

Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In a huge blow to the Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman campaigns, all of them have failed to meet the required 10,000 registered voter signature petition requirement to appear on the Virginia primary ballot taking place March 6, 2011. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have qualified for the primary. Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum failed to qualify for the Virginia ballot, according to state GOP officials.
Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot « 2012 Election Central

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Your state primary rules are crap----when you can eliminate 6 out of 8 GOP candidates.
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In a huge blow to the Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman campaigns, all of them have failed to meet the required 10,000 registered voter signature petition requirement to appear on the Virginia primary ballot taking place March 6, 2011. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have qualified for the primary. Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum failed to qualify for the Virginia ballot, according to state GOP officials.
Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot « 2012 Election Central

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Your state is CRAP--when you can eliminate 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--my final word--is FU--& it's no wonder you live next door to Washington D.C.
A deceitful OP filled with more belly-achin' sour grapes.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman didn't even try to get on the ballot.

Show us where they even HANDED IN any signatures. G'head.

One of your "8 candidates" -- DROPPED OUT.

That leaves TWO - two that fucked up and didn't even get 15,000 votes (a safe buffer) in a state of nearly 4 million registered voters.

That's .003% - when they had MONTHS to do so, and it was the busiest time of the year to solicit signatures.

What the hell does THAT tell you?
Your state is CRAP--when you can eliminate 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--my final word--is FU--& it's no wonder you live next door to Washington D.C.

So much for he conservative mantra of ‘personal responsibility.’

Well why do you think Ron Paul is on it but the major rinos aren't? I'm shocked to see Romney made it though.
Your state is CRAP--when you can eliminate 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--my final word--is FU--& it's no wonder you live next door to Washington D.C.

So much for he conservative mantra of ‘personal responsibility.’

Well why do you think Ron Paul is on it but the major rinos aren't? I'm shocked to see Romney made it though.

Ya think--da-duh--da-duh. Ron Paul is absolutely no THREAT to winning the GOP nomination--but two others were--NEWT GINGRICH AND RICK PERRY were.
In a huge blow to the Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman campaigns, all of them have failed to meet the required 10,000 registered voter signature petition requirement to appear on the Virginia primary ballot taking place March 6, 2011. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have qualified for the primary. Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum failed to qualify for the Virginia ballot, according to state GOP officials.
Five GOP candidates fail to qualify for Virginia primary ballot « 2012 Election Central

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Your state is CRAP--when you can eliminate 6 out of 8 GOP candidates--my final word--is FU--& it's no wonder you live next door to Washington D.C.

having an organization pays off. obviously newt et al did not do their footwork. Virginia doesn't get any nor does it deserve any blame, the candidates do. Virginia didn't make these rules up over night oreo.
Well why do you think Ron Paul is on it but the major rinos aren't?

A tiny but fanatical army of supporters.

Horse shit--you eliminate 6 candidates out of 8 this state just lost it's FREAKING CREDIBILITY.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Ya think--LOL--they're right next door to Washington D.C. and they just did it. Their primary ballot will be MITT ROMNEY and MAYBE RON PAUL--they are pieces of s...t.
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While Va most likely wont matter, it just goes to show you why this current crop of retards are a waste of time.
If i was a republican, living in Va, and they skipped my state or went about it lazy like?
Fuck them they dont get my vote period.
Never mind the head of the VA GOP was telling them and putting it out in the press well over a month ago : better get your shit together guys.

Deadline is coming up. They were given major warning signs well over a month ago. Did they listen? Nope.
While Va most likely wont matter, it just goes to show you why this current crop of retards are a waste of time.
If i was a republican, living in Va, and they skipped my state or went about it lazy like?
Fuck them they dont get my vote period.
Never mind the head of the VA GOP was telling them and putting it out in the press well over a month ago : better get your shit together guys.

Deadline is coming up. They were given major warning signs well over a month ago. Did they listen? Nope.

Talk about a FREAKING rigged primary state. Again FU VIRGINIA you SUCK.
Just in case you didn't see it oreo.

You seem to be ignoring it.

A deceitful OP filled with more belly-achin' sour grapes.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman didn't even try to get on the ballot.

Show us where they even HANDED IN any signatures. G'head.

One of your "8 candidates" -- DROPPED OUT.

That leaves TWO - two that fucked up and didn't even get 15,000 votes (a safe buffer) in a state of nearly 4 million registered voters.

That's .003% - when they had MONTHS to do so, and it was the busiest time of the year to solicit signatures.

What the hell does THAT tell you?
Just in case you didn't see it oreo.

You seem to be ignoring it.

A deceitful OP filled with more belly-achin' sour grapes.

Bachmann, Santorum and Huntsman didn't even try to get on the ballot.

Show us where they even HANDED IN any signatures. G'head.

One of your "8 candidates" -- DROPPED OUT.

That leaves TWO - two that fucked up and didn't even get 15,000 votes (a safe buffer) in a state of nearly 4 million registered voters.

That's .003% - when they had MONTHS to do so, and it was the busiest time of the year to solicit signatures.

What the hell does THAT tell you?

Bullshit--the TWO top likely contenders to Mitt Romney were just eliminated from this states primary ballot--Perry & Gingrich.

6 out of 8 GOP contenders are gone.

So in the state of Virginia we have a primary ballot that will read.

A. Mitt Romney
B. Ron Paul

Now who in the hell do you think that the State GOP wants to win this primary?

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Let's see if I can make this more visual for you, and the readers in Rio Linda:

1. Bachmann ---> Did not submit ANY signatures required to get on the ballot
2. Santorum
---> Did not submit ANY signatures required to get on the ballot
3. Huntsman ---> Did not submit ANY signatures required to get on the ballot
4. Caine ---------> Dropped Out
5. Perry
---> Did not submit enough signatures required to get on the ballot
6. Gingrich ---> Did not submit enough signatures required to get on the ballot
7. Paul ----> Submitted required number of signatures.
8. Romney
----> Submitted required number of signatures.
Notice anything?
While Va most likely wont matter, it just goes to show you why this current crop of retards are a waste of time.
If i was a republican, living in Va, and they skipped my state or went about it lazy like?
Fuck them they dont get my vote period.
Never mind the head of the VA GOP was telling them and putting it out in the press well over a month ago : better get your shit together guys.

Deadline is coming up. They were given major warning signs well over a month ago. Did they listen? Nope.

laziness doesnt deserve the white house.

Maybe you didn't read it--
This is freakin rigged and there's no doubt about it.

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch

When 6 out of 8 GOP candidates are disqualified I think we can call this a RIGGED primary.
It is the obligation of the candidate to make sure all Ts are dotted and Is are crossed. Not the state. If they can't meet the obligations, then there needs to be a reassessment of their qualifications.

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