Hillary was swiftboated with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, FBI malfeasance


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Presidential historians will not be kind to the 2016 election process. At least Hillary won the popular vote.

The act of making exaggerated or unsubstantiated allegations to damage the credibility of a political candidate or other public figure.

Swiftboating dictionary definition | swiftboating defined

Also, we must not forget December 19.

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pick a more likable and less tainted candidate next time............

No one was less likable or more tainted than Trump. No one.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

That's what the polls have said.

And the polls have been proven to be wrong, very wrong!

So you have nothing other than your bias to make that claim..

You are left drone and you will always vote for worse than Bush!
Here is how Trump won the electoral college:

1. FBI malfeasance.
2. Conspiracy theories.
3. Fake news.
4. Lies.

NOTE: Hillary won the popular vote.
Let the butthurt flow through you stone age boy.

Hey, have you heard about the wheel?

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