Hillary says that posting something on facebook isn't evidence...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
She made this statement in response to the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Bengazi attack....

Oddly enough if you or I made terroristic threats on facebook we most likely would be immediately arrested and charged even without any further crimes being committed.

She is destroying her credibility to the point that any future democratic rival for office will decimate her on this Libya nonsense alone.

Libya has cost Obama this election with moderates
Burn her at the stake that she climbed on for Obama!
If she wants to save the president then let her take the fall.
Her career is over now anyway. At least let her be the martyr that she sees herself.
Obama will just keep smiling and stuttering.
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So no one finds it amazing that this administration was all to happy to blame a dumb video while at the same time disavowing the admission of a known terroris group that was given 2 hours into the attack?

It wasn't someone posting threats on facebook, idiot. Someone took credit for the attack on facebook. Terrorist groups often take credit for things they did not do.

Way to support the terrorists, asshole.
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Charles Woods, the father of one of the marines, was told that SHE promised to arrest and jail the filmaker.

This happened AFTER the bodies were brought back. So she intended to jail an American when she knew he wasn't involved.

That is traitorous
She made this statement in response to the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Bengazi attack....

Oddly enough if you or I made terroristic threats on facebook we most likely would be immediately arrested and charged even without any further crimes being committed.

She is destroying her credibility to the point that any future democratic rival for office will decimate her on this Libya nonsense alone.

Libya has cost Obama this election with moderates

Are you seriously trying to make the point that posting something on Facebook makes it true?
Charles Woods, the father of one of the marines, was told that SHE promised to arrest and jail the filmaker.

This happened AFTER the bodies were brought back. So she intended to jail an American when she knew he wasn't involved.

That is traitorous

He isn't an American, asshole. And he was arrested for violating his parole, something you are probably very familiar with.
She made this statement in response to the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Bengazi attack....

Oddly enough if you or I made terroristic threats on facebook we most likely would be immediately arrested and charged even without any further crimes being committed.

She is destroying her credibility to the point that any future democratic rival for office will decimate her on this Libya nonsense alone.

Libya has cost Obama this election with moderates

Are you seriously trying to make the point that posting something on Facebook makes it true?

No, I'm saying that she says it isn't evidence AND SHE IS WRONG. Facebook postings are used as evidence ALL THE TIME. The difference is she is engaged in a cover up and this didn't fit their narritive.

She as well as Obama said they released e verything to the public as they obtained it. That was a lie obviously

It wasn't someone posting threats on facebook, idiot. Someone took credit for the attack on facebook. Terrorist groups often take credit for things they did not do.

Way to support the terrorists, asshole.

you understand they don't care if they help terrorists ...

they don't care if they destroy our economy...

all they care about is this president not having a second term.
She made this statement in response to the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Bengazi attack....

Oddly enough if you or I made terroristic threats on facebook we most likely would be immediately arrested and charged even without any further crimes being committed.

She is destroying her credibility to the point that any future democratic rival for office will decimate her on this Libya nonsense alone.

Libya has cost Obama this election with moderates

Are you seriously trying to make the point that posting something on Facebook makes it true?

No, I'm saying that she says it isn't evidence AND SHE IS WRONG. Facebook postings are used as evidence ALL THE TIME. The difference is she is engaged in a cover up and this didn't fit their narritive.

She as well as Obama said they released e verything to the public as they obtained it. That was a lie obviously

Are you seriously saying that something posted on Facebook is true enough to be EVIDENCE?


You know, before Facebook, whenever something bad happened all sorts of groups would claim credit for things....even obviously accidental things. You apparently are stupid enough to believe that crap.
Charles Woods, the father of one of the marines, was told that SHE promised to arrest and jail the filmaker.

This happened AFTER the bodies were brought back. So she intended to jail an American when she knew he wasn't involved.

That is traitorous

He isn't an American, asshole. And he was arrested for violating his parole, something you are probably very familiar with.

I assumed he was an American, if I'm wrong my mistake. Having said that he was on probation not parole and probation violations are often followed with a slap on the hand not jail. He is in jail because of the state dept targeting him for arrest BECAUSE of this video.

You may blindly believe the lies you are fed but I've got more sense than that.
She made this statement in response to the terrorists claiming responsibility for the Bengazi attack....

Oddly enough if you or I made terroristic threats on facebook we most likely would be immediately arrested and charged even without any further crimes being committed.

She is destroying her credibility to the point that any future democratic rival for office will decimate her on this Libya nonsense alone.

Libya has cost Obama this election with moderates

Are you seriously trying to make the point that posting something on Facebook makes it true?

No, I'm saying that she says it isn't evidence AND SHE IS WRONG. Facebook postings are used as evidence ALL THE TIME. The difference is she is engaged in a cover up and this didn't fit their narritive.

She as well as Obama said they released e verything to the public as they obtained it. That was a lie obviously

no matter how much you whine and cry about this issue, no matter how unamerican it is to do what the right is doing, it isn't going to move the dial.

It wasn't someone posting threats on facebook, idiot. Someone took credit for the attack on facebook. Terrorist groups often take credit for things they did not do.

Way to support the terrorists, asshole.

you understand they don't care if they help terrorists ...

they don't care if they destroy our economy...

all they care about is this president not having a second term.

Bullshit and you know it. I am not THEY, this is not THEIR opinion.

Its mine
Charles Woods, the father of one of the marines, was told that SHE promised to arrest and jail the filmaker.

This happened AFTER the bodies were brought back. So she intended to jail an American when she knew he wasn't involved.

That is traitorous

He isn't an American, asshole. And he was arrested for violating his parole, something you are probably very familiar with.

I assumed he was an American, if I'm wrong my mistake. Having said that he was on probation not parole and probation violations are often followed with a slap on the hand not jail. He is in jail because of the state dept targeting him for arrest BECAUSE of this video.

You may blindly believe the lies you are fed but I've got more sense than that.
So...blatantly breaking probation on SEVERAL issues is ok with you. Such a guy gets a pass with you.

OK, you idiot.
Are you seriously trying to make the point that posting something on Facebook makes it true?

No, I'm saying that she says it isn't evidence AND SHE IS WRONG. Facebook postings are used as evidence ALL THE TIME. The difference is she is engaged in a cover up and this didn't fit their narritive.

She as well as Obama said they released e verything to the public as they obtained it. That was a lie obviously

Are you seriously saying that something posted on Facebook is true enough to be EVIDENCE?


You know, before Facebook, whenever something bad happened all sorts of groups would claim credit for things....even obviously accidental things. You apparently are stupid enough to believe that crap.
I tell you what. Why don't you post a threat or admit involvement in some serious crime that's been committed in your area and find out if you get investigated with only your post as avidence.

And you call me stupid lol
Anybody know what evidence existed for the idea that the Benghazi attack was tied to the video and spontaneously evolved from a demonstration into an attack? We know about the emails that went to the WH, we know the CIA station chief there cabled Washington within 24 hours that there was no demonstration and was instead a preplanned attack, and we know the State Dept, knew the same thing immediately. So they ignored all that in favor of what? Somebody tell me the evidence the WH had that trumped this other stuff.
He isn't an American, asshole. And he was arrested for violating his parole, something you are probably very familiar with.

I assumed he was an American, if I'm wrong my mistake. Having said that he was on probation not parole and probation violations are often followed with a slap on the hand not jail. He is in jail because of the state dept targeting him for arrest BECAUSE of this video.

You may blindly believe the lies you are fed but I've got more sense than that.
So...blatantly breaking probation on SEVERAL issues is ok with you. Such a guy gets a pass with you.

OK, you idiot.

The video was months old yet he wasn't jailed till Obama and co targeted him. The revocation of his probation is supposed to be by his probation officer who knew about his transgretion long before the attack.

Besides the man isn't the point of this thread but since you can't refute the op you change the subject.

It wasn't someone posting threats on facebook, idiot. Someone took credit for the attack on facebook. Terrorist groups often take credit for things they did not do.

Way to support the terrorists, asshole.

you understand they don't care if they help terrorists ...

they don't care if they destroy our economy...

all they care about is this president not having a second term.

That is absolutely all they care about and the answer to why that is? The teaparty told them to care about that.

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