Hobby Lobby Should Hold Religious Services In Their Stores


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Hobby Lobby is losing a legal battle against a government forcing them to adhere to Obamacare. The solution is to hold religious services in all Hobby Lobby stores nationwide and apply for tax-free status.

Obama loves going around our laws so I think it's time everybody in America started lawyering-up and doing the same. If the Obama Administration insists on acting like a Hugo Chavez type government I think it's time we started fighting back.

Hobby Lobby is owned by an evangelical group and this is the first non Catholic group that has become embroiled in a legal depute in the 4 year old law that has yet to take effect. I don't believe in the same things that strict evangelicals do but this used to be a free country.

This kind of governmental oppression is just the beginning. Every Socialist country starts out this way. Eventually they're dictating everything. Government is notorious at starting out with laws that look harmless and cost X amount of dollars and then morphing into something totally different and costing much much more.

My solution may have an effect that Obama and his Christian hating cronies hadn't counted on. Turn every Hobby Lobby into a church on Sunday. Sort of giving Obama a taste of his own medicine.

Does anyone actually still believe that Obama is a Christian?



Hobby Lobby: First Evangelical-Led Business Files Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate

Hobby Lobby is losing a legal battle against a government forcing them to adhere to Obamacare. The solution is to hold religious services in all Hobby Lobby stores nationwide and apply for tax-free status.

Obama loves going around our laws so I think it's time everybody in America started lawyering-up and doing the same. If the Obama Administration insists on acting like a Hugo Chavez type government I think it's time we started fighting back.

Hobby Lobby is owned by an evangelical group and this is the first non Catholic group that has become embroiled in a legal depute in the 4 year old law that has yet to take effect. I don't believe in the same things that strict evangelicals do but this used to be a free country.

This kind of governmental oppression is just the beginning. Every Socialist country starts out this way. Eventually they're dictating everything. Government is notorious at starting out with laws that look harmless and cost X amount of dollars and then morphing into something totally different and costing much much more.

My solution may have an effect that Obama and his Christian hating cronies hadn't counted on. Turn every Hobby Lobby into a church on Sunday. Sort of giving Obama a taste of his own medicine.

Does anyone actually still believe that Obama is a Christian?



Hobby Lobby: First Evangelical-Led Business Files Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate

They are closed on Sunday so it would be a wash.

However, I doubt anyone in their right mind would waste 2 seconds considering any idea you've come up with.

You're such a pussy.
The solution is to close all the Hobby Lobby stores fire all the employees and move to a country that will permit religious freedom. Like Russia, since it overcame communism, it has become quite religious and permits all faiths.
Is Hobby Lobby saying fuck you to Obama or fuck you to their employees?
I'm more concerned about your sanity. Get help!

Your problem is you can't think outside of the box......:badgrin:

They going to give up their profits? They're a non-no for any organization demanding a religious exemption. If you hadn't considered that, who's not thinking outside the box?

I considered it. That was a dig at dumb-shits like you.

The tax-free status isn't even a consideration. However they could create a new status for their buildings certifying them as religious in nature. The sticking point seems to be are they a religious entity? If they hold one service a week or one a month they become so.

If it's a matter of zoning laws that's a municipal matter, not a federal matter.
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The solution is to close all the Hobby Lobby stores fire all the employees and move to a country that will permit religious freedom. Like Russia, since it overcame communism, it has become quite religious and permits all faiths.

tell that to the Jews and the progrom
The solution is to close all the Hobby Lobby stores fire all the employees and move to a country that will permit religious freedom. Like Russia, since it overcame communism, it has become quite religious and permits all faiths.

tell that to the Jews and the progrom

Democrats wouldn't at all mind a Christian pogrom right here. It would be another strike for their freedom to end Christianity. Just pass a few laws prohibiting the practice of religion. Start confining it out of the public square and demand that Christians stop living their beliefs.
The solution is to close all the Hobby Lobby stores fire all the employees and move to a country that will permit religious freedom. Like Russia, since it overcame communism, it has become quite religious and permits all faiths.

tell that to the Jews and the progrom

Democrats wouldn't at all mind a Christian pogrom right here. It would be another strike for their freedom to end Christianity. Just pass a few laws prohibiting the practice of religion. Start confining it out of the public square and demand that Christians stop living their beliefs.

And build Islamic temples in shopping malls and airports.

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