Hillary's God Damned Emails Issue Was Created By The White House....Not Republicans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Bernie Sanders said he's tired of the damned email scandal.

Barack Obama started the investigation....not the GOP.

Yet Bernie Sanders made it look like the whole mess was the Republican's fault.

Total Bullshit.

This is an FBI investigation initiated by the Justice Department after a leak from the WhiteHouse.

Who cares that Hillary broke several laws and regulations and put this country at risk with her sneaky nonsense. Who cares that anyone else would be doing time for what she did......and that's just what we know already. No telling how much other shit she's been involved in that she was attempting to hide

What I'm getting fed up with is the Damned Democrats constantly blaming their Bullshit on the GOP.

Hey Bernie.

Get somebody to knock some of those flakes off of your suit next time before you go out on stage.
Just when it comes out that Republican's have politicized this event for political gain. The defenders crawl out of the woodwork and start defending them claiming it was all Obobo's fault. Who didn't see that coming? LOL.
I been investigated by the FBI and homeland security. Nothing ever came of it. So it will be with Clinton.
Just when it comes out that Republican's have politicized this event for political gain. The defenders crawl out of the woodwork and start defending them claiming it was all Obobo's fault. Who didn't see that coming? LOL.
You libs misquoted a moron and ran with it. Republicans are not the justice department.
I said this in another post

If she broke laws, charge her for the crime!!
The more this drags on, the more I will say the GOP is behind this.

Charge her already! Anything new pops up , charge her with that too!!

The moment the investigators discovered a crime, they should bust her ass. Perp walk her to the holding cell.

But it has not happened yet!! Why not?
Just when it comes out that Republican's have politicized this event for political gain. The defenders crawl out of the woodwork and start defending them claiming it was all Obobo's fault. Who didn't see that coming? LOL.
You libs misquoted a moron and ran with it. Republicans are not the justice department.

The DOJ is now run by the Obama Administration..

Clinton will take the fall before Obama will..
What laws did she break Mud? FBI never said she broke any laws, so who is telling you that she broke the law?
The FBI doesn't have to say anything. She swore under oath that she turned everything over....except her personal emails....which she deleted. She signed an oath to that fact.

Instead the FBI reports that so far over 400 emails that were not turned over were not personal, but official emails....many of which were highly classified. So the laws she broke are apparent. Lying under oath....or perjury, failure to turn over all State Department communications, attempted destruction of incriminating evidence, or obstruction of justice, and mishandling of classified transmissions.

Just the mishandling charge would give her 10 years minimum.

You guys think that stupid fiasco last night bailed her out completely.

You're living in a fantasy world lady.
Just when it comes out that Republican's have politicized this event for political gain. The defenders crawl out of the woodwork and start defending them claiming it was all Obobo's fault. Who didn't see that coming? LOL.
WHO was her BOSS at the time idiot?
WHOSE direction did she REFUSE to follow idiot?
When you have a GUTLESS SPINELESS boss who will NOT enforce LAWS and POLICIES WHOSE fault is that idiot?
I said this in another post

If she broke laws, charge her for the crime!!
The more this drags on, the more I will say the GOP is behind this.

Charge her already! Anything new pops up , charge her with that too!!

The moment the investigators discovered a crime, they should bust her ass. Perp walk her to the holding cell.

But it has not happened yet!! Why not?
Not gonna happen.

Obama wants her to quit so he can end the investigation......but she doesn't have the honor to quit.
The truth is......Hillary will get even with Obama....one way or another.....if she becomes president.

He doesn't want her to ever have the power that he now holds.....because she'll turn around and investigate him.

If she doesn't find anything, she'll make something up.
The truth is......Hillary will get even with Obama....one way or another.....if she becomes president.

He doesn't want her to ever have the power that he now holds.....because she'll turn around and investigate him.

If she doesn't find anything, she'll make something up.
And he IS kind of limited on how far he can push her. She could roll on him and Holder and DESTROY the entire party.

That would be a scorched earth approach but its now or never for the old bag.

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