High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

I don't live in Venezuela. I've never been to Venezuela.

I think ALL Leftists who think Socialism is good should be forced to go live there for at least one month.

They would never like Socialism again.

Sure, but you think lots of goofy stuff.

I find it laughable that Russian trolls are telling people to go to Venezuela to find out about socialism. When the rest of the free world wants to point out the excesses and failures of capitalism, they point to the USA, specificially to your medical industrial complex.

You "for-profit" medicine, insurance and food industries have given Americans the fattest, least healthy population in the first world, with the highest rates of obesity, drug addiction and suicide in the first world. Your medical industrial complex created this opoid epidemic because drug addicts make the BEST customers. Now they recycle them through 28 day drug treatment programs, not because 28 days is the optimum time for drug treatment, but because 28 days is the amount of time your insurance will pay for a treatment facility.

For profit medicine has the life expectance of Americans DECLINING in each of the past three years, while the rest of the world is living longer, healthier lives.
If America is so terrible....why are we the only country that has the will and the money to send foreign aide to all of our critics?
America is great. Ttimp is not.

You assfucls really need to quite equating America & that orange POS you elected.
Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.
Nope.....you can dislike him all you want.
Punishing people for supporting Trump should be a felony.
this is just stupid beyond all reasonable doubt. to me you just slapped yourself onto a catapult and flung yourself into the abyss of absurd.
Not at all.
Personally I think you have serious issues if you think it's fair to discriminate because of your political affiliations.

In other words: Bake the fucking cake, peasant!

Funny how the outrage over discrimination suddenly matters when it's your ox ox being gored.
That's rich......considering that fact that YOU FASCISTS force a Christian bakery to bake an obscene cake for a gay couple.
I don't live in Venezuela. I've never been to Venezuela.

I think ALL Leftists who think Socialism is good should be forced to go live there for at least one month.

They would never like Socialism again.

Conversely, I think idiots who believe Venezuela is the only example of Socialism should be sent to Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands to see that you can have robust capitalist economies and still provide healthcare and education to your citizens.
Germany and Switzerland aren't examples of purely socialist states.
Venezuela is.

Venezuela is not a "purely socialist state" either. It's just the latest economic disaster that the right points to when the subject of a reasonable social safety net comes up. The rest of the world points to the USA where "personal freedom" and "rugged individualism" is more important than the common good as examples where people have sacrificed their safety and security some very bizarre and wrong-headed notions of what "freedom" really means.
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.
The title was so ridiculous I didn't feel it necessary.

Be straight forward rather than playing bait & switch games.
Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.
Nope.....you can dislike him all you want.
Punishing people for supporting Trump should be a felony.
this is just stupid beyond all reasonable doubt. to me you just slapped yourself onto a catapult and flung yourself into the abyss of absurd.
Not at all.
Personally I think you have serious issues if you think it's fair to discriminate because of your political affiliations.

In other words: Bake the fucking cake, peasant!

Funny how the outrage over discrimination suddenly matters when it's your ox ox being gored.
That's rich......considering that fact that YOU FASCISTS force a Christian bakery to bake an obscene cake for a gay couple.

Try again, retard. I oppose all public accommodation laws. You partisan slits only oppose them when it's politically convenient.

I don't have to bake a cake for you, faggot, but you better bake one for me! Why? Because the rules I set don't apply to me! Derp

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


Then give me the chair
and i think that premise is stupid and just as bad as the problem he's trying to resolve. i think the community is doing what they should do. support these kids and show that showing support for our gov in general is just fine.

The North Carolina High School Athletic Association has a policy against promoting political campaigns, it does not matter whose campaign it is.

Interesting. I am curious as to why as it seems harmless.

Perhaps because political campaigns are divisive in nature and they do not want to see their sporting events used for that purpose.

Therein lies the problem. Many things are divisive in nature. Why pick this one?
Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.
Nope.....you can dislike him all you want.
Punishing people for supporting Trump should be a felony.
this is just stupid beyond all reasonable doubt. to me you just slapped yourself onto a catapult and flung yourself into the abyss of absurd.
Not at all.
Personally I think you have serious issues if you think it's fair to discriminate because of your political affiliations.
not what i said. i said if the school has rules against this and enforce it evenly, then this is what happens when you break the rules.

but when you start off "hating my guy should be a felony" - any hope of rational discussion got flushed with the other turds.
You still aren't paying attention.
Hate is okay unless you do something about it. Then you crossed the line.

Hate is NOT OK, not in any form. Hate is very destructive, and mostly to the hater. That is why it's one of the 7 deadly sins. Those who hate others, are destroyed by their own hatred, it's that corrosive and destructive.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.

He means it should be a felony to punish those for openly liking a Trump or anyone else for that matter.

No, you might mean that. He really thinks that you should not be ALLOWED to speak ill of Trump. Ask him.

I hope that is not what he means. That would be pure insanity. I noticed that the media has been dishonest since 2007. Long before Trump took office.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.

He means it should be a felony to punish those for openly liking a Trump or anyone else for that matter.

No, you might mean that. He really thinks that you should not be ALLOWED to speak ill of Trump. Ask him.
You should not be allowed to carry out destructive acts to enforce your hatred of Trump. You should not be allowed to incite violence against Trump supporters. You should not be allowed to blackball people in your profession that support Trump.

So you're not allowed to exercise your first Amendment right to protest the government and seek redress for your grievances?

Trump incites violence against those who don't support him, why should others not be allowed to do the same. He told people to punch protestors in the face and he'd pay for lawyers to defend them. If that's not incitement to violence, I don't know what is. He told DHS workers to break the law and separate families and he'd pardon them.

Donald Trump has been inciting violence against those who oppose his policies from the moment he started running for President.

Anyone who supports the hate and ignorance of Trump's policies is not fit to hold a job, and is not someone I would hire because he lacks the moral character or the principles which I base my business on.

#1) It was at a rally and he said it tongue in cheek

#2) If I drive drunk and get pulled over and my kids are with me, we will be separated. Illegals who cross are breaking the law.

#3) People should be allowed to wear Trump 2020 shirts w/o getting harassed just as people should be allowed to wear Feel the Bern shirts.

Don't be such a snowflake. You snowflake.
Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.

He means it should be a felony to punish those for openly liking a Trump or anyone else for that matter.

No, you might mean that. He really thinks that you should not be ALLOWED to speak ill of Trump. Ask him.
You should not be allowed to carry out destructive acts to enforce your hatred of Trump. You should not be allowed to incite violence against Trump supporters. You should not be allowed to blackball people in your profession that support Trump.

So you're not allowed to exercise your first Amendment right to protest the government and seek redress for your grievances?

Trump incites violence against those who don't support him, why should others not be allowed to do the same. He told people to punch protestors in the face and he'd pay for lawyers to defend them. If that's not incitement to violence, I don't know what is. He told DHS workers to break the law and separate families and he'd pardon them.

Donald Trump has been inciting violence against those who oppose his policies from the moment he started running for President.

Anyone who supports the hate and ignorance of Trump's policies is not fit to hold a job, and is not someone I wo
uld hire because he lacks the moral character or the principles which I base my business on.
Trump does not incite violence.
His critics do.
You think that because his opponents are angry about losing an election it gives you the right to ruin people's lives, attack them for wearing a red hat, commit crimes against them because they have it coming to them.

Or print lists of supporters to ask people in Hollywood who support him to not work with others? Come on man.
and i think that premise is stupid and just as bad as the problem he's trying to resolve. i think the community is doing what they should do. support these kids and show that showing support for our gov in general is just fine.

The North Carolina High School Athletic Association has a policy against promoting political campaigns, it does not matter whose campaign it is.

Interesting. I am curious as to why as it seems harmless.

Perhaps because political campaigns are divisive in nature and they do not want to see their sporting events used for that purpose.

Therein lies the problem. Many things are divisive in nature. Why pick this one?

The purpose of the public education system is to teach people to think for themselves - not to promote one political candidate over the other.

The photo is inappropriate on so many levels. Underage girls in skimpy outfits for Trump! Jeffrey Epstein is looking down and smiling.
and i think that premise is stupid and just as bad as the problem he's trying to resolve. i think the community is doing what they should do. support these kids and show that showing support for our gov in general is just fine.

The North Carolina High School Athletic Association has a policy against promoting political campaigns, it does not matter whose campaign it is.

Interesting. I am curious as to why as it seems harmless.

Perhaps because political campaigns are divisive in nature and they do not want to see their sporting events used for that purpose.

Therein lies the problem. Many things are divisive in nature. Why pick this one?

Somehow I am betting this is not the only rule that the NCHSAA has.
I don't live in Venezuela. I've never been to Venezuela.

I think ALL Leftists who think Socialism is good should be forced to go live there for at least one month.

They would never like Socialism again.

Conversely, I think idiots who believe Venezuela is the only example of Socialism should be sent to Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands to see that you can have robust capitalist economies and still provide healthcare and education to your citizens.
Germany and Switzerland aren't examples of purely socialist states.
Venezuela is.

Venezuela's failure was due to corruption. Not socialism.

Corruption is prevalent in socialism.

It's prevalent in capitalism too.
Wow...You actually believe it should be a felony to dislike Trump. Seek professional help, please.

He means it should be a felony to punish those for openly liking a Trump or anyone else for that matter.

No, you might mean that. He really thinks that you should not be ALLOWED to speak ill of Trump. Ask him.
You should not be allowed to carry out destructive acts to enforce your hatred of Trump. You should not be allowed to incite violence against Trump supporters. You should not be allowed to blackball people in your profession that support Trump.

So you're not allowed to exercise your first Amendment right to protest the government and seek redress for your grievances?

Trump incites violence against those who don't support him, why should others not be allowed to do the same. He told people to punch protestors in the face and he'd pay for lawyers to defend them. If that's not incitement to violence, I don't know what is. He told DHS workers to break the law and separate families and he'd pardon them.

Donald Trump has been inciting violence against those who oppose his policies from the moment he started running for President.

Anyone who supports the hate and ignorance of Trump's policies is not fit to hold a job, and is not someone I would hire because he lacks the moral character or the principles which I base my business on.

#1) It was at a rally and he said it tongue in cheek

#2) If I drive drunk and get pulled over and my kids are with me, we will be separated. Illegals who cross are breaking the law.

#3) People should be allowed to wear Trump 2020 shirts w/o getting harassed just as people should be allowed to wear Feel the Bern shirts.

Don't be such a snowflake. You snowflake.

#4) People should be able to own an A-15 without special permission from the government. Don't be such a snowflake. You snowflake.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.

Did you share that sentiment with Kaepernick and the filthy subhumans of BLM?
Mudwhistle PROMOTED the violation of the 1st, and the School is not violating the 1st because, while in uniform, the kids are representing the school and it's a tax-payer funded school. There's outlier cases, but tax-payer funded schools do not use the school's capacity to promote politicians. That's completely ridiculous to pretend not to understand. This is what politics does to you weirdos.

Did you complain when Obama had school kids singing the Obama song in a TAXPAYER funded elementary school?

Tell us again about "those" weirdos.
Hypocrite much?

I didn't really care...but the Right lost their shit over those kids singing the Obama song..........and therefore, unless the Right is a bunch of hypocrites (shocking, I know)....they should object just as vehemently to these cheerleaders and their sign.
Trump hatred should be illegal ???

Is this a serious position?

What they did to the cheerleaders is clearly a violation of their rights to free speech but what you proposed in your title is even worse.
Clearly you didn't read the OP then.

We did read the OP. It was utter bullshit. You have a problem with people disliking President Trump, while you hated on Obama throughout his entire term. "Not my President" ring any bells?
And even now these hypocrites are bashing Hillary

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.

Did you share that sentiment with Kaepernick and the filthy subhumans of BLM?
There's a big mystery to be seen here.......the mystery as to why people on the Right are unfairly being accused of being Racist.

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