Hey you entitlement class blacks: I've figured out how much in reparations I owe you


Facts About Immigrants & the Food Stamp Program​

MAY 2007

Immigrants pay more than their fair share of taxes and make vital contributions to the United States. Despite their hard work and the fact that their wages are often low, immigrants are not eligible for food stamps or other basic safety-net services on the same basis as U.S. citizens.

Food stamps are available only to U.S. citizens and limited categories of lawfully residing immigrants.

  • Undocumented immigrants are not, and never have been, eligible for food stamps.
  • In 1996, most lawfully residing immigrants were cut from the Food Stamp Program, including many immigrants who had been living and working in the U.S. for several years. Recognizing the severe inequity and harm caused by this policy, Congress enacted two bills (in 1998 and 2002) restoring eligibility for some categories of immigrants.
  • However, most lawfully residing adults cannot receive food stamps on the same basis as citizens until they have been in the U.S. in a specified “qualified” immigrant status for five years.
Noncitizens work at the same rate as U.S. citizens but are twice as likely to be poor, in part because they work predominantly in low-wage jobs.

  • Households headed by noncitizens are just as likely to have a full-time worker as households headed by citizens.[1]
  • Immigrants make up 11 percent of U.S. residents but represent 20 percent of low-wage workers.[2]
  • Nearly half (48 percent) of all immigrant workers earn less than two times the minimum wage.[3]
  • Because many newcomers earn low wages, noncitizens are twice as likely to be poor as foreignborn naturalized citizens (10.4 compared to 20.4 percent).[4]"
You're lying by omission. Illegal immigrants aren't eligible for social services EXCEPT Medicad. However their numerous American born children are. I've worked in immigrant neighborhoods for a major TELCO. Our orders showed primary income source (I don't know why, but they did). In almost every household that I worked in where the adults didn't speak English, the major income source was Aid to Dependent Children (Welfare for those who don't speak governmentese). So effectively Illegal Immigrants DO get welfare, just second hand for their kids benefit, but the parents share in the Section Eight housing, SNAP, free medical care. free school meals, free education. free after school child care and many other benefits paid for by taxpayers. It's been shown time and time again that Illegal Immigrant families are a serious net benefit loss to society. They pay few taxes and small amounts when they do, and consume large amounts of government services.
.... Illegal immigrants aren't eligible for social services EXCEPT Medicad. However their numerous American born children are. ....

Are you trying to say you want children to starve, regardless of their immigration status? Do you think that would be positive for the US? Do you want to create hordes of sick, starving, uneducated, hopeless, rapidly-coming-into-adulthood people roaming our streets day and night with nothing to do and no sense of self-worth? What could possibly go wrong with that? :rolleyes:

The government has a responsibility to secure, control, and regulate our borders. The answer to the government's malfeasance is not to become callously inhumane and irresponsibly myopic.
Damn I am fucked. My great, great great grandfather proudly fought for the Confederacy.

Does that mean I have to pay your share?

Which Negroes do I have to give my money to?

Can I get credit for all the money I already paid in that went for welfare for the shitheads?

How about the price of their massive criminality?

How about the fact that they idiots elect Democrats that fuck up the economy and that cost me money?

Can I get credit for any of that or am I just fucked?

You don't have to pay me anything, bro. I also had a 15 year old distant relative who went off to fight the Yankees, and never came home. Nobody knows whatever happened to him.
Are you trying to say you want children to starve, regardless of their immigration status? Do you think that would be positive for the US? Do you want to create hordes of sick, starving, uneducated, hopeless, rapidly-coming-into-adulthood people roaming our streets day and night with nothing to do and no sense of self-worth? What could possibly go wrong with that? :rolleyes:

The government has a responsibility to secure, control, and regulate our borders. The answer to the government's malfeasance is not to become callously inhumane and irresponsibly myopic.
My position is that illegal aliens should be immediately deported any time they come in contact with any governmental official at any level. Apply for welfare for your kid-get deported, register your kid for school-get deported, fail to register your kid for school-get deported, get a traffic or parking ticket-get deported, get arrested-get deported, get caught at a day laborer site-get deported, get caught working-get deported. Take away all financial incentives to stay and illegal aliens will self-deport. Oh yes, also punish EVERYONE who hires illegal aliens, from homeowners to CEOs with really big fines or jail terms for repeat offenders. Hand the kid a US passport as he or she exits the country and tell them they are welcome to return as adults.
Are you trying to say you want children to starve, regardless of their immigration status? Do you think that would be positive for the US? Do you want to create hordes of sick, starving, uneducated, hopeless, rapidly-coming-into-adulthood people roaming our streets day and night with nothing to do and no sense of self-worth? What could possibly go wrong with that? :rolleyes:

The government has a responsibility to secure, control, and regulate our borders. The answer to the government's malfeasance is not to become callously inhumane and irresponsibly myopic.
We already have hordes of them without the sick and starving part.
My position is that illegal aliens should be immediately deported any time they come in contact with any governmental official at any level. Apply for welfare for your kid-get deported, register your kid for school-get deported, fail to register your kid for school-get deported, get a traffic or parking ticket-get deported, .....
Did you read my post?
That was how the links were listed on the first page I posted to, you pathetic clown. You are so desperate, so ignorant, and so fucking stupid that it is beyond belief. Don’t go through your whole life being a weakling and a fool. Stormfront has made you it’s bitch.
Right---you proved my point, half-wit
No, it's documented reality.
Lol! Everything you say here js untrue. You're another dumb ass cracker lying to yourself.

Black supremacists? LOL! Anything to deny truth.
You're really not that fun to chat with because you aren't very smart., clever, informed, or funny. I miss the other guy; he was a hoot.
We are owed trillions.
You are not a "we", you are a pathetic individual trying to cash in on the misfortunes of people long dead. No one owes you anything they didn't borrow from you. My skin color does not obligate me to pay you because bad things happened to people of your skin color in the distant past. Grow the fuck up, your monotone bleating is annoying.
The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT at every level owes black money for laws and policies enacted by government that has denied blacks of income, opportunity, health, decent housing, equal education and freedom. You dumb ass racist white individuals need to stop talking about what YOU won't pay and what YOU don't owe.
Whites created most everything they are given.

Whites invented legislation.

Only barely because they are the vast majority in the first place.

Waste of time. You'll never know nothing about work and you are already an expert on crime.
Stop lying to yourself white man.

Whites did not invent laws or legislation.

I descend from people who worked from dawn to dark, 7 days a week for free while your ancestors were too lazy to do the same. That in itself was criminal, meaning whites are the experts in crime.
Your response to a link with speculation and guesses is very convincing. :rolleyes:
It’s not speculation. There have been hundreds of articles done. Illegals make low wages. Low wages don’t end up paying income taxes. There is a threshold income under which all withholding is returned.
The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT at every level owes black money for laws and policies enacted by government that has denied blacks of income, opportunity, health, decent housing, equal education and freedom. You dumb ass racist white individuals need to stop talking about what YOU won't pay and what YOU don't owe.
WE are the United States government and it doesn't have any money. All of it's money is taken from US the taxpayers. So yes you want the rest of us to give you money.
Stop lying to yourself white man.

Whites did not invent laws or legislation.

I descend from people who worked from dawn to dark, 7 days a week for free while your ancestors were too lazy to do the same. That in itself was criminal, meaning whites are the experts in crime.
Who do you think was out in those field supervising the slaves? Who do you think was patrolling properties to prevent runaways? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't black slaves. You are the kind of moron who thinks management doesn't work hard because you never see them.

Yes slaves had a shitty deal. But slaves of all races all over the world had the same shitty deal, not just your ancestors in the United States.

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