Highlights of the Iowa Caucus Disaste

Do you/will you trust the reported results from Iowa?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

Results are only viewable after voting.
What would lead you to the conclusion that the Iowa results were intentionally skewed? Maybe the fact that Hillary cheated Sanders back in 2016? A general distrust of the democrat party's tactics? The fact that the Des Moines newspaper declined to publish the poll they initiated and alleged that there was some sort of a glitch? My guess is that Iowa democrats decided that they couldn't spin the results and were stuck with a gay mayor just because they couldn't stomach a socialist or a fake Indian or America's crazy uncle.

There is a complete paper trail of all numbers recorded. Why don't you show where the results were skewed?

Wastebaskets and shredders were invented for paper, numbnuts.
I dont trust any elections held in the US, it is very corrupt.
Bush Jr election saga and Trump who even his own party didnt like him, he alienated all minorities, and still won with a "silent majority"? Since when the majority is silent ?
Laugh as you want if you are a trump supporter, he himself said the elections are rigged.

The only saga with Bush Jr. Was the democrat lost. Just like the Trump saga.
WELL, WHY SHOULD THEY? The Iowa Caucus Just Crashed and Burned and Democrats Will Never Hear the End of It.


Iowa’s Democrat Disaster.

This morning, Democrats look exactly like what their critics accuse them of being — a bunch of grandiose dreamers whose ambitions greatly exceed their competence. They can’t handle the basics of running elections in a constitutional Republic, but they fantasize of having far-reaching powers over the daily lives of every American.​

If you aren’t all that invested in who won and resent the fact that this state always gets to go first . . . Monday night was hilarious. The party that constantly reminds us how they are the party of science, the party of education and educators, the party that is forward-looking and embraces the power of technology . . . cannot do math when it counts. The party that wants the federal government to take over the health-care system cannot add up numbers from 1,600 precincts. This was Healthcare.gov all over again. Staffers for presidential campaigns raged over the fact that when they called up the state party for answers, party officials hung up on them. One precinct secretary was on hold, trying to report results; called in to CNN, finally got through, and then the party hung up on him live on the air.​

Come on, guys. Even the Chinese government is giving some answers about the coronavirus outbreak. Saddam Hussein’s old spokesman “Baghdad Bob” may have lied all the time, but at least he was willing to appear in front of the cameras!​

......the IOWA fiasco was a nice reminder of the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare and the $5b web site that didn't work.
Very interesting. It must be a co-incidence.

Former Clinton Staffers Behind 'Malfunctioning' Iowa Caucus App

Via American Action News:

Shadow, Inc. created the app used by the Iowa Democratic Party to streamline the reporting process for the Iowa caucuses. As we continue to await the results from the Hawkeye State, the consensus is clear: their product was an unmitigated disaster.

Controversially, we have learned today that several former Clinton staffers managed the tech firm.

But that's not all. (Townhall)

On its website, the firm explains the team is composed of “campaign and technology veterans who have built and implemented technology at Hillary for America, Obama for America, Google, Kiva, Apple, the AFL-CIO, and the DNC.”

Former Clinton Staffers Behind 'Malfunctioning' Iowa Caucus App | The Hollywood Conservative
No big deal. The Iowa caucus has never given an accurate representation of support for individual politicians for the country, or even for Iowa. It is a bit frustrating that they had a software glitch, but that doesn't make any difference in the results since there was a complete paper trail to confirm every number recorded.
Yeah no big deal...doesn't prove incompetence or anything...biden is going to get jobbed...the only thing this proves is that trump had/has no reason to go after biden, the commies on the left are going to get him

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