Hillary Clinton, Canadian company at heart of uranium controversy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Have to love how this reporter is trying to argue that there is really nothing here, even as he provides some fairly strong evidence that there is.

A National Post reporter trying to engage in some damage control, yes America, this is a big deal as it happened under PM Harpers watch. While he was arming the very incompetent RCMP to the teeth and giving them and CSIS every power under the sun to engage in Operation Creep against regular citizens, these massive security risks were happily allowed. Anyone want to bet that Uranium One made political donations?

This is why Canadians gush over Clinton, a nice committed socialist who is not accountable nor concerned with consequences both for her, or the broader society, a perfect role model for Canadians who are familiar with these characteristics all too well from the Canadian politicians, the RCMP and their surrogates. The Commissioner of the OPP Vince Hawkes is so arrogant, he writes to newspapers for even daring to question his officers. Meanwhile, has no response regarding the doubling of budgets in jurisdictions. A classic socialist in a neo-communist province. He proudly wears his uniform in interviews, like one of his comrades running Moscow would. The current Commissioner of the RCMP, Dan Dubeau's wife is one of the focal contacts in internal officer complaint disputes against the RCMP! No conflict of interest there right? Canadian Comrades, all of them.

As it were, the company involved in this uranium deal was a Canadian company named Uranium One. Anyone at all surprised that a Canadian company would be involved in harming American National Security based on my lengthy dissertation about how Canada is not an ally to the United States? As I have explained, they realise that with NAFTA and easy border access to America that targeting America by proxy is much easier than otherwise, this company is essentially Russian, 51% ownership by Russians with convenient Canadian cover.


Hillary Clinton, Canadian company at heart of controversy Trump and his supporters want to resurrect

Still, a New York Times story in 2015 drew attention to the fact that at least one principal in the sale — Canadian mining magnate Ian Telfer — had been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation. Telfer was chairman of Uranium One, and he and his family foundation gave the Clinton charity $2.3 million between 2009 and 2013, around the time the Russia sale was being hammered out, the Times reported...

The Canadian connection goes back further. Bill Clinton is close friends with Frank Giustra, whose company UrAsia Energy Ltd. — which owned the Kazakhstan mines — merged with Uranium One in 2007. Giustra has donated more than $30 million to the Clinton Foundation and often flew the ex-president around the world on his private jet. They were in Kazakhstan together when Giustra finalized one of his mine deals there....

Meanwhile, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to give a speech in Moscow in June 2010, according to the Times.

Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials of the day have said she played no part in the Uranium One approval. Telfer has said the deal was so routine, in fact, it required no government lobbying at all...

The Hill reported Tuesday that before the sale of Uranium One was approved, the FBI had started to investigate a Kremlin plan to build its influence in the American nuclear business through corruption.

Investigators found evidence, for instance, that showed Russian players compromised a U.S. trucking firm that transported uranium with bribes and kickbacks. Russian official Vadim Mikerin, a Russian financier and the trucking-firm executives were charged in 2014, pleading guilty in 2015.
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Nothing there no matter how hard you want there to be. Maybe concentrate on Trump's businesses and his contacts in foreign countries.
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This is a huge story, but few Americans know of it.

They do 'know' that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election.

Oh well, they can fool some of the people all of the time.
This is a huge story, but few Americans know of it.

They do 'know' that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election.

Oh well, they can fool some of the people all of the time.

Trump hired everyone to take out all the departments, end the dept. of ed, every dept. he is destroying. He thinks all is his money, he is for the elites, and he is going to turn the US into Russia. If you can't see what is going on you have to be blind, and yet all you can talk about is the Clintons.
Nothing there no matter how hard you want there to be. Maybe concentrate on Trump's businesses and his contacts in foreign countries.
Wow! Denial rampant in liberal la la land. They'll say anything and expect people to believe it. :rolleyes:
Trump hired everyone to take out all the departments, end the dept. of ed, every dept. he is destroying. He thinks all is his money, he is for the elites, and he is going to turn the US into Russia. If you can't see what is going on you have to be blind, and yet all you can talk about is the Clintons.
This is called DREAMING out loud. Still early in the morning. Sleep well.
Trump hired everyone to take out all the departments, end the dept. of ed, every dept. he is destroying. He thinks all is his money, he is for the elites, and he is going to turn the US into Russia. If you can't see what is going on you have to be blind, and yet all you can talk about is the Clintons.
This is called DREAMING out loud. Still early in the morning. Sleep well.

it could also be called a mental illness.

Sadly, many Americans are in a rage thanks to a media that is working full time promoting divisiveness.
it could also be called a mental illness.

Sadly, many Americans are in a rage thanks to a media that is working full time promoting divisiveness.
And they are also browbeat into avoiding all conservative thought (books, websites, radio, etc) that could/would cure them of their illness) Thus, they never get the help they need.
Trump hired everyone to take out all the departments, end the dept. of ed, every dept. he is destroying. He thinks all is his money, he is for the elites, and he is going to turn the US into Russia. If you can't see what is going on you have to be blind, and yet all you can talk about is the Clintons.
This is called DREAMING out loud. Still early in the morning. Sleep well.

it could also be called a mental illness.

Sadly, many Americans are in a rage thanks to a media that is working full time promoting divisiveness.

It's the Democrat way to victory.
I'm not sure how anyone can defend Hillary on this and not see the tea leaves. In many respects, this is worse than interferring in elections, because this goes on all the time, including massive International financial and verbal support for Hillary in 2016, much of this support from so-called allied countries.

Taking 20% of your uranium, worth billions intrinsicly and much more in terms of lives and national security? THAT'S a real crises that involves treason and requires justice. Enriching yourself at the cost of such actions really blows me away. I can't imagine what kind of person would do this quite frankly. Both Clinton and those Canadian agencies who looked the other way should be disgusted with themselves. I'm sure they aren't though.

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