Hillary:Mike Pence Is Too Extreme!,Really?But Four Men Dying In Benghazi Was An Accomplishment?

:argue: :bang3: :slap: And who wasn't shocked when Hillary made that comment? God! when you think of all of her scandals since she became the first lady! Mike Pence is extreme? Thats like saying, Richard Nixon was a Saint, an honest honorable man!
The left is terrified of Mike Pence! He is the one that will bring the GOP and more conservatives/moderates onto the Trump Train!
The man has no skeletons/scandals in his closet! So what about his feelings on gay people! He is catholic and has a right to his opinions/free speech.
Hey Hillary! Aren't you the one who can't go one hour without cursing at least 12 times?
That's not extreme?
:smoke: :omg: :dev3:
If that's the case, then the 90 men that died at US embassies under Reagan must have really been a big accomplishment. Even bigger than the 60 that died under Bush.

Clearly, after Reagan and Bush and especially the Iraq fiasco and the fact Republicans work so hard to keep health care from Americans, Republicans are way, way more accomplished at seeing Americans die. Is that why they are so fucking proud?

Show us where Reagan and Bush told the American people and the victims' families that those deaths were due to some film produced by an American and also where Bush and Reagan privately acknowledged immediately with heads of state that it was in fact a terrorist attack? Obama and Clinton would have been fine election-result- wise had they just acknowledged the truth that it was a terrorist attack on 9-11-2012.
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
Mike Pence is about to speak! hey, at least he never says,,,,,,ughhhh,,,,errrr,,,,and ughhh,,,,its Bush's fault,,,etc etc
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
Mike Pence is about to speak! hey, at least he never says,,,,,,ughhhh,,,,errrr,,,,and ughhh,,,,its Bush's fault,,,etc etc

I think I will go listen, I am so tired of the lying left.
:argue: :bang3: :slap: And who wasn't shocked when Hillary made that comment? God! when you think of all of her scandals since she became the first lady! Mike Pence is extreme? Thats like saying, Richard Nixon was a Saint, an honest honorable man!
The left is terrified of Mike Pence! He is the one that will bring the GOP and more conservatives/moderates onto the Trump Train!
The man has no skeletons/scandals in his closet! So what about his feelings on gay people! He is catholic and has a right to his opinions/free speech.
Hey Hillary! Aren't you the one who can't go one hour without cursing at least 12 times?
That's not extreme?
:smoke: :omg: :dev3:
If that's the case, then the 90 men that died at US embassies under Reagan must have really been a big accomplishment. Even bigger than the 60 that died under Bush.

Clearly, after Reagan and Bush and especially the Iraq fiasco and the fact Republicans work so hard to keep health care from Americans, Republicans are way, way more accomplished at seeing Americans die. Is that why they are so fucking proud?

Show us where Reagan and Bush told the American people and the victims' families that those deaths were due to some film produced by an American and also where Bush and Reagan privately acknowledged immediately with heads of state that it was in fact a terrorist attack? Obama and Clinton would have been fine election-result- wise had they just acknowledged the truth that it was a terrorist attack on 9-11-2012.
I can show where Bush claimed the 9-11 attacks were because they " Hate our Freedom"
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
Mike Pence is about to speak! hey, at least he never says,,,,,,ughhhh,,,,errrr,,,,and ughhh,,,,its Bush's fault,,,etc etc

I think I will go listen, I am so tired of the lying left.
God, they are gonna look up scandals on Mike Pence? that would be like looking up Hillary's last 35 affairs with very attractive men
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
Mike Pence is about to speak! hey, at least he never says,,,,,,ughhhh,,,,errrr,,,,and ughhh,,,,its Bush's fault,,,etc etc

I think I will go listen, I am so tired of the lying left.
another search for Pence Scandals? that would be like trying to find sex scandals between Alan Grayson and Penthouse Girls
The left wing propaganda site not unsurprisingly supports the 60 figure.


Still, these experts also said there are valid reasons to treat Benghazi differently from the earlier attacks.

"Is Benghazi different? Absolutely," said Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

One reason, he said, is that an American ambassador died in the attack, which hadn’t happened since the 1970s. Another relevant question, Gartenstein-Ross said, "is whether what happened was put to the American people in an honest manner, not just with respect to the administration, but also with respect to the intelligence community."

Gartenstein-Ross added that he wasn’t endorsing "how the Republicans go about" investigating this question. But he did say it’s a "real, legitimate question."

Using this site as a reference, there has been 11 attacks on US diplomatic missions since 2009, my count. Which resulted in the death of 14.

The 2010 attack on U.S. Consulate in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of 50 according to a link to an article on the attack. How many Americans? Zero. As with most things just saying stuff doesn't make it true. What was the 60 number? Are they all Americans as implied? I would say there were maybe 1.

As seen above Benghazi was different.
Mike Pence is about to speak! hey, at least he never says,,,,,,ughhhh,,,,errrr,,,,and ughhh,,,,its Bush's fault,,,etc etc

I think I will go listen, I am so tired of the lying left.
another search for Pence Scandals? that would be like trying to find sex scandals between Alan Grayson and Penthouse Girls
There are more than enough Trump scandals including raping a 13 year old
Does anyone think that when its Hillarys turn, she will hold a press conference with her VP{big bird} and take candid questions?
If that's the case, then the 90 men that died at US embassies under Reagan must have really been a big accomplishment. Even bigger than the 60 that died under Bush.

The loss of four men in Benghazi was a tragedy, the far greater losses under Bush in embassy attacks even greater tragedies, yes.

Studies have shown that 2 out of 3 libtards will try to change the subject when they don't have anything intelligent to say...

The subject is Benghazi?

Hillary Clinton has been fully exonerated. You nuts can rant all you want but you won't change the truth.
what does Bush have to do with Mike Pence? jeeezuz...every time we see a new face in the mix....right away....well,. ahh,,,when Bush was President,,,,derrrr
If one is talking about Pence, Benghazi, etc., yes, Bush is going to come up.
and like i mentioned earlier,,,,Trump could of chosen Jesus Christ, and the left wouldnt waste any time digging up scandals and declaring Jesus a racist and a member of the group "White Lives Matter"

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