Hillary Milhouse Clinton Speaks!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The similarities are eerie and telling.

An historical comparison of Nixon and Hillary quotes:

Woodward’s impression is justified, and not just by the steady drip, drip of new secrets in the latest batch of Clinton emails released by the State Department on Monday. There is also a remarkable resonance between Nixon’s statements during the evolving Watergate crisis and Clinton’s public statements regarding her emails:

The people come first

Nixon: I welcome this kind of examination, because people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I am not a crook.

Clinton: I think it's kind of fun. People get a real-time behind-the-scenes look at what I was emailing about and what I was communicating about.

I want to get the facts out ...

Nixon: I want the public to learn the truth about Watergate and those guilty of any illegal actions brought to justice.

Clinton: I want it all out there.

...because they are on my side

Nixon: The facts will prove that the president is telling the truth.

Clinton: That does not change the facts, and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn.

There has been unprecedented openness ...

Nixon: We have waived executive privilege on all individuals within the administration. It has been the greatest waiver of executive privilege in the whole history of this nation.

Clinton: I took the unprecedented step of asking that the State Department make all my work-related emails public.

Much more at the link:

Hillary Clinton is not an email crook: Column
So how is it that you Hillary Derangement Syndrome sufferers manage to keep going after each crushing disappointment? You know, after your cult's religious prophecies about Hillary being DOOMED don't pan out yet another time.

I expect the Hillary-hating cult will be like other doomsday cults that repeatedly predict a doomsday which never arrives. The cult starts shedding members, until eventually only the most devoted and insane cultists remain.
So how is it that you Hillary Derangement Syndrome sufferers manage to keep going after each crushing disappointment? You know, after your cult's religious prophecies about Hillary being DOOMED don't pan out yet another time.

I expect the Hillary-hating cult will be like other doomsday cults that repeatedly predict a doomsday which never arrives. The cult starts shedding members, until eventually only the most devoted and insane cultists remain.

^^^ The Butthurt Speaketh ^^^^
So how is it that you Hillary Derangement Syndrome sufferers manage to keep going after each crushing disappointment? You know, after your cult's religious prophecies about Hillary being DOOMED don't pan out yet another time.

I expect the Hillary-hating cult will be like other doomsday cults that repeatedly predict a doomsday which never arrives. The cult starts shedding members, until eventually only the most devoted and insane cultists remain.
After 25 years of suffering from HDS, people are bound to go nuts.
I'm amazed she can even speak...anything but lies. If it weren't for lying, she'd be mute. Mute would be an improvement.
I'm amazed she can even speak...anything but lies. If it weren't for lying, she'd be mute. Mute would be an improvement.

That's why her popularity is highest when she hides away from the public.
I guess Cons have stopped defending Nixon.

Conservatives told Nixon to resign.

Liberals circled the wagon to protect the Clintons, enabling his sexual exploitation of a subordinate employee and her creation of the Nuts & Sluts smear campaign.
It's ironic the Hildabeast got fired over Watergate

not true... :eusa_liar:

"Hillary Clinton was fired from the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation by Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman." ?


snopes.com: FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

A pair of articles published during Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency in 2008, one by Northstar Writers Group founder Dan Calabrese and one by Jerry Zeifman himself, asserted that Zeifman was Hillary's supervisor during the Watergate investigation and that he eventually fired her from the investigation for "unethical, dishonest" conduct. However, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he bases that characterization are ones that he has contradicted himself about on multiple occasions.

...nearly everything stated in this passage is wrong: Hillary Rodham didn't draft a legal brief that was "unethical" (save that it made a legal argument Zeifman didn't agree with), she didn't "confiscate" public documents, and she didn't do anything that she hadn't been directed to do by her supervisor (and Zeifman's).

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