Hey Republicans, Trump says Netanyahu is "your Prime Minister"...


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Wow..................apparently Trump doesn't understand how our politics works, because speaking at a Republican Jewish event, Trump told the people there that Netanyahu is their prime minister.

Wait a minute.....................I didn't think that any Americans had any Prime Ministers, especially from Israel. Does this mean that Netanyahu is going to be co-governing with Trump? If not, then why in the hell did he say it?

Sorry, but America has a president, senators and congress people. We don't have prime ministers. And, for Trump to tell American citizens that Netanyahu is "your prime minister" is just wrong.

Trump criticized for calling Netanyahu 'your prime minister' at Jewish Republican event
You know, Trump telling a bunch of Americans that Netanyahu is "their prime minister" is even more tone deaf and stupid than when Obama misspoke and said 57 states.
Wow..................apparently Trump doesn't understand how our politics works, because speaking at a Republican Jewish event, Trump told the people there that Netanyahu is their prime minister.

Wait a minute.....................I didn't think that any Americans had any Prime Ministers, especially from Israel. Does this mean that Netanyahu is going to be co-governing with Trump? If not, then why in the hell did he say it?

Sorry, but America has a president, senators and congress people. We don't have prime ministers. And, for Trump to tell American citizens that Netanyahu is "your prime minister" is just wrong.

Trump criticized for calling Netanyahu 'your prime minister' at Jewish Republican event
Trump like EVERY president since 1948 is an Israel Firster and Israel's BITCH.
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.
Americans oftentimes side with the underdog.

Sometimes that extends far beyond their underdog status, so that they don't become underdogs again.

And, of course, there was no other group of people who had suffered so much proportionally as the Jews.

For that reason, and because the Jews are distant relatives, philosophically, religiously, culturally and politically...

The United States first befriended Israel in a lightweight fashion on the day the State of Israel declared its existence.

The US kept its lightweight support rather quiet throughout Israel's 1948-1949 and 1956 wars.

The US only fully engaged during and after the 1967 War; keeping the Soviets out of it and replenishing Israeli munitions.

By that time, the Soviets had much of the Arab-Muslim world in their back pocket, and the US doubled its engagement with Israel as an offset.

By the time the smoke had cleared from the 1973 War, it became completely clear to the US that Israel was a friendly regional superpower.

By then, it was clear that it was in America's strategic interests to have a strong nuclear and conventional military ally in the region.

And, of course, it continues to be in America's strategic interests to hold Israel as a close and valued military and economic ally.

Israel... an island of Civilization to hold back the Barbarian Hordes; rather like Constantinople for more than a thousand years.
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In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen
Wow..................apparently Trump doesn't understand how our politics works, because speaking at a Republican Jewish event, Trump told the people there that Netanyahu is their prime minister.

Wait a minute.....................I didn't think that any Americans had any Prime Ministers, especially from Israel. Does this mean that Netanyahu is going to be co-governing with Trump? If not, then why in the hell did he say it?

Sorry, but America has a president, senators and congress people. We don't have prime ministers. And, for Trump to tell American citizens that Netanyahu is "your prime minister" is just wrong.

Trump criticized for calling Netanyahu 'your prime minister' at Jewish Republican event

Maybe but unlike Obama Trump did not try to directly influence their elections, trying to oust the incumbent PM.
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen

The election is tomorrow.
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen

The election is tomorrow.

Your point? I know the election is soon, but that isn't going to stop him from being prosecuted.
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen

The election is tomorrow.

Your point? I know the election is soon, but that isn't going to stop him from being prosecuted.

It's a political stunt. We just destroyed one here.

Regardless, no one possessed of a smidgen of sanity, logic and common sense has any respect for Democrats. The incompatibility factor is far too high.
Does this mean that Trump is going to co govern with Netanyahu?

That's a warm fuzzy thought. Maybe we can station IDF troops at the southern border to start shooting those rock-chucking bastards.
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen

The election is tomorrow.

Your point? I know the election is soon, but that isn't going to stop him from being prosecuted.

It's a political stunt. We just destroyed one here.

Regardless, no one possessed of a smidgen of sanity, logic and common sense has any respect for Democrats. The incompatibility factor is far too high.

If you are talking about the Mueller report, it hasn't "destroyed" anything. Matter of fact, it is stirring up even more questions.
Wow..................apparently Trump doesn't understand how our politics works, because speaking at a Republican Jewish event, Trump told the people there that Netanyahu is their prime minister.

Wait a minute.....................I didn't think that any Americans had any Prime Ministers, especially from Israel. Does this mean that Netanyahu is going to be co-governing with Trump? If not, then why in the hell did he say it?

Sorry, but America has a president, senators and congress people. We don't have prime ministers. And, for Trump to tell American citizens that Netanyahu is "your prime minister" is just wrong.

Trump criticized for calling Netanyahu 'your prime minister' at Jewish Republican event
You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

SCHADENFREUDELICIOUS: Did Ilhan Omar Help Benjamin Netanyahu Win Reelection?
In any event, those of sound mind have respect for Netanyahu that they do not have for our indigenous Democrat parasites.

Really? Even after he's been indicted for corruption? And, Netanyahu is already parroting the Trumpian line of "witch hunt".

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be indicted on corruption charges

Israel's attorney general announced Thursday that his office plans to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation.

The prime minister faces one count of bribery and three counts of breach of trust.

"The Attorney General, Avihai Mandelblit, has informed the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, through his attorney, that he is considering indicting him on several criminal charges," according to a statement by Ministry of Justice spokesman Adi Livni.

Prosecutors would have to go forward with a pre-indictment hearing before Netanyahu is formally charged.

"It should be noted that the decision regarding an indictment is not yet final, since the Attorney General will offer to conduct a pre-indictment hearing before reaching any final decision, according to Israeli law," according to Livni's statemen

The election is tomorrow.

Your point? I know the election is soon, but that isn't going to stop him from being prosecuted.

It's a political stunt. We just destroyed one here.

Regardless, no one possessed of a smidgen of sanity, logic and common sense has any respect for Democrats. The incompatibility factor is far too high.

If you are talking about the Mueller report, it hasn't "destroyed" anything. Matter of fact, it is stirring up even more questions.

Only among the clowns that don't need any evidence. Only question you really have is "what's next".
Trump was speaking to Jews about their homeland. Regardless of their addresses elsewhere, Israel belongs to the Jew, and the Jew belongs to Israel. Netanyahu is the official leading the Jewish State. Trump was not referring to our country.
You Democrats are getting dumber by the minute...
Wow..................apparently Trump doesn't understand how our politics works, because speaking at a Republican Jewish event, Trump told the people there that Netanyahu is their prime minister.

Wait a minute.....................I didn't think that any Americans had any Prime Ministers, especially from Israel. Does this mean that Netanyahu is going to be co-governing with Trump? If not, then why in the hell did he say it?

Sorry, but America has a president, senators and congress people. We don't have prime ministers. And, for Trump to tell American citizens that Netanyahu is "your prime minister" is just wrong.

Trump criticized for calling Netanyahu 'your prime minister' at Jewish Republican event

Trump is your Daddy Tard......

Whatever he says goes...………..
Trump talking to Jews about their home land. Yup, their prime minister. Has no one else mentioned that you can only become Israeli citizen if you are a Jew (or descendant)? Where is the leftist outcry of racism?

Rather than worrying about the Jews and their prime ministers, leftists should make sure to understand indeed, Trump is our president.

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