Hillary’s Top Aides Knew from First Minutes that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack, E-mails Disclose


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Please let the Hildebeasty be the CommiecRATS nominee!

From the very first moments of the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides were advised that the compound was under a terrorist attack. In fact, less than two hours into the attack, they were told that the al-Qaeda affiliate in Libya, Ansar al-Sharia, had claimed responsibility. These revelations and others are disclosed by a trove of e-mails and other documents pried from the State Department by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

The FOIA litigation focuses on Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in the government actions before, during, and after the Benghazi attack, in which Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, was murdered by terrorists. Also killed in the attack were State Department information management officer Sean Smith, and two former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were contract security employees and who had fought heroically, saving numerous American lives. At least ten other Americans were wounded, some quite seriously.....

Read more at: National Review

Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Lol what? She currently wins in every poll dummy.


Let's see how many polls the wrinkled old hag wins in the near future. She still has to testify before the committee.
Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Lol what? She currently wins in every poll dummy.


Let's see how many polls the wrinkled old hag wins in the near future. She still has to testify before the committee.
Ah yes the witch hunt committee. Cross your fingers that they can drag it out until 2016 rubes.
Whether anyone knew it was a terrorist attack from jump or not, the mere fact that this admin was not prepared and did not sufficiently fortify US interests on the most significant of dates is an abject failure in itself. Creating a pair of coverups to cover up that failure and to cover up the first coverup is the crime. This is Nixon times a thousand and makes Watergate look like a parking ticket. Lefties who excuse or deflect from this are hypocrites deluxe.
Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Lol what? She currently wins in every poll dummy.


Let's see how many polls the wrinkled old hag wins in the near future. She still has to testify before the committee.
Ah yes the witch hunt committee. Cross your fingers that they can drag it out until 2016 rubes.
It came out about 4:15 PM. Watch the news tomorrow. Have plenty of Kleenex on hand and stay clear of sharp cutting tools.
Now that the liberal pukes realize that Ol' Rotten Crotch ain't gonna be on the ticket they are going into full attack mode. And it's all O'Reilly's fault.
Lol what? She currently wins in every poll dummy.


Let's see how many polls the wrinkled old hag wins in the near future. She still has to testify before the committee.
Ah yes the witch hunt committee. Cross your fingers that they can drag it out until 2016 rubes.
It came out about 4:15 PM. Watch the news tomorrow. Have plenty of Kleenex on hand and stay clear of sharp cutting tools.
Alright let me pencil this in; tomorrow there will be nothing new about benghazi, but conservatives will still be butthurt.

K got it :thup:
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.
Whether anyone knew it was a terrorist attack from jump or not, the mere fact that this admin was not prepared and did not sufficiently fortify US interests on the most significant of dates is an abject failure in itself. Creating a pair of coverups to cover up that failure and to cover up the first coverup is the crime. This is Nixon times a thousand and makes Watergate look like a parking ticket. Lefties who excuse or deflect from this are hypocrites deluxe.

I know you want it to be a big scandal, god knows you and fox have put everything you have into making it one, but it just ain't happening. Perhaps you should go back and try FEMA prisons again, of perhaps Death panels.
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.

As far as teabaggers were concerned, you didn't want to admit any credibility to start with. The fact that you still don't just means that you are an idiot.
Their credibility went out the window the first time they claimed it was a spontaneous response to a video. What utter bullshit.

As far as teabaggers were concerned, you didn't want to admit any credibility to start with. The fact that you still don't just means that you are an idiot.
To a sycophant like you, anything they said would be considered the gospel truth, even after being proven to be bullshit. You probably still claim it was because of the video. :lol:

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