Hillary Clinton fact of the day - she's married to...


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her? She has absolute credibility among women and although her numbers are down, as soon as women realize the Republicans are shooting blanks again, they'll rise right back to the stratosphere.

You are entitled to your opinion of course, but from my perspective you're way off base. In six months, she'll be dancing on a lot of graves again. Hate her as much as you want, but that is one bitch that isn't going away.
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her? She has absolute credibility among women and although her numbers are down, as soon as women realize the Republicans are shooting blanks again, they'll rise right back to the stratosphere.

You are entitled to your opinion of course, but from my perspective you're way off base. In six months, she'll be dancing on a lot of graves again. Hate her as much as you want, but that is one bitch that isn't going away.
Her trust numbers are WAY down and her hate numbers are WAY up. You suggest women will vote for her because she is a woman.
I don't think that is the case.

Most women if not all are smarter then Obama voters. I think at some point women would not only want to win the oval office but put someone in there whose legacy could lead to another woman serving. Obama has BLOWN that for his race {faker} and it could be five or 10 election cycles before that ever happens again.
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

How true, I've been watching the Tea Party for five years and am still struggling to see a coherent message.
...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

How true, I've been watching the Tea Party for five years and am still struggling to see a coherent message.
Compared to Obozo and Hillary?????

...a rapist, and she defends him. Ah, must have been a vast right-wing conspiracy. Any time Hillary speaks for womens rights or brings up the 'war on women", anything she says has no merit and is absolute hypocrisy.

Then why do women flock to her?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

How true, I've been watching the Tea Party for five years and am still struggling to see a coherent message.

Hillary has been married to Bill for quite a while and knows full well what she's married to.

The fact that she stayed with him should tell everyone everything they need to know about Hilbat.

She's looking out for herself and her run to the white house and has ridden Bill's coat tails the whole way.

She obviously could care less about his affairs and has decided to stay with him to help herself.

I would have kicked that cheater to the curb long ago and so would most other women.

But then Hilbat isn't most other women. She'd rather be POTUS than be married to a good man. LOL

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