Hillary Is About To Get Hosed And Here's Why

For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Donald Trump is not winning the nomination.
The press said a peanut farmer would never win...We got Carter.
The press said a hillbilly would not win...We got Clinton.
The press said a actor could not win...We got Reagan.

Reagan won a lot of his support by winning the people. And that IS the same tactic Trump is using right now.
Trump is not Carter
Trump is not Clinton
Trump is not Reagan.

The Press said Hillary would lose to Giuliani. The Press said Barack Obama would bring a post racial society. The Press said a lot of stupid wrong shit. And a lot of stuff that was correct. It is irrelevant what "the press" (no, they dont all think alike) says. The fact of the matter is Trump is a flash in the pan and he will be old news next week. He rose on shock value, like Howard Stern. The problem with shock is you need to keep upping the amperage to get the same effect, eventually running out of juice. People will tire of this self promoting asshole pretty fast.
Trump COULD be a flash in the pan BUT there are 8 or 10 other hot button topics he can touch that will make BOTH sides squirm.
And BOTH sides NEED to squirm. Let him bring the topics and let him take the heat. HIS topics cause the others to take stands and America as a whole will benefit from that.

I suggest that you transcribe that post onto a large poster board. Then...hang it on your living room wall. Look at it often. Study it.

In time...I believe you will begin to recognize it for the bullshit that it is.

Donald Trump is not bringing any topics. He is bringing Donald Trump. The electorate will communicate to the candidates regarding what the fucking topics are....not the other way around.
He is talking about the ones they are clown trash. That's why his numbers are going up. Because he IS saying what THEY are thinking.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Donald Trump is not winning the nomination.

Of course he isn't. Only a fool would think that would happen.

But since we have complete concurrence on that, diga me this:
Why are you running Nathan Bedford Forrest in your avatar?
The difference between the candidates is that Trump often illustrates his contempt for the mainstream media and they hate him for it and attack him and try to punish him but his numbers keep rising. Hillary shows her fear of and drooling subservience to the liberal media and they leave her alone and downplay scandal after scandal but her numbers keep falling. Once again Americans prove that they are smarter than the mainstream media. You also have to factor in the liberal mainstream media's knee jerk support for any democrat and their hatred for republicans plus the secret weapon of the left, the tax-exempt (thank you John McCain) awesome propaganda network of Media Matters which keeps left wing blog sites well supplied with their daily dose of fake outrage.
T-Rump is losing by double digits to Hillary.

In July of 2015, so that's completely irrelevant. That said, Donald Trump is never going to be the nominee so it's a moot point.
I saw it but the THREAD is ABOUT Hillary.

That's hilarious. Because ten posts ago it was all about Rump.

Guess that got inconvenient.
Check the title. You CAN read right?

I just checked post 52. Wanna see it?

Trump COULD be a flash in the pan BUT there are 8 or 10 other hot button topics he can touch that will make BOTH sides squirm.
And BOTH sides NEED to squirm. Let him bring the topics and let him take the heat. HIS topics cause the others to take stands and America as a whole will benefit from that.

What's the first word there? Is there a "Hillary Trump"? Who do "him" and "his" refer to?
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.
T-Rump is losing by double digits to Hillary.

In July of 2015, so that's completely irrelevant. That said, Donald Trump is never going to be the nominee so it's a moot point.

No fucking kidding! Shit this poll would,hold up if it were July 2016.

People are fucking stupid. To even pretend to know what the political landscape will be in a year from now is absolutely stupid.

In 2007 the Hitlery was the Democratic front runner and she was out at the primaries.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.

What the fuck do you care, dumb ass. You won't vote for anyone on the Republican side, so your fucking opinion isn't worth two shits.
The difference between the candidates is that Trump often illustrates his contempt for the mainstream media and they hate him for it and attack him and try to punish him but his numbers keep rising. Hillary shows her fear of and drooling subservience to the liberal media and they leave her alone and downplay scandal after scandal but her numbers keep falling. Once again Americans prove that they are smarter than the mainstream media. You also have to factor in the liberal mainstream media's knee jerk support for any democrat and their hatred for republicans plus the secret weapon of the left, the tax-exempt (thank you John McCain) awesome propaganda network of Media Matters which keeps left wing blog sites well supplied with their daily dose of fake outrage.

It's the media!!!!!!
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.

What the fuck do you care, dumb ass. You won't vote for anyone on the Republican side, so your fucking opinion isn't worth two shits.
Trump says he'll run as an independent.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.

What the fuck do you care, dumb ass. You won't vote for anyone on the Republican side, so your fucking opinion isn't worth two shits.
Trump says he'll run as an independent.

So, does that mean you will vote for him?

Hitlery will run as a bitch, that's bound to pick up and lose votes.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.

What the fuck do you care, dumb ass. You won't vote for anyone on the Republican side, so your fucking opinion isn't worth two shits.
Trump says he'll run as an independent.

So, does that mean you will vote for him?

Hitlery will run as a bitch, that's bound to pick up and lose votes.
Still at war with women too? Why when trumps tough its cool but women are bitches when they do it? That attitude will cost you the white house.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.
Neither. A momentary flash is momentary. By the time that the primaries have concluded and the general gets underway no one will remember or care what Trump said.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.
Neither. A momentary flash is momentary. By the time that the primaries have concluded and the general gets underway no one will remember or care what Trump said.

Which is why the Dems will be running ads of what Trump said while showing him shaking hands with the GOP nominee.
For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.
Neither. A momentary flash is momentary. By the time that the primaries have concluded and the general gets underway no one will remember or care what Trump said.

For all the whining and complaints democrats make about some NON issues and many far to many Republicans are missing it as well. People are sick and tired of the POLITICAL MACHINE no matter the brand name.

This is why Hillary is going to get hosed and Bush to some extent as well. And they BOTH have it coming as well as BOTH parties. Trump has put BOTH parties on notice that party logo's mean NOTHING and that is why he's pulling ahead.

Now the reason why Hillary will get hosed worse is simple. She is running the exactly WRONG style of political program. That rope the press off aloof stuff is ALL wrong when the person who is rising FASTER is beating you by being informal and off the cuff.

It's not so much what people see in Trump causing his rise it's what they DON'T see. NO political machine NO political buy the "brand" bullshit. I think one other factor is and will play hugely. The off brand "Bernie Sanders" the "Hudson" of politics. People are TIRED of what the "Big Two" have been putting out and just may choose a Hudson instead.

One more factor, the Obozo factor. This country is FAR more split then ever before. As a general rule 30% of the people vote democrat EVERY time and 30% vote Republican EVERY time with the 40 in the middle being fought for.

But there is NO middle this time. If it comes down to Trump VS Sanders and I think it COULD. It may well be the most important vote in the history of the nation.
Hillary isn't competing with trump. He's gotta win the nomination and no one thinks that's going to happen.

I can't decide if trump is hurting or helping the eventual GOP nominee.
Neither. A momentary flash is momentary. By the time that the primaries have concluded and the general gets underway no one will remember or care what Trump said.
They will if he runs independent, which he's saying he will do if the GOP pisses him off, which they will.

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