Hey Pro-Experimental COVID Shot Vaxxers, Can You Deal With This Evidence That it Is Now a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It is the pandemic of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. You are now sick. Your immune systems are trashed.

My prediction: Not a single article will be referenced or addressed, nevermind rebutted. Not a single one.

One million died from COVID because Fauci murdered them by withholding Ivermentin and HCQ.


NIH website: Hydroxychloroquine "Effective Consistently" in Treating COVID

COVID cases and deaths in Chiapas Mexico after Ivermectin Program. Source: “Epidemiologic Analysis on Ivermectin in COVID-19, July 2021”

(click for larger image)


Below: Case fatality rates in countries allowing hydroxychloroquin (HCQ) versus banning it for COVID. Source: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

(click for larger image)


It is the pandemic of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. PROOF:

Countries with high Covid-19 Vaccination Rates all suffered an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths in 2021 suggesting the Jabs are to blame

Army flight surgeon says pilots risk ‘sudden cardiac death’ from COVID vaccine side effect

Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby; but Pfizer claimed: “No safety signals emerged”

Leaked Documents from DoD Database Show US Military Illness Skyrocketing From Covid Jab

AP Admits Silent Holocaust Ongoing, Ex-Pfizer VP Says There’s Evidence of a Vaccine Killing Machine

Former Top WHO Scientist Says Vaccinated Are “Dangerous”

Vermont Daily Chronicle:
“76% of September [2021] Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs”: “Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated,

ABC News Channel 20:
“42% of Illinois COVID-19 deaths last week were fully vaccinated people”: “SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS) — Data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) shows 42% of all COVID-19 deaths from Oct. 20 to Oct. 27, 2021, in Illinois were among fully vaccinated people.”

“Scientific study from Israel shows natural immunity superior to Covid vaccine against Delta variant”

Keep hammering them with facts. If we can wake up some, maybe save some lives get saved.
Unfortunately, most of them want to fight with you or call you names rather than face some hard truths.
The clot shots are doing the killing now.
Don't buy stock in life insurance companies but mortuary businesses have a bright future
The first vaccines our "forefathers" got were ordered by General George Washington in 1777 and they have been doing the peanut butter shots so long that most people will have no idea if they are allergic or not to penicillin until they get it, but they do it anyway.
Keep hammering them with facts. If we can wake up some, maybe save some lives get saved.
Unfortunately, most of them want to fight with you or call you names rather than face some hard truths.
The clot shots are doing the killing now.
Don't buy stock in life insurance companies but mortuary businesses have a bright future
Yep the pro vaxxers can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:abgg2q.jpg: They really have shit on their faces in embarrassment thst my aunt who had a serious case of it took Ivermectim and within days was as good back to normal again:abgg2q.jpg: and it gets even better because my aunt is not an isolated case either,America’s front line doctors have also successfully treated scores of psteihts with hydroxychrorquine and Ivermectim as well.all you pro vaxxers cannot escape reality and can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:rofl:

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