians. They think he will pay their mortgage, pay their gas bills, use his "Obama money" from "his stash" to help them, and apparantly......fire cops who dare hold them accountable to laws of this land.

While he may not be personally responsible for this incident, he most certainly has done everything he can to promote this type of "hope" among his worshipers.

Yes, he has. But to be 100% fair, ALL politicians do that. The promise more and more and more, make people believe the govt will be there to do all these things that WE SHOULD BE DOING OURSELVES.

NO politician runs on the platform of "You people are gonna have to take care of yourselves, work out your own problems, stop calling us. Vote for me!"

That doesn't win. In our pampered society full of fat ass victims who wanna blame everyone else and have someone else do everything they should be........politics will follow by promising those same fat bastards exactly that.

So yeah, Obama contributes to this mindset, but 99% of politicians do the same.

This thread was more of an insight to the defective liberal mind.

You are correct about most politicians. But politicians who consistently receive appeals to interfere with law enforcement are the really crooked ones, aka: Chicago-type thugs.
Personally, I would love to have the option to vote for someone who promises self sufficiency. I, and those like me, appear to be sadly outnumbered by the fat-ass victims who want to take and not do for themselves.
While he may not be personally responsible for this incident, he most certainly has done everything he can to promote this type of "hope" among his worshipers.

Yes, he has. But to be 100% fair, ALL politicians do that. The promise more and more and more, make people believe the govt will be there to do all these things that WE SHOULD BE DOING OURSELVES.

NO politician runs on the platform of "You people are gonna have to take care of yourselves, work out your own problems, stop calling us. Vote for me!"

That doesn't win. In our pampered society full of fat ass victims who wanna blame everyone else and have someone else do everything they should be........politics will follow by promising those same fat bastards exactly that.

So yeah, Obama contributes to this mindset, but 99% of politicians do the same.

This thread was more of an insight to the defective liberal mind.

You are correct about most politicians. But politicians who consistently receive appeals to interfere with law enforcement are the really crooked ones, aka: Chicago-type thugs.
Personally, I would love to have the option to vote for someone who promises self sufficiency. I, and those like me, appear to be sadly outnumbered by the fat-ass victims who want to take and not do for themselves.

Yep, we are outnumbered by the fat bastard victimhood types.

But....I'm a former police officer, and sadly must say politicians of both sides try to interfere with the law. It only takes 1 of their former law school buddies getting hemmed up with some powder and a hooker before phone calls start coming in from "the capital". Nothing on record, of course, and I must say in a positive twist, many times nothing changes. But, all politicians typically feel they have more power over local PD's than they actually do. And most times they find out they dont. WHich is why historically there is often ongoing tension between police and sheriff's depts, and the admin governments they work with, because of the many cases where a politician tried to influence the cop's case, and were told to fuck off. PD budgets have been threatened. Firings have been threatened. Has gotten dirty in the past, especially in huge cities like Chicago, and rural regions of the South. Because in the end...most politicians are crooked at their core, and most cops are noble at theirs. So it's inevitable that a clash between the two groups who work under the same govt emblem, supposedly for the same cause, will happen.
She is kinda hot though....I'd do her!!!!


Yes, he has. But to be 100% fair, ALL politicians do that. The promise more and more and more, make people believe the govt will be there to do all these things that WE SHOULD BE DOING OURSELVES.

NO politician runs on the platform of "You people are gonna have to take care of yourselves, work out your own problems, stop calling us. Vote for me!"

That doesn't win. In our pampered society full of fat ass victims who wanna blame everyone else and have someone else do everything they should be........politics will follow by promising those same fat bastards exactly that.

So yeah, Obama contributes to this mindset, but 99% of politicians do the same.

This thread was more of an insight to the defective liberal mind.

You are correct about most politicians. But politicians who consistently receive appeals to interfere with law enforcement are the really crooked ones, aka: Chicago-type thugs.
Personally, I would love to have the option to vote for someone who promises self sufficiency. I, and those like me, appear to be sadly outnumbered by the fat-ass victims who want to take and not do for themselves.

Yep, we are outnumbered by the fat bastard victimhood types.

But....I'm a former police officer, and sadly must say politicians of both sides try to interfere with the law. It only takes 1 of their former law school buddies getting hemmed up with some powder and a hooker before phone calls start coming in from "the capital". Nothing on record, of course, and I must say in a positive twist, many times nothing changes. But, all politicians typically feel they have more power over local PD's than they actually do. And most times they find out they dont. WHich is why historically there is often ongoing tension between police and sheriff's depts, and the admin governments they work with, because of the many cases where a politician tried to influence the cop's case, and were told to fuck off. PD budgets have been threatened. Firings have been threatened. Has gotten dirty in the past, especially in huge cities like Chicago, and rural regions of the South. Because in the end...most politicians are crooked at their core, and most cops are noble at theirs. So it's inevitable that a clash between the two groups who work under the same govt emblem, supposedly for the same cause, will happen.

You'll find no argument here, because I understand the fundamental difference between most cops and most pols. In my younger years, I initially started a career in law enforcement. My boss was crooked enough that when I bucked his system, he found a way to put me out. Not to mention, if you go into the law with an eye to helping people...well, there are lots of people who just don't want the popo's help.
But you are quite right, they are two very different species of animal at their cores, pols and police.

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