Hillary Clinton again shuts out media


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Hillary Clinton again shuts out media

We’ve been here before: Hillary Rodham Clinton lands in a major U.S. city for a speech. Her team bars the media from the speech. Local media documents the firm stiff-arm from Clinton Inc.
Happened in Miami. Happened in Atlanta. Now the San Francisco Chronicle’s Carla Marinucci reports it’s about to happen in San Francisco

Very easy to figure out. Can’t use those sound bites to prove that she said the opposite to another group. Keep those lies hidden. Obama should have been so smart.

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Hillary is a master of politics. But not policy.
We have had 6 years of an administration that is very good at playing politics, but disastrous policy makers.
We don't need 4 more years of politics. We need 4 years of results.
The internet is forever. Lookit what's happening to Comrade O. She wants to lie, but not have them shoved back in her face and down her throat at some later date.

But, yano, really "What difference does it make?" arms flailing wildly, bouncing in her seat like she was lap dancing "Slick"
That's it sHrillary...keep alienating the media. *shakes head* Not the best choice in the world for a person who wants to be President.
That's it sHrillary...keep alienating the media. *shakes head* Not the best choice in the world for a person who wants to be President.

Once she announces, all will be forgiven.

The Liberal Media wants her to be the "First Woman President" as they wanted Obama to be the "First Black President".

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