Hillary Clinton hits back hard - the GOP is gonna pay

Well, thus far I see baseless accusations, really silly cartoons, and insipid name calling. At this rate, you people are assuring Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. You might consider how all your crap talk did to prevent the re-election of President Barack Obama.

Was it "crap talk" when I brought up that Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with absolutely no experience for the job of President? Let's be honest with ourselves here...Barry was elected because the Main Stream Media allowed him to run on vague promises about "Hope & Change" and treated him with kid gloves. He's been an awful leader because it's a position he's never held before and he had no clue how it all works!
Hmm, not so sure. He did teach constitutional law at the college level for 10 years and he was a community organizer. So what is the president if not the world biggest community organizer?

Have you ever seen anything Barack Obama published on constitutional law while he was teaching at the University of Chicago? Be honest with yourself for once in your life...he got that job because he was the first black elected President of the Harvard Law Review. His teaching career can be summed up in one word...undistinguished.
I could not care less about Benghazi.
I care. I care that 6 times more Americans died from embassy violence under Bush than under Obama. Which is why I'm glad Obama is president.

That's a lie and to prove its's a lie show the names of 24 Americans that died in embassy attacks under Bush. One diplomat died and nine defense contractors died. Cease with your lies and hyperbole.

13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush Viral Meme Taken Apart Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes
The only reason I don't put you on ignore is because your ignorance is not only entertaining, but it reassures me that I'm on the correct side of issues. I'd only be worried if you and I agreed on anything.

Your post did not relate in any manner to the OP, it is simply an ad hominem. The OP's argument is clear and your response is typical of a right wing hack. I'm surprised you haven't put everyone on ignore, everyone but the Crazy Right Wing to which you belong.
The Right blew its wad all over its gunpowder while Clinton kept hers dry. The right has manufactured so much bullshit for so long that Clinton has several warehouses of it, and she is going to make them eat every bite.

She is going to discredit the Right by first gutting them on the phony scandals. The Right has shattered its integrity, and Clinton is going to exploit that to the max.

When Clinton is done, she can be caught throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic and no one will be listening to the Right's protests any more.


The right has manufactured so much bullshit for so long that Clinton has several warehouses of it, and she is going to make them eat every bite.

Right, first she'll release every single email.
Then she'll explain the connection between foreign donations and government actions
while she was Secretary of State. LOL!

That's funny when you say it out loud.
She won't even survive the primary season with her poor health.
We're had several Benghazi's under various presidents from both parties in the last 30-40 years that accounted for hundreds of American deaths.
It's also true, there weren't any two year plus (or two months for that matter) congressional investigations.
The never-ending Benghazi investigation is nothing more that a political game that the American taxpayer is stuck with paying for. This long, long drawn out circus is nothing more than kicking a dead horse and the public has grown tired of it. But the ever loyal haters just keep on having orgasms even though it's like masturbating in a closet by yourself.

Dude, Hillary does the same routine with every scandal she's gotten embroiled with...the reason it BECOMES a long drawn out circus is that Clinton stonewalls investigations for a long as she possibly can counting on the public to lose interest. The list of things she's not willing to talk about is EPIC at this point!
And the helpless Republicans are too inept and pathetic that they can't figure it out even with all that evidence. And Hillary is so smart, she is able to stymie everything the Republicans try to do all by herself.. Sounds like she would make a great president.

She's been able to "stymie" investigations because the Department of Justice has been a sham for the past six years.
The public record shows Hellery to have been-at best-incompetent to remain in her position with the State department. She certainly doesn't deserve to hold any elected public office.
She purged her incriminating emails and the Progressive Rubes still lap it up
You knew what they said? Why didn't you tell us?
Sidney did...


WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clintontold reporters last month that the memos about Libya she received while secretary of state from Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime adviser whom the Obama administration had barred her from hiring, had been “unsolicited.”

But email records that Mrs. Clinton, according to officials briefed on the matter, apparently failed to turn over to the State Department last fall show that she repeatedly encouraged Mr. Blumenthal to “keep ’em coming,” as she said in an August 2012 reply to a memo from him, which she called “another keeper.”

All or part of 15 Libya-related emails she sent to Mr. Blumenthal were missing from the trove of 30,000 that Mrs. Clinton provided to the State Department last year, as well as from the 847 that the department in turn provided in February to the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The emails were reviewed by a reporter.

The department had asked Mrs. Clinton last year for copies of all of the work-related emails she sent or received on the personal email account she exclusively used when she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. (She has said that she wiped the server clean thereafter, deleting the emails that she had not turned over to the department, which she said were personal.)

In sifting through and producing such a large number of emails, it stands to reason that some would be missed. But the fact that some of the missing correspondence contained expressions of gratitude and encouragement to Mr. Blumenthal is being seized on by Republicans, who plan to use the apparent contradiction, and the missing emails, to raise new questions about Mrs. Clinton’s credibility.

The missing email records — nine complete messages and parts of six others — were discovered after Mr. Blumenthal turned over to the House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks his own batch ofLibya-related email correspondence with Mrs. Clinton.

Angered that the State Department had not already provided it with some of those emails, the committee asked the department whether it had received them from Mrs. Clinton. The department determined that it had not received all or part of 15 emails.

On Thursday, the State Department acknowledged the missing correspondence, but it did not specifically say which parts of those emails were missing.

According to officials briefed on the matter, among the emails the State Department could not find were those in which Mrs. Clinton encouraged Mr. Blumenthal to keep sending memos or in which she asked additional questions about their contents.

The State Department has provided the House committee in recent days with at least 10 pages of emails between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Blumenthal that it had not turned over in February. These appear to show that Mrs. Clinton and her advisers took the memos and other advice from Mr. Blumenthal fairly seriously.

One also appears to suggest that Mrs. Clinton may have wanted to conceal Mr. Blumenthal’s authorship of a memo to her from someone else.

In March 2011, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a memo with the subject line, “H: Serious problems for Libyan Rebels. Sid.” As she often did, Mrs. Clinton forwarded this one to her longtime aide, Huma Abedin, asking her to print it. But in this case, Mrs. Clinton asked Ms. Abedin, “Can you print for me w/o any identifiers?”

“Yes,” Ms. Abedin replied.

Another email chain recently turned over by the State Department shows how Mrs. Clinton took under consideration Mr. Blumenthal’s public relations advice to her in anticipation of the fall of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

“First, brava! This is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” Mr. Blumenthal said in an Aug. 22, 2011, memo to Mrs. Clinton with the subject line “Your statement post-Q.”

“When Qaddafi himself is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation home,” Mr. Blumenthal wrote. “You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.”

He added: “The most important phrase is: ‘successful strategy.’ “

Mrs. Clinton forwarded the advice to one of her closest aides at the State Department, Jake Sullivan.

“Pls read below,” she wrote. “Sid makes a good case for what I should say, but it’s premised on being said after Q goes, which will make it more dramatic. That’s my hesitancy, since I’m not sure how many chances I’ll get.”

Mr. Sullivan responded that he and another senior State Department official “thought it might make sense for you to do an op-ed to run right after he falls, making this point,” and that a draft was already being written.

“You can reinforce the op-ed in all your appearances, but it makes sense to lay down something definitive, almost like the Clinton Doctrine,” Mr. Sullivan said.

That same day, though, it was a White House aide who credited the administration’s strategy, and President Obama who triumphantly declared that Libya’s future was “in the hands of its people.”
She purged her incriminating emails and the Progressive Rubes still lap it up
You knew what they said? Why didn't you tell us?

FM: Hillary@ State
Re: Switching Sides
Date: Sept 1, 2012

OK, the operation to run arms to your friends in Jihad through the Benghazi Consulate is running without a hitch. Good thing the American people and our soldiers and Marines don't know you switched sides :)

Oh, and Chris Steve was whining against about "Security". What a cry baby
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We're had several Benghazi's under various presidents from both parties in the last 30-40 years that accounted for hundreds of American deaths.
It's also true, there weren't any two year plus (or two months for that matter) congressional investigations.
The never-ending Benghazi investigation is nothing more that a political game that the American taxpayer is stuck with paying for. This long, long drawn out circus is nothing more than kicking a dead horse and the public has grown tired of it. But the ever loyal haters just keep on having orgasms even though it's like masturbating in a closet by yourself.

Dude, Hillary does the same routine with every scandal she's gotten embroiled with...the reason it BECOMES a long drawn out circus is that Clinton stonewalls investigations for a long as she possibly can counting on the public to lose interest. The list of things she's not willing to talk about is EPIC at this point!

Hey Idiot, the GOP led committee said there is nothing there... How fucking stupid do ye have to be...

But keep at it the voters know this is a slime ball action of trying to use Dead Americans for political gain.
I could not care less about Benghazi.
I care. I care that 6 times more Americans died from embassy violence under Bush than under Obama. Which is why I'm glad Obama is president.

That's a lie and to prove its's a lie show the names of 24 Americans that died in embassy attacks under Bush. One diplomat died and nine defense contractors died. Cease with your lies and hyperbole.

13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush Viral Meme Taken Apart Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes

Could you give us a link to all the posts of your disgust of all the lives Bush got killed aboard... Just to show us balance...

We are talking thousands of lives Bush got killed
I could not care less about Benghazi.
I care. I care that 6 times more Americans died from embassy violence under Bush than under Obama. Which is why I'm glad Obama is president.

That's a lie and to prove its's a lie show the names of 24 Americans that died in embassy attacks under Bush. One diplomat died and nine defense contractors died. Cease with your lies and hyperbole.

13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush Viral Meme Taken Apart Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes

Could you give us a link to all the posts of your disgust of all the lives Bush got killed aboard... Just to show us balance...

We are talking thousands of lives Bush got killed

What? What does that have to with embassies? Take your deflection and try it on someone else, Hop A Long
The only reason I don't put you on ignore is because your ignorance is not only entertaining, but it reassures me that I'm on the correct side of issues. I'd only be worried if you and I agreed on anything.

Your post did not relate in any manner to the OP, it is simply an ad hominem. The OP's argument is clear and your response is typical of a right wing hack. I'm surprised you haven't put everyone on ignore, everyone but the Crazy Right Wing to which you belong.

I didn't intend to respond to the idiotic post. It is typical of an ignorant left wing hack. If I responded in kind, so be it.
Strange thing--Benghazi and the email scandals are lesser scandals that are ensnaring H.Clinton

What about the donations from foreign entities she failed to report?

The more you learn about Hillary, the less you like about her. And you are going to find out more as we approach the primaries.

My Bold and Crazy Prediction:Hillary is not going to win Iowa in the Democratic primaries!!:tinfoil:
Could you give us a link to all the posts of your disgust of all the lives Bush got killed aboard... Just to show us balance...

We are talking thousands of lives Bush got killed

Are you talking about the war Hillary supported and voted for???

Tell you what... You can show your indignation by not voting for George Bush or Hillary!!!

We're had several Benghazi's under various presidents from both parties in the last 30-40 years that accounted for hundreds of American deaths.
It's also true, there weren't any two year plus (or two months for that matter) congressional investigations.
The never-ending Benghazi investigation is nothing more that a political game that the American taxpayer is stuck with paying for. This long, long drawn out circus is nothing more than kicking a dead horse and the public has grown tired of it. But the ever loyal haters just keep on having orgasms even though it's like masturbating in a closet by yourself.

Dude, Hillary does the same routine with every scandal she's gotten embroiled with...the reason it BECOMES a long drawn out circus is that Clinton stonewalls investigations for a long as she possibly can counting on the public to lose interest. The list of things she's not willing to talk about is EPIC at this point!

Hey Idiot, the GOP led committee said there is nothing there... How fucking stupid do ye have to be...

But keep at it the voters know this is a slime ball action of trying to use Dead Americans for political gain.

Lindsey Graham a prominent REPUBLICAN senator made comments on CNN Nov. 23/14. The Benghazi report is full of crap, shame on us republican, nothing there.
Yet these people keep bringing this shit up just for political gain at the price of dead Americans. These just show how low of the lowest are these people.
Hey, charwin...

You need to realize that new info is coming ou.... Like emails that the committees never saw because Hillary tried to destroy them.....
Could you give us a link to all the posts of your disgust of all the lives Bush got killed aboard... Just to show us balance...

We are talking thousands of lives Bush got killed

Are you talking about the war Hillary supported and voted for???

Tell you what... You can show your indignation by not voting for George Bush or Hillary!!!


The Senator vote for the Iraq War Resolution, and those voting for the resolution included 29 Democrats (21 voted against), and 49 Republicans (1 against).

No one knew that the Bush Administration would send hundreds of thousands of troops into Iraq.

Placing blame on Sect. Clinton alone is callow, especially when she has acknowledged her vote was ill advised, and today the Republican Party and its supporters are trying to claim the war was prudent and successful; arguing that Iraq would be a stable democracy had not Obama pulled out our troops.

I wonder often if supporters of the Republican Party lie to themselves, and actually believe the crap they post is truthful. I suppose lies by omission are not considered by them as something used to mislead others, and history is something that needs revision.
Hey, charwin...

You need to realize that new info is coming ou.... Like emails that the committees never saw because Hillary tried to destroy them.....

It's a witch hunt, based solely on the fact that she is running for POTUS. The Republican Party lusts for the White House and the perks that come with it. Look at the number of R. Pols trying to out conservative each other, simply to get the nomination. And watch, whoever prevails will immediately tell the base (that is the Crazy Right Wing), "hey guys, I was only kidding".