Hey obama sandy came a calling


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
What is your FEMA doing? Failing

NYC Mayor Bloomberg says up to 40,000 may need relocation

Shivering victims of Superstorm Sandy went to church Sunday to pray for deliverance as cold weather settling in across the New York metropolitan region — and another powerful storm forecast for the middle of the week — added to their misfortunes and deepened the gloom.

With overnight temperatures sinking into the 30s and hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses still without electricity six days after Sandy howled through, people piled on layers of clothes, and New York City officials handed out blankets and urged victims to go to overnight shelters or daytime warming centers.

The disaster served it's purpose and now it's yesterday's news. Shame that isn't the case for all those who still suffer. I guess there aren't enough union members to get things going. Is NJ still refusing to accept help from non-union workers? Idiots.
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

but ya can't deny the photo ops have dried up post election
This was the perfect opportunity for conservatives to prove their claim that volunteerism and charity can do better than government in times like these.

Apparently this has proven the conservatives wrong.
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

but ya can't deny the photo ops have dried up post election

These things have a shelf life in the media. They still have some media on it, it has to do with the nor'easter that came in on top of the hurricane.
This was the perfect opportunity for conservatives to prove their claim that volunteerism and charity can do better than government in times like these.

Apparently this has proven the conservatives wrong.

Apparently FEMA is working even less than it did during Katrina
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Obama was a lot more proactive than Bush was, that is a fact. These storms are terrible no doubt about it. They'll get it cleaned up and hopefully we can do some even more proactive things like cleaning up the atmosphere, earth, water.

For the victims of Sandy right now, God speed.
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Obama was a lot more proactive than Bush was, that is a fact. These storms are terrible no doubt about it. They'll get it cleaned up and hopefully we can do some even more proactive things like cleaning up the atmosphere, earth, water.

For the victims of Sandy right now, God speed.

your facts are are not quit right FEMA did what it was supposed to do in New Orleans it was New Orleans that did not. As for New York City FEMA has failed.
Listening to WFAN Sports talk radio and some callers from Long Island are saying 2 weeks later they
have not seen anyone from FEMA and no insurance adjusters.Now the election is over there will be no rush to get these people some help.

I just had a thought....
Could it be these folks are not getting help because.....

Well,because they are White?....

I'm not sayin....
I'm just sayin....
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If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Blow what off?

1800 people were dead..after Katrina. People were left to languish in flood waters.

That's absolutely not the case now.

FEMA's all over this.
If things weren't progressing, Chris Christie would be yelling it from the rooftops. You all don't know anything about it. Let them do their work and get people the help they need.

Or you guys could travel up there and help.. :eusa_think: Nahh you'd rather sit on your fat butts in your nice warm homes and complain about the president, FEMA, etc..

If you don't want to actually pitch in and help, you can always send money to the Red Cross. Just stop talking about things you know nothing about. It just makes you look even dumber than you do right now in this thread.

Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Blow what off?

1800 people were dead..after Katrina. People were left to languish in flood waters.

That's absolutely not the case now.

FEMA's all over this.

This isn't over yet in New York City FEMA is failing but with you if Romney had won FEMA would be failing. That's how you would play it.
Fuck dude open your obama eyes.
Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Obama was a lot more proactive than Bush was, that is a fact. These storms are terrible no doubt about it. They'll get it cleaned up and hopefully we can do some even more proactive things like cleaning up the atmosphere, earth, water.

For the victims of Sandy right now, God speed.

your facts are are not quit right FEMA did what it was supposed to do in New Orleans it was New Orleans that did not. As for New York City FEMA has failed.

By NO not doing what it was supposed to do you mean Bobby Jindal didn't do what he was supposed to?
I just had a thought....
Could it be these folks are not getting help because.....

Well,because they are White?....

I'm not sayin....
I'm just sayin....
Not only are they white but they probably overwhelmingly voted for Obama :clap2:
Obama was a lot more proactive than Bush was, that is a fact. These storms are terrible no doubt about it. They'll get it cleaned up and hopefully we can do some even more proactive things like cleaning up the atmosphere, earth, water.

For the victims of Sandy right now, God speed.

your facts are are not quit right FEMA did what it was supposed to do in New Orleans it was New Orleans that did not. As for New York City FEMA has failed.

By NO not doing what it was supposed to do you mean Bobby Jindal didn't do what he was supposed to?

Who was Mayor of New Orleans?
Bet you did the same thing during Katrina, now obama has Sandy what do you do? Blow it off

Blow what off?

1800 people were dead..after Katrina. People were left to languish in flood waters.

That's absolutely not the case now.

FEMA's all over this.

This isn't over yet in New York City FEMA is failing but with you if Romney had won FEMA would be failing. That's how you would play it.
Fuck dude open your obama eyes.

"Open my eyes?"

I live here.

Yet again..you folks are conflating bullshit into an issue.

There is no "issue".

The alternative to the process that you guys have put up is no FEMA.

Well we saw an ineffective, underfunded FEMA with Katrina.

What you are seeing here are people pissed that everything instantly didn't come back on line. Their houses are destroyed. There are public shelter available for them to go too and most refuse. That's not Obama's fault.

The power is out. Private companies take care of the power in the effected area. That's not Obama's fault.

There are long lines to get gas. Private companies take care of fuel distribution. That's not Obama's fault.

They have access to food, water and shelter. Everything else is rebuilding..and that's not going to happen instantly.
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