His Finest Hour?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The NY Sun has never been a cheerleader for the President, but they certainly didn't pile on about his latest executive order.
This essay has to be considered an even-handed critique.

1. "...Obama’s immigration speech last night could yet go down as his finest hour. .... this isn’t saying a whole lot, given the disappointments of his presidency. But we are among those on the right who reckon that if we want — as we do — the free movement of trade and capital we also need the free movement of labor.

2. The virtue of our system of democratic capitalism is that incents individuals to produce more than they consume, so that the more is the merrier.

3. This was understood by the American Founders....The penchant of the British tyrant, George III, for interfering with immigration to the colonies was one of the grievances enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. George III, ... had “endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither.”

4. ....James Madison, pressed the point. He recorded in his Notes that he’d said he wished “to maintain the character of liberality which had been professed in all the constitutions and publications of America. He wished to invite foreigners of merit and republican principles among us.

5. The Founders gave Congress a free hand in writing a rule of naturalization, requiring only that it be “uniform,” so as to avoid chaos among the states. Mr. Obama would no doubt characterize his own remarks last night as an attempt to seize as much power as the Constitution would allow him absent the kind of legislation [extant.]

6. But it is no small thing that it is to Congress, not the president or the states, that the Constitution grants the naturalization power.

7.... the president is playing with constitutional fire, and whether he will get away with it is now the question.

8. ....it would be wrong of the president to assume that the failure of the Congress to act is a license for him to usurp powers that are not his. Failing to legislate is, after all, itself a decision by Congress, a principle well-recognized by our courts.

9. ....respect the alarm on the southern border.
The reports of lawlessness there, the loss of control of the border, the abuse of welfare, and the scent of rebellion north of the Rio Grande, these problems would have horrified the Founders

10. But the Founders feared a king, too, and this is the problem the president faces. The best part of his speech was when he quoted the Torah, which enjoins us in Exodus that, as Mr. Obama put it, “we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too.” Let us see whether he can lead the Congress into the promised land."
Obama s Finest Hour - The New York Sun
FACT: Illegals are a net loss to our economy they are not "of merit" and we will have to borrow the money to feed, house, and educate them. I'm all for allowing the best and brightest to immigrate here legally, but that's not what Obama is doing. He's importing dirt poor uneducated welfare types he can bribe with government hand outs to vote Dem and cancel out the votes of 12 million Americans.

If they can't convince Americans to vote for Democrats just import millions of poor illegals and bribe them to vote for Democrats.
This is a pure political move.

And the effects are largely philosophical, because tax revenue from low paying jobs tends to run negative, because low paid workers get most of the taxes they pay back.

So besides the secure border aspects of Obama's decree...it's really going to have no economic or visible change in what we see every day.

That's why it's a wonderous little political football both sides are trying to take advantage of.

Obama is trying to get the GOP to pass something supposedly beneficial while he's still in office

The GOP is trying to discredit the Democrats for the 2016 election.

The Democrats, and the GOP, don't really care about illegals, and the citizens who experience disadvantages because they're here.
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.
The NY Sun has never been a cheerleader for the President, but they certainly didn't pile on about his latest executive order.
This essay has to be considered an even-handed critique.

1. "...Obama’s immigration speech last night could yet go down as his finest hour. .... this isn’t saying a whole lot, given the disappointments of his presidency. But we are among those on the right who reckon that if we want — as we do — the free movement of trade and capital we also need the free movement of labor.

2. The virtue of our system of democratic capitalism is that incents individuals to produce more than they consume, so that the more is the merrier.

3. This was understood by the American Founders....The penchant of the British tyrant, George III, for interfering with immigration to the colonies was one of the grievances enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. George III, ... had “endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither.”

4. ....James Madison, pressed the point. He recorded in his Notes that he’d said he wished “to maintain the character of liberality which had been professed in all the constitutions and publications of America. He wished to invite foreigners of merit and republican principles among us.

5. The Founders gave Congress a free hand in writing a rule of naturalization, requiring only that it be “uniform,” so as to avoid chaos among the states. Mr. Obama would no doubt characterize his own remarks last night as an attempt to seize as much power as the Constitution would allow him absent the kind of legislation [extant.]

6. But it is no small thing that it is to Congress, not the president or the states, that the Constitution grants the naturalization power.

7.... the president is playing with constitutional fire, and whether he will get away with it is now the question.

8. ....it would be wrong of the president to assume that the failure of the Congress to act is a license for him to usurp powers that are not his. Failing to legislate is, after all, itself a decision by Congress, a principle well-recognized by our courts.

9. ....respect the alarm on the southern border.
The reports of lawlessness there, the loss of control of the border, the abuse of welfare, and the scent of rebellion north of the Rio Grande, these problems would have horrified the Founders

10. But the Founders feared a king, too, and this is the problem the president faces. The best part of his speech was when he quoted the Torah, which enjoins us in Exodus that, as Mr. Obama put it, “we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too.” Let us see whether he can lead the Congress into the promised land."
Obama s Finest Hour - The New York Sun
Let us see how many people of faith in Congress follow God.................
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.
The GOP propaganda show they put on I believe, has given them egg on their faces..
This is a pure political move.

And the effects are largely philosophical, because tax revenue from low paying jobs tends to run negative, because low paid workers get most of the taxes they pay back.

So besides the secure border aspects of Obama's decree...it's really going to have no economic or visible change in what we see every day.

That's why it's a wonderous little political football both sides are trying to take advantage of.

Obama is trying to get the GOP to pass something supposedly beneficial while he's still in office

The GOP is trying to discredit the Democrats for the 2016 election.

The Democrats, and the GOP, don't really care about illegals, and the citizens who experience disadvantages because they're here.
But if your rich.................
The NY Sun has never been a cheerleader for the President, but they certainly didn't pile on about his latest executive order.
This essay has to be considered an even-handed critique.

1. "...Obama’s immigration speech last night could yet go down as his finest hour. .... this isn’t saying a whole lot, given the disappointments of his presidency. But we are among those on the right who reckon that if we want — as we do — the free movement of trade and capital we also need the free movement of labor.

2. The virtue of our system of democratic capitalism is that incents individuals to produce more than they consume, so that the more is the merrier.

3. This was understood by the American Founders....The penchant of the British tyrant, George III, for interfering with immigration to the colonies was one of the grievances enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. George III, ... had “endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither.”

4. ....James Madison, pressed the point. He recorded in his Notes that he’d said he wished “to maintain the character of liberality which had been professed in all the constitutions and publications of America. He wished to invite foreigners of merit and republican principles among us.

5. The Founders gave Congress a free hand in writing a rule of naturalization, requiring only that it be “uniform,” so as to avoid chaos among the states. Mr. Obama would no doubt characterize his own remarks last night as an attempt to seize as much power as the Constitution would allow him absent the kind of legislation [extant.]

6. But it is no small thing that it is to Congress, not the president or the states, that the Constitution grants the naturalization power.

7.... the president is playing with constitutional fire, and whether he will get away with it is now the question.

8. ....it would be wrong of the president to assume that the failure of the Congress to act is a license for him to usurp powers that are not his. Failing to legislate is, after all, itself a decision by Congress, a principle well-recognized by our courts.

9. ....respect the alarm on the southern border.
The reports of lawlessness there, the loss of control of the border, the abuse of welfare, and the scent of rebellion north of the Rio Grande, these problems would have horrified the Founders

10. But the Founders feared a king, too, and this is the problem the president faces. The best part of his speech was when he quoted the Torah, which enjoins us in Exodus that, as Mr. Obama put it, “we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too.” Let us see whether he can lead the Congress into the promised land."
Obama s Finest Hour - The New York Sun

This says it all: to invite foreigners of merit and republican principles among us.

At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.

Thanks for admitting Obama lied when he said he was looking forward to working with congress. Out the gate he continues to divide the country more.
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.

Thanks for admitting Obama lied when he said he was looking forward to working with congress. Out the gate he continues to divide the country more.
Get Congress to work and stop the way Oblama has to act........
This is a pure political move.

And the effects are largely philosophical, because tax revenue from low paying jobs tends to run negative, because low paid workers get most of the taxes they pay back.

So besides the secure border aspects of Obama's decree...it's really going to have no economic or visible change in what we see every day.

That's why it's a wonderous little political football both sides are trying to take advantage of.

Obama is trying to get the GOP to pass something supposedly beneficial while he's still in office

The GOP is trying to discredit the Democrats for the 2016 election.

The Democrats, and the GOP, don't really care about illegals, and the citizens who experience disadvantages because they're here.
But if your rich.................
Wouldn't know much about that myself....
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.

Thanks for admitting Obama lied when he said he was looking forward to working with congress. Out the gate he continues to divide the country more.
Get Congress to work and stop the way Oblama has to act........
Jesus, can you at least wait until the new Congress is sworn in?

I tell you, the precedents Obama is setting will come back to bite us all in the ass if this country ever elects a rightwing nut to counter the election of this guttersnipe Chicago ward-heeler.
At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.

Thanks for admitting Obama lied when he said he was looking forward to working with congress. Out the gate he continues to divide the country more.
I'm not sure how admitting you lied works where you come from...but usually the person who does the lying, is the person who can admit it.

It's amusing how righties accuse Obama of lying, like no other politician has done it before.
Perhaps this provides a precedent for the Congress to usurp presidential powers that Obama has failed to use properly.
Their cheeks still flushed from Ebolysteria sickness, the rubes lined up for their weekly goblets of piss, and were grubered into believing amnesty was going to be in that thar EO. The starter of this topic was among them.

Stupid voters. Why haven't they figured out yet that mug of piss is laced with what's making them ill?

Will being lied to over and over and over and over again ever cause the rubes to stop buying into the propaganda and unclog their logic filters?

I am not optimistic. In a week or two, they will grab onto another piss vessel over some other manufactured crisis.

Just like they have been for six years going now.
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At a single stroke the President has taken the political momentum away from the Republicans, thrown them off balance and into even deeper confusion. They have no idea what to do now.
The GOP propaganda show they put on I believe, has given them egg on their faces..

Mmmmm yummy......egg on their faces must taste good. All the GOP hypocrites can respond with now are phony lawsuits, sham hearings, and nonsense legislation that has no chance of getting the President's signature.

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