Hey! Where did Rick Perry Go??? That was a Quick 15 Minutes of Fame!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Hell, I've seen more of Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and even Santorum than Perry lately. FOX is ignoring him - the love affair is over. CNN Hasn't said a thing on him. MSNBC is too busy telling us about Newt's time as an apprentice to Satan, to bother with Ricky. Heck, not even Jon Stewart will make fun of the poor guy anymore...

So if we could rid of the last few clingers, that would leave Newt, Mitt and of course, a dash of Ron Paul to keep the sound bites interesting.

I'm thinking the GOP will go with the Complete-Washington-Insider-Establishment-Business-as-Usual.... Non-Mormon guy.
Rick Perry could of been Pres if he was at lest half descent debater but after the 1st debate he showed how smart he really is so he just dropped like a stone.
Oh and I think Perry is Iowa.

Thats where most of the candidates are.
Hell, I've seen more of Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and even Santorum than Perry lately. FOX is ignoring him - the love affair is over. CNN Hasn't said a thing on him. MSNBC is too busy telling us about Newt's time as an apprentice to Satan, to bother with Ricky. Heck, not even Jon Stewart will make fun of the poor guy anymore...

So if we could rid of the last few clingers, that would leave Newt, Mitt and of course, a dash of Ron Paul to keep the sound bites interesting.

I'm thinking the GOP will go with the Complete-Washington-Insider-Establishment-Business-as-Usual.... Non-Mormon guy.

I'm still waiting for Gingrich to fall from grace so that Huntsman can get his five minutes in too.

Republican Presidential Candidates As Cartoon & Children Show Characters
Hell, I've seen more of Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and even Santorum than Perry lately. FOX is ignoring him - the love affair is over. CNN Hasn't said a thing on him. MSNBC is too busy telling us about Newt's time as an apprentice to Satan, to bother with Ricky. Heck, not even Jon Stewart will make fun of the poor guy anymore...

So if we could rid of the last few clingers, that would leave Newt, Mitt and of course, a dash of Ron Paul to keep the sound bites interesting.

I'm thinking the GOP will go with the Complete-Washington-Insider-Establishment-Business-as-Usual.... Non-Mormon guy.

I think most Americans would like to see a presidential candidate a bit more articulate than the boys from Texas. Maybe if we hadn't just finished up with another cowboy who couldn't say shit if he had a mouthful the public might have cut him a bit more slack.

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