Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin 2012


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Aug 27, 2010
Sounds like the NY Times is worried about 2012, and are scared to death of the possibility that Sarah would be a candidate, or that Hillary would run again. It makes for good copy I suppose, while the republicans continue through the pains of death.

The NY Times seems to be claiming that Sarah Palin is a new kind of superwoman, transcending anything Democrat women have to offer; that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have failed in the face of this powerful "mama grizzly," and that this failure (which the authors, in my opinion, have totally concocted) is to be blamed on "the left" (whoever they/we are).

"The left should be outraged and exasperated by all this — but at their own failings as much as Ms. Palin’s ascension. Since the 2008 election, progressive leaders have done little to address the obvious national appetite for female leadership. And despite (or because of) their continuing obsession with Ms. Palin, they have done nothing to stop an anti-choice, pro-abstinence, socialist-bashing Tea Party enthusiast from becoming the 21st century symbol of American women in politics."

If Hillary Clinton runs in the next Democratic presidential primary and wins. Sarah Palin wins in the GOP primaries too, holding off a bevy of Republican men. In 2012, there is a presidential race between these two women. Do we have any doubt who would win that race? Hillary Clinton, and it wouldn't be close.

Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin 2012: Can You Imagine Who Would Win That One? | News & Politics | AlterNet
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"The left should be outraged and exasperated by all this — but at their own failings as much as Ms. Palin’s ascension. Since the 2008 election, progressive leaders have done little to address the obvious national appetite for female leadership. And despite (or because of) their continuing obsession with Ms. Palin, they have done nothing to stop an anti-choice, pro-abstinence, socialist-bashing Tea Party enthusiast from becoming the 21st century symbol of American women in politics."

The cluelessness and utter superiority complex embodied in the above quote should explain it all.
And BTW NY Times.. there has been female leadership.... but the Pelosi's, Boxer's, Clinton's, etc. are being rejected. What's NOW's membership at these days? 1,500 or so?
If Hillary Clinton runs in the next Democratic presidential primary and wins. Sarah Palin wins in the GOP primaries too, holding off a bevy of Republican men. In 2012, there is a presidential race between these two women. Do we have any doubt who would win that race? Hillary Clinton, and it wouldn't be close.

I agree. Hillary would win by over 100 Electoral votes.

There are lots of people who like Sarah Palin...but there are also lots of people who like Rush, Hannity, and Beck. A very small minority would consider her a legit candidate.

And after people complaining that Obama is inappropriate in calling out people and insulting them, would you really want a President who posted this on twitter: Silly media reports“maybe thousands”@Beck’s "irrelevant" event;insinuating MSM sheeple mustn't believe their own eyes&ears re: event's truth.

Have you ever heard a legit political candidate refer to potential voters as "sheeple"?
Hillary Clinton is done.... she's jetting about the globe making an ass out of herself. Getting snickered at by all.

Done. Stick a fork in her.
And BTW... Palin has more "real world" experience than Barry "where's my teleprompter" Obama.

Obama's an empty suit if there ever was one... and enough people fell for that... and look at the mess we have.
Hillary is now formally on record as being an anti-American ****, her report to the UN just totally killed what little chance she thought she had.
Sounds like the NY Times is worried about 2012, and are scared to death of the possibility that Sarah would be a candidate, or that Hillary would run again. It makes for good copy I suppose, while the republicans continue through the pains of death.

The NY Times seems to be claiming that Sarah Palin is a new kind of superwoman, transcending anything Democrat women have to offer; that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have failed in the face of this powerful "mama grizzly," and that this failure (which the authors, in my opinion, have totally concocted) is to be blamed on "the left" (whoever they/we are).

"The left should be outraged and exasperated by all this — but at their own failings as much as Ms. Palin’s ascension. Since the 2008 election, progressive leaders have done little to address the obvious national appetite for female leadership. And despite (or because of) their continuing obsession with Ms. Palin, they have done nothing to stop an anti-choice, pro-abstinence, socialist-bashing Tea Party enthusiast from becoming the 21st century symbol of American women in politics."

If Hillary Clinton runs in the next Democratic presidential primary and wins. Sarah Palin wins in the GOP primaries too, holding off a bevy of Republican men. In 2012, there is a presidential race between these two women. Do we have any doubt who would win that race? Hillary Clinton, and it wouldn't be close.

Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin 2012: Can You Imagine Who Would Win That One? | News & Politics | AlterNet

Hillary would beat her up, Palin would be unrecognisable after a campaign battle with Hillary. Palin would be cowering in a corner slobbering after the first debate.. :lol:

She wouldn't understand what hit her in a debate with OB. :eek: AAii aaii aaii aaii.. Lol
And BTW... Palin has more "real world" experience than Barry "where's my teleprompter" Obama.

Obama's an empty suit if there ever was one... and enough people fell for that... and look at the mess we have.

Naaa She's a moron fer shur..
I like Sarah Palin alot. I think she's good entertainment. She can draw a crowd and she has cuteness in many ways. However, I don't think she's anywhere near ready to take on the controls of the US. The airspace is too crowded. Maybe in 10 years or so she will be ready to lead but not right now. Hillary Clinton will never be the President of this country. It just isn't going to happen. She is a has been and the majority of people are as tired of her as they were of Bill Clinton when he was in office. Hillary has done the same things that Obama has done. That is, done everything a person would need to do to become groomed as a Presidential candidate but like a fart in the wind, both of them are going to be gone in 2012. At the present time, in my opinion, there is nobody on the radar - either Republican or Democrat that can gather enough steam to become President. It's going to be interesting in 2012 to see who comes crawling out of the dark corners wanting to run this country. I think we are all going to be surprised.

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