Hillary Clinton: Trump Could Use IRS To Punish Opponents


Do you believe this **** is stupid enough to say this? Does she really want to remind the voters which party used the IRS to attack their political opponents?

At a campaign event in Springfield, Illinois Wednesday afternoon presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton warned Donald Trump would use the military and IRS "to go after his critics and opponents."
Most voters will not make the connection because they don't follow right wing bloggers trying to create facts where there are none.

They will make the connection when Trump brings it up at the debates or in his ads.
That won't work first of all, because the contest is between Hillary and Trump, not Obama. Secondly, most voters won't understand it because the story is unverified, 3 years old, and Republicans never made it stick.

Hillary is running on Obama's record. She's posing as Obama's third term. As such, she's responsible for any of his policies and actions.

She's posing as Obama's third term.


Do you believe this **** is stupid enough to say this? Does she really want to remind the voters which party used the IRS to attack their political opponents?

At a campaign event in Springfield, Illinois Wednesday afternoon presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton warned Donald Trump would use the military and IRS "to go after his critics and opponents."
I suspect this plays well with her base. They don't care that Big Ears did it and they won't care if Hillary does it. They will care if Trump does it.

The MSM will be all over Trump 24/7, while ignoring and hiding anything illegal or unethical that Hillary does.


Do you believe this **** is stupid enough to say this? Does she really want to remind the voters which party used the IRS to attack their political opponents?

At a campaign event in Springfield, Illinois Wednesday afternoon presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton warned Donald Trump would use the military and IRS "to go after his critics and opponents."

Just the beginning. He has the EPA, OSHA, Commerce, Immigration, DOJ, SEC, and dozen more weapons. And to think -- as a biz man he only had his lawyers and money as weapons. Just wait til you see the mafia like moves he puts on people and corporations that don't buy his deals.

You're gonna love those deals folks. Trust me. :badgrin: And if you DON'T -- expect a couple Registered letters in the mail or a no-knock warrant at your door..
Hillary more resembles someone who wants to use the office to make money. She has a history of doing so. What basis do you have for accusing Trump of that?

Because he has no restraint when it comes to going after people. You want snippets from the Primary debates? He POUNDS people until he gets compliance and then issues a phoney baloney statement about how he "loves them like family" or some bullshit.

He's right now suing a campaign employee for $9Mill to shut him up when the guy would be lucky to have $90K. He's brutal -- his deals will be DICTATED -- and the folks in way will get punished. Wait til you see a couple of his "deals". You won't even believe he's a Republican or has any principles of any sort other than getting his way..

Arrogance on steroids. BOTH of them M.O.Fact. But HE is totally unpredictable and only cares about getting it his way,..
You're naive if you think Hillary doesn't play the same hardball. In fact, we know she's far worse. She worked assiduously to destroy any woman who talked about Bill's sexual offenses. She sold her office for personal gain. She charged $750K for giving a speech.

So Trump "pounded" his opponents in the debates? They tried to do the same. The difference is they weren't any good at it.

This choosing between "lesser evils" is QUICKLY becoming choosing between "absolute evils".. And you're riding it all the way to the bottom. Smart people should see where this excusing great evil because the other side is great evil too -- is gonna wind up..

HE WILL use everything available to design and force deals. Deals you won't even recognize as anything you stand for. Good luck with all that.

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