His Defense Brief Is So Weak,‭ ‬John Dean Suspects Trump Dictated Parts Himself


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Former White House counsel for the disgraced Tricky Dick critiqued the brief saying,‭ “ ‘‬It’s not legally sophisticated.‭ ‬It obviously plays to the base.‭’ ”

Of course,‭ ‬it plays to the base,‭ ‬everything trump says,‭ ‬does,‭ ‬and tweets is aimed at the simpletons who voted for him.‭ ‬Everyone else knows trump is full of sh!t.

Dean went on to explain,‭ “ ‘‬I think it’s actually going to insult some of the lawyers in the Senate.‭ ‬If their more detailed brief is of the same tone,‭ ‬they’re making a serious mistake.‭ ‬Lawyers are not going to buy into this.‭ ‬Most members of the Senate,‭ ‬both parties,‭ ‬are lawyers.‭’ “

Dean has also stated,‭ “‬That the impeachment case against Trump is‭ ‘‬more compelling‭’ ‬than the one against Nixon,‭ ‬which drove that president to resign.‭”

Naturally,‭ ‬the vast majority of conservatives believe their knowledge of constitutional law is far superior to experts whose formal education is in that field.‭ ‬So expect their vehement denouncing of John Dean and anyone else who would dare offer an accurate assessment of trump’s inept legal skills.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬Dean’s belief congressional Republicans,‭ ‬who are lawyers,‭ ‬will be insulted by the poorly constructed brief is likely wrong.‭ ‬The GOP’s senate yes-men will swallow their pride and embarrass themselves,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬when Moscow Mitch orders them to agree the trump dictated sections of the brief are the work of a legal genius.‭ ‬As the tragic clown show of the past three years continues.

Trump's Defense Brief Is So Weak He Likely Dictated Parts Himself, John Dean Suspects


Former White House counsel for the disgraced Tricky Dick critiqued the brief saying,‭ “ ‘‬It’s not legally sophisticated.‭ ‬It obviously plays to the base.‭’ ”

Of course,‭ ‬it plays to the base,‭ ‬everything trump says,‭ ‬does,‭ ‬and tweets is aimed at the simpletons who voted for him.‭ ‬Everyone else knows trump is full of sh!t.

Dean went on to explain,‭ “ ‘‬I think it’s actually going to insult some of the lawyers in the Senate.‭ ‬If their more detailed brief is of the same tone,‭ ‬they’re making a serious mistake.‭ ‬Lawyers are not going to buy into this.‭ ‬Most members of the Senate,‭ ‬both parties,‭ ‬are lawyers.‭’ “

Dean has also stated,‭ “‬That the impeachment case against Trump is‭ ‘‬more compelling‭’ ‬than the one against Nixon,‭ ‬which drove that president to resign.‭”

Naturally,‭ ‬the vast majority of conservatives believe their knowledge of constitutional law is far superior to experts whose formal education is in that field.‭ ‬So expect their vehement denouncing of John Dean and anyone else who would dare offer an accurate assessment of trump’s inept legal skills.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬Dean’s belief congressional Republicans,‭ ‬who are lawyers,‭ ‬will be insulted by the poorly constructed brief is likely wrong.‭ ‬The GOP’s senate yes-men will swallow their pride and embarrass themselves,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬when Moscow Mitch orders them to agree the trump dictated sections of the brief are the work of a legal genius.‭ ‬As the tragic clown show of the past three years continues.

Trump's Defense Brief Is So Weak He Likely Dictated Parts Himself, John Dean Suspects

water plants.jpg

Former White House counsel for the disgraced Tricky Dick critiqued the brief saying,‭ “ ‘‬It’s not legally sophisticated.‭ ‬It obviously plays to the base.‭’ ”

Of course,‭ ‬it plays to the base,‭ ‬everything trump says,‭ ‬does,‭ ‬and tweets is aimed at the simpletons who voted for him.‭ ‬Everyone else knows trump is full of sh!t.

Dean went on to explain,‭ “ ‘‬I think it’s actually going to insult some of the lawyers in the Senate.‭ ‬If their more detailed brief is of the same tone,‭ ‬they’re making a serious mistake.‭ ‬Lawyers are not going to buy into this.‭ ‬Most members of the Senate,‭ ‬both parties,‭ ‬are lawyers.‭’ “

Dean has also stated,‭ “‬That the impeachment case against Trump is‭ ‘‬more compelling‭’ ‬than the one against Nixon,‭ ‬which drove that president to resign.‭”

Naturally,‭ ‬the vast majority of conservatives believe their knowledge of constitutional law is far superior to experts whose formal education is in that field.‭ ‬So expect their vehement denouncing of John Dean and anyone else who would dare offer an accurate assessment of trump’s inept legal skills.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬Dean’s belief congressional Republicans,‭ ‬who are lawyers,‭ ‬will be insulted by the poorly constructed brief is likely wrong.‭ ‬The GOP’s senate yes-men will swallow their pride and embarrass themselves,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬when Moscow Mitch orders them to agree the trump dictated sections of the brief are the work of a legal genius.‭ ‬As the tragic clown show of the past three years continues.

Trump's Defense Brief Is So Weak He Likely Dictated Parts Himself, John Dean Suspects


Whether or not the brief reads like a legal document is immaterial. Impeachment trials are not bound by the the rules and format of a typical civil or criminal trial. There are no set rules for evidence, witnesses, etc.

I see a lot of uninformed posters like yourself discussing this trial as if it were under the same rules and procedure of other trials. It is not.

In an impeachment trial-

There is no standard of proof.
There is no rules of evidence.
Any punishment is political, not legal.
The outcome can’t be appealed.

This trial will be a political show in which the democrats will try to weaken Trump political. The Republicans will determine if they have weakened him enough that they need political cover which comes from removing Trump. It is 100 percent political.

Former White House counsel for the disgraced Tricky Dick critiqued the brief saying,‭ “ ‘‬It’s not legally sophisticated.‭ ‬It obviously plays to the base.‭’ ”

Of course,‭ ‬it plays to the base,‭ ‬everything trump says,‭ ‬does,‭ ‬and tweets is aimed at the simpletons who voted for him.‭ ‬Everyone else knows trump is full of sh!t.

Dean went on to explain,‭ “ ‘‬I think it’s actually going to insult some of the lawyers in the Senate.‭ ‬If their more detailed brief is of the same tone,‭ ‬they’re making a serious mistake.‭ ‬Lawyers are not going to buy into this.‭ ‬Most members of the Senate,‭ ‬both parties,‭ ‬are lawyers.‭’ “

Dean has also stated,‭ “‬That the impeachment case against Trump is‭ ‘‬more compelling‭’ ‬than the one against Nixon,‭ ‬which drove that president to resign.‭”

Naturally,‭ ‬the vast majority of conservatives believe their knowledge of constitutional law is far superior to experts whose formal education is in that field.‭ ‬So expect their vehement denouncing of John Dean and anyone else who would dare offer an accurate assessment of trump’s inept legal skills.

Unfortunately,‭ ‬Dean’s belief congressional Republicans,‭ ‬who are lawyers,‭ ‬will be insulted by the poorly constructed brief is likely wrong.‭ ‬The GOP’s senate yes-men will swallow their pride and embarrass themselves,‭ ‬again,‭ ‬when Moscow Mitch orders them to agree the trump dictated sections of the brief are the work of a legal genius.‭ ‬As the tragic clown show of the past three years continues.

Trump's Defense Brief Is So Weak He Likely Dictated Parts Himself, John Dean Suspects


The Fake Impeachment Trial starting this week in Washington is a POLITICAL exercise, not a legal one. No legal argument that the President's lawyers could have written would persuade extremist partisans like Chuck U. Schumer that Trump is as innocent as a newborn babe.

The purpose of the trial isn't really to remove Trump, but to make the case that Sleepy Joe and his Angelic Son Hunter should rule America and be elected in November. So the President's strategy here is to make sure he uses this trial to his advantage and make the case for 4 more years.

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