Hiroshima drew the short straw

"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.

"The lethal possibilities of atomic warfare in the future are frightening. My own feeling was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children."

(Chief of Staff to Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman)

It did serve one good purpose: and that is that we don't use them on a regular basis, now. It would have to be an absolute worst-case scenario.

It was absolutely horrible; but that one purpose, it did serve.
The biggest act of Terrorism ever.

The projected losses of an Invasion were estimated to be 1 million allied casualties with over 100000 dead. For Japan it was likely a civilization ender. The plans by Japan had all able bodied civilians arming themselves with bamboo spears and human wave attacking the landing sites. MILLIONS would have died.

And no Japan had no intention of surrendering before the second atomic bomb was dropped. The Army ran the Government and the only "offer" they made was a ceasefire and return to the Borders of Nov 1941.

Do I need to link my source documents again?

The 'There was no choice!' refrain is a cheap out by simpletons who can't or don't want to consider what is a complex moral and historical issue.

The 'civilians on the beach with sticks' bit is especially asinine.

Of course, this is where stereotypes, overgeneralizations, and outright ignorance usually enters into the discussion.

Actually the Japanese did organize a civilian militia with no uniforms, just explosives and hand to hand weapons. The militia numbered about a million on Kyushu alone and the odds of their survival increased significantly with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks. There were thousands of Kamikazis organized - planes , motor boats, suicide bombers and suicide swimmers, so I am guessing the Japanese leaders were not placing too high a value on their own citizen's lives.
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How impressive it would be, and how evident the evolution of mankind would appear, if one could read one thread in here, without some narrow-minded, know-it-all resorting to name calling.

In my mind, this is what's on the other end of the post that slings original insults like: dumbass, dumbfuck, moron, idiot, stupid.

Observe: Is this you? Because your vocabulary paints a picture of you like this.


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Don't try to play Mr. History if you are really so fucking ignorant.

An angry, bitter little man, who enjoys insulting others. I applaud your taking up the politically incorrect "japs" word. But if you were to get through one post without swearing, you wouldn't paint such an ugly picture of yourself.

What's your deal? Do you hate everyone, or just most people. Everytime I see you posting, usually the words "fuck you", end up somewhere.

Just remember...God loves you, and I'm trying.
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How impressive it would be, and how evident the evolution of mankind would appear, if one could read one thread in here, without some narrow-minded, know-it-all resorting to name calling.

In my mind, this is what's on the other end of the post that slings original insults like: dumbass, dumbfuck, moron, idiot, stupid.

Observe: Is this you? Because your vocabulary paints a picture of you like this.

How did you get my picture? Are you some kind of stalker? :eusa_angel:
How impressive it would be, and how evident the evolution of mankind would appear, if one could read one thread in here, without some narrow-minded, know-it-all resorting to name calling.

In my mind, this is what's on the other end of the post that slings original insults like: dumbass, dumbfuck, moron, idiot, stupid.

Observe: Is this you? Because your vocabulary paints a picture of you like this.

How did you get my picture? Are you some kind of stalker? :eusa_angel:

GASP! Is that you???? Oh, I'm in love! Moobies are my thing. Are you single? :eusa_drool:
Been watching Above and Beyond - 1952 starring Robert Taylor - about the Mahhattan Project andthe dropping of the first A-Bomb.

While the Enola Gay was still in the air - it was up in the air which city would be wipedout - due to visibilty.

Hiroshima had thebest visibility - they were a secondary target.

Thats how warsare won - beingmerciless and unrelenting................

That was the exact quote in the movie - not sure it was historically accurate.

hiroshima was the primary target.

kokura and nagasaki were alternatives.

kokura was the primary target for the second bombing.

nagasaki drew the short straw, as the visibility above kokura was not good enough. kokura's luck.
well both Hiroshima and Nagasaki got off lightly compared to the fire-bombings - they were running outofcities -given fairwarning
Considering how many lives would have been lost in the invasion of Japan it could be argued that it was an act of mercy.

People who say things like this are desperate for a moral 'out' instead of looking at a difficult and complex issue directly.
The projected losses of an Invasion were estimated to be 1 million allied casualties with over 100000 dead. For Japan it was likely a civilization ender. The plans by Japan had all able bodied civilians arming themselves with bamboo spears and human wave attacking the landing sites. MILLIONS would have died.

And no Japan had no intention of surrendering before the second atomic bomb was dropped. The Army ran the Government and the only "offer" they made was a ceasefire and return to the Borders of Nov 1941.

Do I need to link my source documents again?

The 'There was no choice!' refrain is a cheap out by simpletons who can't or don't want to consider what is a complex moral and historical issue.

The 'civilians on the beach with sticks' bit is especially asinine.

Of course, this is where stereotypes, overgeneralizations, and outright ignorance usually enters into the discussion.

Actually the Japanese did organize a civilian militia with no uniforms, just explosives and hand to hand weapons. The militia numbered about a million on Kyushu alone and the odds of their survival increased significantly with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks. There were thousands of Kamikazis organized - planes , motor boats, suicide bombers and suicide swimmers, so I am guessing the Japanese leaders were not placing too high a value on their own citizen's lives.

Right on cue, as predicted... :rolleyes:
Don't try to play Mr. History if you are really so fucking ignorant.

An angry, bitter little man, who enjoys insulting others. I applaud your taking up the politically incorrect "japs" word. But if you were to get through one post without swearing, you wouldn't paint such an ugly picture of yourself.

What's your deal? Do you hate everyone, or just most people. Everytime I see you posting, usually the words "fuck you", end up somewhere.

Just remember...God loves you, and I'm trying.

Oh I'm sorry little precious, has your innocence been tainted by the rough language? You need to worry more about the irony involved in you being more shocked by "fuck you" in the context of the discussion above than by the racial epithet.

By the way, FUCK YOU.
love PC bitches

fucking Japs massecred onemillion civilians in theRape of Nanking in 1936 alone

One million? No, you illiterate ape.

Even ONE unnecessary civilian death is far, far, far, far, far too many, but exaggerrations from ignorance or spite have no place in a serious discussion of history.
The biggest act of Terrorism ever.

Considering how many lives would have been lost in the invasion of Japan it could be argued that it was an act of mercy. An invasion would have cost millions of Japanese lives. The behavior of both the Japanese military and citizens on Okinawa leaves little room for doubt of the genocide that would have occurred.

Some say a demonstration of the bomb's power would have been more humane, but the Japanese refusal to surrender after the first atomic bomb was dropped demonstrates this strategy would not have worked.

Also, the comment "greatest act of terrorism ever" sounds like a ridiculous cry for attention. There was a war between the two counties at the time. The bombing was a military operation. If you are going to include war time operations, why not the bombing of Dresdan or the Siege of Leningrad, both of which cost many more lives.

First off,if I was looking for attention I would have bumbed my thread on this topic. To suggest Japan wanted to still fight because they didn't surrender fast enough is ridiculous. Using cliche propaganda like"it saved millions of American lives" is just an attemt to rationalize the needless killing of women and children. But my point was not to make a moral judgement on the use of the A-bomb. I am just saying that the dropping the A-bomb had no military porpose and was just for political advantage.
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