Hey TBN your king has no more moves-give it a rest


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I never saw such sore losers, claiming that in their chess match a checkmate means their king has one more move.
Really what is that, to overturn the chess board and call the kNight that took your king a few choice words and then run out storming mad and shoot a cop or start a riot somewhere.
How many months is TBN gonna ask for Baal harvest money? It's been consistantly having money whoring telethons for months now.
How much more dung can one scarab roll or throw at his audience?
When you set a standard of reasoning that bites your belief and teaching in the behind and that standard backs your king in a corner where you have no more moves left without giving up your king, that checkmate means you have no more moves left.
Even if you pull a gun on the person you are up against you still lost....all the bullets in the workd can not save your king that "YOU YOURSELVES EXPOSED"

YOU TOOK THE SIDE OF ROME, you have chosen the cursed consequences.
Maybe they have lost too many supporters at this point so they have to keep asking for more. Glad to know your keeping your eye on things. It all works out Michael, have some faith.
It's hard to have faith in fence sitters.
On one hand they have in the past taken & utilized my sermons and lexicon, but on the other hand maintained status quo and ignored important requests and allowed the problematic preachers taint the few who were trying to do the right thing..
On one hand they acknowledge the Iranian threat, but when I gave them personal contacts to the Iranian leaders and Ayatollah to request the release of the hostages called spies and to change the hearts of the elect to be in emulation of Cyrus they did not seem to act that I know of.
When given updates to lessons of why hostile protests & riots do more harm then good they did not view it let alone use it. And we see how that ended up with Ferguson, and Baltimore and the likes. And of course that also affects police safety and what could have been avoided all along.
This occurs when zealots make their icons/prophets the all that and end all of prophets, like Islam does with Muhammad is exactly the closed ears happening with Jesuits. It also happens when group affiliation shuts out ideas, works, help, righteousness from anything outside the affiliation (and also wrongly justifies the acceptence of bad acts when within affiliation).
You know there is much truth in children tales... Most people know the fable of humpty dumpty....it goes like this humpty dumpty sat on a wall... Humpty dumpty had a great fall.... All the kings horses and all the kings men couldnt put humpty dumpty back together again....humpty dumpty is the roman empire which spread far and wide but eventually after sitting on its fence of lies it fell never to be returned to its former glory no matter how they tried to pick up the pieces they will not suceed... Same with their king he has been exposed and one knight has brought him down... Chess is a great analogy but when humpty dumpty fell and cracked into pieces that left them with rotten egg all over their faces.... Sheesh what a putrid smell it is....

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