Highlights of the Iowa Caucus Disaste

Do you/will you trust the reported results from Iowa?

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  • No

  • Unsure

Results are only viewable after voting.
No big deal. The Iowa caucus has never given an accurate representation of support for individual politicians for the country, or even for Iowa. It is a bit frustrating that they had a software glitch, but that doesn't make any difference in the results since there was a complete paper trail to confirm every number recorded.
What would lead you to the conclusion that the Iowa results were intentionally skewed? Maybe the fact that Hillary cheated Sanders back in 2016? A general distrust of the democrat party's tactics? The fact that the Des Moines newspaper declined to publish the poll they initiated and alleged that there was some sort of a glitch? My guess is that Iowa democrats decided that they couldn't spin the results and were stuck with a gay mayor just because they couldn't stomach a socialist or a fake Indian or America's crazy uncle.
I'm not sure why the Democrats continue with the charade that they intend to allow the people to chose their candidate.
The "most trusted" per-caucus poll gets spiked for a really bizarre reason.

Then the result tabulation of the caucuses are delayed because of a supposed glitch in a phone app, even though every precinct has hard copies of the results?

Yeah...All just a coincidence....Nothing to see here.
What would lead you to the conclusion that the Iowa results were intentionally skewed? Maybe the fact that Hillary cheated Sanders back in 2016? A general distrust of the democrat party's tactics? The fact that the Des Moines newspaper declined to publish the poll they initiated and alleged that there was some sort of a glitch? My guess is that Iowa democrats decided that they couldn't spin the results and were stuck with a gay mayor just because they couldn't stomach a socialist or a fake Indian or America's crazy uncle.

There is a complete paper trail of all numbers recorded. Why don't you show where the results were skewed?
Dems have a history of screwing over those who they don't want in............Why Hillary Screwed Bernie last time ..........lol

Seems their lame duck Biden isn't doing too well.............So back to how the hell to STOP THE BERN.......
I dont trust any elections held in the US, it is very corrupt.
Bush Jr election saga and Trump who even his own party didnt like him, he alienated all minorities, and still won with a "silent majority"? Since when the majority is silent ?
Laugh as you want if you are a trump supporter, he himself said the elections are rigged.
What would lead you to the conclusion that the Iowa results were intentionally skewed? Maybe the fact that Hillary cheated Sanders back in 2016? A general distrust of the democrat party's tactics? The fact that the Des Moines newspaper declined to publish the poll they initiated and alleged that there was some sort of a glitch? My guess is that Iowa democrats decided that they couldn't spin the results and were stuck with a gay mayor just because they couldn't stomach a socialist or a fake Indian or America's crazy uncle.

There is a complete paper trail of all numbers recorded. Why don't you show where the results were skewed?
Of course there is, and it took them only 18 hours to write it up. I have to say, I am impressed by their industry.
There is a complete paper trail of all numbers recorded. Why don't you show where the results were skewed?
Then why haven't all of them been released?

It's about 170,000 votes, all tabulated last night.....There's no level of incompetence that can explain away why the full results aren't out yet.
They ran out of fingers and toes to count with.......LMAO
Let the Selection..........oops......voting begin again for the Dem Candidate.........

Just ignore the goons with the bats .........they are here for your protection........oh those guys.............They are SUPER PEOPLE................Fair minded Delegates......

Stinks to high heaven imo.

The two people the establishment least wanted to win are on top, why would they rig it in such a manner?
Bernie won in many head to heads with Hillary.............he WON THEN RIGHT............oops .........NOT

Nobody likes Buttigieg. lol

Anybody but Bernie. And they are just fucking vile enough to look at the rest of the world and say.......well, you tried man and I appreciate you all..........please vote Buttigieg and then kiss our collective ass.

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