Hmmm, Financing Problems for


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Move Contribution Problems For Dems?

via Drudge:

Frustrated with the lack of domestic support, left-leaning website has apparently been reaching beyond American borders to generate cash revenue over the internet!

The provocative international fundraising strategy threatens to embroil the presidential candidacies of General Wesley Clark and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean.

Both men are named on international fundraising websites suggesting donations to


Meanwhile,, which has been running ads critical of the Bush Administration, has named an "International Campaigns Director," the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

It is not clear how much money has been raised -- to date-- from foreign sources, but political websites from London to Portugal to Montreal are directing their citizens to stop the American president George Bush by donating to!

Wesley Clark's official campaign website has been offering a link to "Canada For Clark", which in turn advises Canadians: "Non-Americans can't by law, give money to any particular candidate's campaign. But we can support pro-democracy, progressive American organizations like, which do their best to spread the ugly truth about Bush and publicize the Democratic message. Click here to donate to"

The top traffic referrer to is Clark's Official Campaign Website.

MORE is a noncommercial and volunteer website offered by Corinne Sinclair, a non-US citizen, based in London. Domain registration information indicates the website name servers are owned by, a website hosting service based in Portugal. encourages non-Americans across the global to help Dean win the 2004 election.

A notice on the website explains how to provide funds to, since non-Americans cannot donate directly to the Dean campaign.

Late last week, a Swedish website removed an " Fundraising Appeal," claiming "No Longer Accepts Contributions From Non US Citizens/Permanent Resident Aliens."

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, who has been headlining events, is said to have vocalized serious concerns about the website accepting cash from foreign sources, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.


"To avoid even the appearance of impropriety, we are not going to take contributions from overseas," Wes Boyd, one of the founders of, explained this weekend.

Boyd refused to disclose how much revenue had already been generated abroad.


Filed By Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author
I think it is an interesting observation that organizations like Cato and Heritage are more than 65 percent funded by thousands of private donors giving 25 to 100 bucks, while MoveOn is largely funded by one imperious, gun-grabbing, liberty-hating tycoon (Soros).
and the liberals claim that the republicans are just 'rich dudes' looking out for themselves; warning repeatedly that they want to 'control' all the levers of power. Yet which 'fringe' is allowing so few to control so many?
MoveOn constantly solicits their Internet members for money. Sort of implies that foreign soliciitation is happening also. If you read their "board" ( not sure what to call their disorganized posting forum) members are critizing them for their foriegn solicitation.... so maybe there's some truth here..
Welcome Bob! Disorganized is a very good way to put that. The idea of using foreign influence in our election process, is not something I like to see. It's bad enough that it happens through lobbying efforts. Worse when directly through parties or individuals, i.e., China with Clinton and possibly Saudis with Bush.

When it comes through a 'grass roots' organization, it will be much harder for the public to glimpse, not to mention 'watch.'
:) This is why we need to outlaw any financial contributions for political candidates. Let them fight on their own, with their own words and their records of past successes. However, it not so, yet. With president W. Bush, anything should go, if it works against his reelection.
Fantastic idea Sevendogs, with that system the vast majority of incumbents would win reelection. With the Republicans holding the majority in the House and Senate as well as state Govenerships the majority would continue to grow.:)
Fantastic idea Sevendogs, with that system the vast majority of incumbents would win reelection. With the Republicans holding the majority in the House and Senate as well as state Govenerships the majority would continue to grow.

Eden reborn!!

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